Schedule Schedule Wednesday, 24 August 8:30am Registration Welcome: Jewell 9am Overviews Cox (JAO) Developing a Vision of Future ALMA Carpenter (JAO) Near Term Priorities: Toward Full Ops Laing (ESO) ALMA Development Activities at ESO East Asia (TBD) ALMA Development Activities in East Asia 10am Wootten (NRAO) ALMA Development Activities in North America Randolph (NRAO) NA ALMA Development Cycle 5, Call for Proposals Discussion Break (20 min) 11am Expanding Sensitivity and Spectral Grasp Saini (NRAO) An ALMA Band 2+ Cartridge Kerr (NRAO) Development of Second-generation SIS Receivers for ALMA Henke (NRC-HIA) Concept Study for a (B3) Millimeter Camera for ALMA Lichtenberger (U. Virginia) New SIS developments at UVML 12pm Roshi and Shillue Wide-Fielding ALMA Using a Phased Array Feed Receiver Lunch (60 min) Lunch break slide 1pm Increasing Bandwidth, Sensitivity and Channelization Lacasse (NRAO) Upgrading the ALMA Baseline Correlator Young (CfA) DSP at SAO and a Study of a Next Generation ALMA Digital Processing Lacy (NRAO) Increasing the ALMA data rate 2pm Ford (NRAO) Upgradind the ALMA Digital Back End Antenna Article Jacques (NRAO) Upgrade of the CLOA Matthews (MIT) Diversifying the Scientific Applications of the ALMA Phasing System Break (45 min) 3pm Discussion: ALMA2030 Discussion 4pm 5pm Thursday, 25 August 9am Harvesting ALMA Data Brogan (NRAO) The ALMA Pipeline Kern (NRAO) CASA Development Activities Teuben (U. Md) ADMIT Lacy (NRAO) Future plans for the ALMA archive 10am Rosen (U. S. Florida) Feature Extraction & Data Cube Visualization Through Topology Teuben (U. Md) Joint-Deconvolution of ALMA 12m, 7m & Total Power Array Data Urvashi Rau (NRAO) Understanding imaging limits due to approximations in ALMA primary beam models Break (20 m) 11am Rosolowsky (Alberta) CARTA Sanjay Bhatnagar (NRAO) Full-beam Full-Polarization Imaging with ALMA: Characterizing the impact of direction-dependent effects Discussion 12pm Summary and Conclusion Summary
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