Related Provisions

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1. Acknowledgement of Observatory Facilities

Users of data acquired with Observatory facilities are responsible for acknowledging the use of Observatory data in their publications. Consult the “Publication Support Policy” section available on the Observatory’s library:

2. Visiting the NRAO and the GBO

The Observatory welcomes short- and long-term visits to Socorro, New Mexico; Charlottesville, Virginia; and Green Bank, West Virginia from investigators of successful Observatory programs or archival researchers for expert assistance with processing and analyzing data. Visits for data reduction have to be requested at least one month in advance and are expected to last about a week. Novice visitors are required to be accompanied by an experienced investigator, e.g., a collaborator. Resources for visitors are available online at; GBO specific policies and information can be found at

3. Final Provisions

Any situation that is unforeseen or for which ambiguity exists in this Users’ Policies document or in the associated Call for Proposals material will be referred to Assistant Director for Science Support and Research, whose decision is final.

The Observatory reserves the right to change the policies defined in this document at any time. Barring unforeseen emergencies, such changes will apply at the start of the observing semester following the date of their introduction. These changes will be published in the Users’ Policies document at the Call for Proposals and the proposers should review the policies with each proposing cycle.

4. Acknowledgements

This Users’ Policies document attempts to maintain consistency with the ALMA Users’ Policies Document when applicable; however, it is independent from the ALMA version and should be treated so.

The majority of these policies and guidelines are taken from the existing online documentation available at, which has been maintained diligently by Observatory staff over the years. As noted earlier, this information and policies in this document supersede the online content and other documents if conflicts exist.