
For projects requiring imaging in Stokes Q and U, the instrumental polarization should be determined through observations of a bright calibrator source spread over a range in parallactic angle. The phase calibrator chosen for the observations can also double as a polarization calibrator provided it is at a declination where it moves through enough parallactic angle during the observation (roughly Dec 15deg to 50deg for a few hour track). The minimum condition that will enable accurate polarization calibration from a polarized source (in particular with unknown polarization) is three observations of a bright source spanning at least 60 degrees in parallactic angle (if possible schedule four scans in case one is lost). If a bright unpolarized unresolved source is available (and known to have very low polarization) then a single scan will suffice to determine the leakage terms. The accuracy of polarization calibration is generally better than 0.5% for objects small compared to the antenna beam size. At least one observation of 3C286 or 3C138 is required to fix the absolute position angle of polarized emission. 3C48 also can be used for this at frequencies of ~3 GHz and higher, or 3C147 at frequencies abover ~10 GHz.  The table below shows the measured fractional polarization and intrinsic angle for the linearly polarized emission for these four sources in December 2010.  Note that 3C138 is variable -- the polarization properties are known to be changing significantly over time, most notably at the higher frequencies.  See Perley and Butler (2013b) for details.

More information on polarization calibration strategy can be found in the VLA Observing Guide.


GHz % Deg. % Deg. % Deg. % Deg.
1.05 0.3 25 5.6 -14 <.05 - 8.6 33
1.45 0.5 140 7.5 -11 <.05 - 9.5 33
1.64 0.7 -5 8.4 -10 <.04 - 9.9 33
1.95 0.9 -150 9.0 -10 <.04 - 10.1 33
2.45 1.4 -120 10.4 -9 <.05 - 10.5 33
2.95 2.0 -100 10.7 -10 <.05 - 10.8 33
3.25 2.5 -92 10.0 -10 <.05 - 10.9


3.75 3.2 -84 - - <.04 - 11.1 33
4.50 3.8 -75 10.0 -11 0.1 -100 11.3 33
5.00 4.2 -72 10.4 -11 0.3 0 11.4 33
6.50 5.2 -68 9.8 -12 0.3 -65 11.6 33
7.25 5.2 -67 10.0 -12 0.6 -39 11.7 33
8.10 5.3 -64 10.4 -10 0.7 -24 11.9 34
8.80 5.4 -62 10.1 -8 0.8 -11 11.9 34
12.8 6.0 -62 8.4 -7 2.2 43 11.9 34
13.7 6.1 -62 7.9 -7 2.4 48 11.9 34
14.6 6.4 -63 7.7 -8 2.7 53 12.1 34
15.5 6.4 -64 7.4 -9 2.9 59 12.2 34
18.1 6.9 -66 6.7 -12 3.4 67 12.5 34
19.0 7.1 -67 6.5 -13 3.5 68 12.5 35
22.4 7.7 -70 6.7 -16 3.8 75 12.6 35
23.3 7.8 -70 6.6 -17 3.8 76 12.6 35
36.5 7.4 -77 6.6 -24 4.4 85 13.1 36
43.5 7.5 -85 6.5 -27 5.2 86 13.2 36

High sensitivity linear polarization imaging may be limited by time dependent instrumental polarization, which can add low levels of spurious polarization near features seen in total intensity and can scatter flux throughout the polarization image, potentially limiting the dynamic range. Preliminary investigation of the EVLA's new polarizers indicates that these are extremely stable over the duration of any single observation, strongly suggesting that high quality polarimetry over the full bandwidth will be possible.

The accuracy of wide field linear polarization imaging will be limited, likely at the level of a few percent at the antenna half-power width, by angular variations in the antenna polarization response. Algorithms to enable removable of this angle-dependent polarization are being tested, and observations to determine the antenna polarizations have begun. Circular polarization measurements will be limited by the beam squint, due to the offset secondary focus feeds, which separates the RCP and LCP beams by a few percent of the FWHM. The same algorithms noted above to correct for antenna-induced linear polarization can be applied to correct for the circular beam squint. Measurement of the beam squints, and testing of the algorithms, is ongoing.

Ionospheric Faraday rotation of the astronomical signal is always notable at 20 cm. The typical daily maximum rotation measure under quiet solar conditions is 1 or 2 radians/m2, so the ionospherically-induced rotation of the plane of polarization at these bands is not excessive - 5 degrees at 20 cm. However, under active conditions, this rotation can be many times larger, sufficiently large that polarimetry is impossible at 20 cm with corrrection for this effect. The AIPS program TECOR has been shown to be quite effective in removing large-scale ionospherically induced Faraday Rotation. It uses currently-available data in IONEX format. Please consult the TECOR help file for detailed information. Ionosphere correction can also be performed in CASA using the task gencal; consult the calibration chapter of CASA Cookbook for more details.

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.