About NRAO > Historical Publications

Historical Publications

Publications on the history of radio astronomy and/or utilizing material from the NRAO/AUI Archives. Contact the archives directly with any questions: https://www.nrao.edu/archives/
Radio Astronomy
Radio Astronomy: draft manuscript by Arthur J. Higgs, CSIRO, written 1968-1970, intended for publication by Thomas Nelson (Australia) Ltd. but never completed. Includes Higgs manuscript chapters with explanatory and background material by W.M. Goss, A. Schinckel, and H. Wendt.
A “Radio Sundial” for the Jansky Very Large Array
Appendixes for A “Radio Sundial” for the Jansky Very Large Array in New Mexico. Woody Sullivan, W. M. Goss, and Anya Raj. Woody Sullivan, W. M. Goss, and Anya Raj. Compendium, 26 (3), September 2019.
Open Skies
Open Skies: The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Its Impact on US Radio Astronomy by Kellermann, K.I., Bouton, E.N. and Brandt, S.S. (Springer, 2020).
Joe Pawsey and the Founding of Australian Radio Astronomy
Joe Pawsey and the Founding of Australian Radio Astronomy- Early Discoveries, from the Sun to the Cosmos by Goss, W.M., Hooker, C. and Ekers, R.D. (Springer, 2023).
ALMA: The Story of a Science Mega-Project
ALMA: The Story of a Science Mega-Project (Cambridge University Press, 2023) by Vanden Bout, P.A., Dickman, R.L., and Plunkett, A.L.

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