RFI at P-Band (224-480 MHz)

Frequency (MHz)DescriptionOriginClassificationSpectrum
243-270 MILSATCOM satellites continuous
244 Unknown continuous
244.4-260.0 Various, Unknown continuous
299.95 Unknown VLA local
330 ABQ ILS ABQ airport intermittent
360-380 MUOS GSO satellites continuous
400.1 Satellite: US time and frequency.
400.15-400.60 Radiosonde WX balloons, Met satellites
406.1-409.8 Ground meteorological remote sensing stations
410.550 VLA mobile 2-way radios
419.550 VLA repeater
433.990 Unknown commercial 2-way
440.005 Unknown Ham repeater
442-449 various Ham repeaters
451.5 WNMT repeater Mangus Mtn 480 msec every 10 mins
452.3 Socorro fire dispatch relay
453.125 ABQ medical
460.150 NM State police mobile
461.875 Socorro medical helicopter
462.775 TeleBEEPER of NM Socorro Pk
470-476 K63GU Alamogordo, K38IM ABQ (TV broadcasts) continuous

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.