NSF Large Facilities Workshop 2013


The 6th annual NSF Large Facilities Operations Workshop will be held 23-25 April 2013. This workshop is being hosted by the National Science Foundation and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory at the Macey Center on the campus of New Mexico Tech in Socorro, New Mexico. The workshop provides a forum for discussing best practices and sharing lessons learned from operational experiences at the NSF-funded large scientific research facilities.

The Workshop program will include three major sessions:

    • Recompetition and the Scientific Facility Lifecycle
    • Performance Metrics for Scientific Facilities
    • Data Management Policies and Plans

Each session will include multiple speakers and conclude with a panel/moderated discussion. If you have ideas about what should be included at the meeting or any general suggestions or comments, please contact the NSF Organizing Committee.

We look forward to seeing you in Socorro in April!

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.