Green Book

The VLA Green Book

Caution: The VLA Green Book is no longer being maintained and much of the information in it obsolete.
We are keeping it accessible for historical reasons only.

When the VLA Green Book was written in 1978 (!), its original purpose was to serve as an introduction to the VLA for prospective observers, providing an overall view of the VLA and information about the instrument at a level appropriate to those who may not know a great deal about interferometry and aperture synthesis techniques. It has been updated sporadically, and the current version was last updated in 1992. Although much of the information is outdated, there will be information of interest. For current information on the status of the array the reader is referred to the VLA web pages.

The Green Book is available for download in postscript format here.

For reasons unknown two useful and popular plots from the Green Book were not included in the scanned version and are therefore made available here:

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.