Resident Shared Risk Observing
The WIDAR correlator and the EVLA provides a vastly more powerful instrument than the VLA. The RSRO program offers participants early access to the growing capabilities of the EVLA as it is being commissioned, in exchange for a period of residence in Socorro to assist with the commissioning. It is intended to accelerate the development of the EVLA's full scientific capabilities by gaining enhanced resources and expertise through community participation. It will at the same time help quickly optimize the scientific productivity of the EVLA. The RSRO program is now expected to run through the end of 2012, with up to 25% of the EVLA time available for astronomical observations allocated to the RSRO program, depending on demand and quality of science proposed. Full operations of the EVLA will begin in 2013. This document describes only those capabilities available to the general user community through the OSRO program for the upcoming D→A configuration cycle, Sep 2011 through Dec 2012. Users interested in participating in the RSRO program should refer to the relevant web page for a general description of the expected capabilities available through the RSRO program, and should check with EVLA staff for further details.
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