Name | Affiliation |
Francisco Abellan | University of Valencia |
Gilles Adande | GSFC |
Christopher Anderson | University of Wisconsin Madison |
Marin Anderson | California Institute of Technology |
William Paul Armentrout | West Virginia University |
Saghar Asadi | Department of Astronomy Stockholm University |
Anne-Kathrin Baczko | Remeis Observatory Bamberg & ECAP Uni Erlangen & Uni Würzburg |
Loreto Barcos-Munoz | UVA |
Scott Barenfeld | Caltech |
Biagina Boccardi | MPIfR |
Hannah Broekhoven-Fiene | University of Victoria |
Richard Brown | UNM |
Nathan Brunetti | NRAO |
Joseph Burchett | University of Massachusetts - Amherst |
Andrew Burkhardt | University of Virginia |
Do-Young Byun | Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute |
Bryce Carpenter | CUA/NASA/GSFC |
Tao-Chung Ching | CfA |
Yo-Ling Chuang | National Taiwan Normal University |
Phil Cigan | New Mexico Tech |
Sophia Cockrell | UNM |
Rocco Coppejans | Radboud University Nijmegen |
Alessandra Corsi | George Washington University |
Rick Cosentino | New Mexico Tech |
Michael Crosley | Johns Hopkins Univeristy |
Christine Cunningham | SAO / SMA |
Katherine de Kleer | UC Berkeley |
Roger Deane | University of Cape Town / SKA SA |
Klaus Dollhopf | University of Virginia |
Robin Dong | Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Michael Eastwood | Caltech |
Tarraneh Eftekhari | University of New Mexico |
Thomas Finzell | Michigan State University |
Kevin Flaherty | Wesleyan University |
Lars Flöer | Argelander-Institut für Astronomie |
Raquel Fraga-Encinas | Radboud University Nijmegen |
Harold Francke | Joint ALMA Observatory |
Emiliano Galuppo Gaete | ALMA |
Jakob Gelszinnis | Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg |
Benjamin Gerard | University of Colorado at Boulder |
Hansung Gim | University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Julien Girard | Labex UnivEarthS DSM/Irfu/SAp/CEA-Saclay |
Mark Gorski | University of New Mexico |
Caleb Grimes | University of New Mexico |
Julia Gross | Columbia University |
Sarah Higdon | Georgia Southern |
Rafael Hiriart | NRAO |
Mary Ann Hodge | Purdue University |
Lucas Hunt | WVU |
Jim Jacobs | NRAO/CASA |
Robert Jeffrey | Department of Physics - University of Oxford |
Brittany Michelle Johnstone | West Virginia University |
Carmen Juarez | Institut de Ciencies de l'Espai (Space Science Institute) CSIC-IEEC |
Taehyun Jung | Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute |
Sincheol Kang | Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute |
Melodie Kao | California Institute of Technology |
Vassilis Karamanavis | MPIfR |
Denise Keller | Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy |
Jae-Young Kim | Seoul National University (SNU) |
Jongsoo Kim | Korea Astronomy and Space Science Insitute |
Junhan Kim | University of Arizona |
Mary Knapp | MIT |
Georgi Kokotanekov | Anton Pannekoek Institute - University of Amsterdam |
Alisha Kundert | University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Wei-Ting Kuo | National Tsing Hua University |
Mehdi Lamee | Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics |
Jeff Lapierre | New Mexico Tech |
Bumhyun Lee | Yonsei University |
Cheoljong Lee | UVA |
Jung-Won Lee | Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute |
Minju Lee | The University of Tokyo/NAOJ |
Karen Leighly | University of Oklahoma |
Luke Leisman | Cornell University |
Daniel Lenz | Argelander-Institut fuer Astronomie |
William LePain | Georgia Southern |
Sandra Liss | University of Virginia |
Ivan Litovchenko | AstroSpace Center of Lebedev Physical Institute |
Alan Loh | Université Paris Diderot - SAp/CEA-Saclay |
Ryan Loomis | Harvard University |
Marcos Lopez-Caniego | IFCA (CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria) |
Nathan Lourie | University of Pennsylvania |
A-Ran Lyo | Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute |
Rui Marques-Chaves | IAC |
Paloma Inés Martínez Navajas | IAC |
Roshene Mccool | SKA Office |
Lilly McKinney | Furman University |
AJ Mesko | Emory University |
David Allen Moffett | Furman University |
Raul Monsalve | Arizona State University |
Jack Morford | University College London |
Blazej Nikiel-Wroczynski | Astronomical Observatory Jagiellonian University |
Jong-Ho Park | Seoul National University |
Alice Pasetto | MPIfR- Bonn |
Nipanjana Patra | Raman Research Institute |
Riccardo Pavesi | Cornell University |
Dom Pesce | University of Virginia |
Charee Peters | University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Dirk Petry | ESO |
Nickolas Pingel | WVU |
Kristina Punzi | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Kamlesh Rajpurohit | Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg |
Mpati Ramatsoku | Kapteyn Astronomical Institute |
Pablo Ramirez Moreta | IAA-CSIC |
Naím Ramírez-Olivencia | IAA-CSIC |
Bindu Rani | Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie |
Valerie Rapson | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Mark G. Rawlings | NRAO |
Thomas Sean Rice Rice | University of Michigan |
Matthew Rickert | Northwestern University & NRAO |
Jesus Rivera | Rutgers University |
Leticia Rivera | CRyA |
Tobias Roehser | Argelander-Institut fuer Astronomie |
Matus Rybak | Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics Garching |
Alejandro Saez | NRAO |
Iris Santiago Bautista | UG Departamento de Astronomia |
Federica Savini | University of Pisa |
Ann Schmiedekamp | Penn State University Abington |
Carl Schmiedekamp | Penn State University Abington |
Sam Schonfeld | New Mexico State University |
Robert Schulz | Institut fuer Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik Universitaet Wuerzburg |
Kamber Schwarz | University of Michigan |
Nathan Secrest | George Mason University |
Katharina Sendlinger | Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
Shaheda Begum Shaik | New Jersey Institute of Technology |
Laura Shishkovsky | Michigan State University |
Sarrvesh Sridhar | Kapteyn Astronomical Institute University of Groningen Netherlands |
Sara Stanchfield | University of Pennsylvania |
Michael Stock | New Mexico Tech |
Sarah Stoebner | Smithsonian Institute |
Ren-Shiang Sung | NTHU-IoA |
Amitpal Tagore | Rutgers University |
Michael Tarr | ICG University of Portsmouth |
Marco Tazzari | ESO - European Southern Observatory |
Alex Tetarenko | University of Alberta |
Hank Tillman | Virginia Tech |
Pablo Torne | |
Evangelia Tremou | Yonsei University Observatory |
Carlos Vargas | New Mexico State University |
José Velásquez | ALMA |
Jackie Villadsen | Caltech |
Nceba Walter | Wits University |
Zhitao Wang | New Jersey Institute of Technology |
Ka Tat Wong | Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy |
Sarah Wood | NRAO |
John Wu | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Tova Yoast-Hull | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Hyein Yoon | Yonsei University |
Hui Zhang | Shanghai Astronomical Observatory |
Luyao Zou | Emory University |
Victor Zuga | Astro Space Center |
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