Resident Shared Risk Observing Program

Even more sophisticated correlator configurations are available under the Resident Shared Risk Observing (RSRO) program. Examples include:

  • More extensive use of recirculation to provide many times more spectral channels, flexibly distributed among the subbands.
  • Access to more than 16 subbands per 8-bit baseband.
  • Data rates beyond 60 MB/s and integration times below 50 msec.
  • Pulsar phase bins and real-time de-dispersion.
  • Multiple phase/delay centers.
  • Access to wideband phased array output for high time resolution observations.
  • Real-time RFI excision and transient detection.
  • 7-bit correlations.
  • More subarrays, and more complex correlator configurations for each subarray.
  • Multiple integration times within a single subarray (e.g., slower integrations for spectral line than for continuum subbands).

Those interested in these capabilities should consult with NRAO staff, and be prepared to make a significant commitment to aid in commissioning the desired mode(s).

Correlator configurations and observing details for RSRO programs must be fully explained and justified in the Scientific and Technical Justification section of the proposal.