


09:00-09:30    Welcome, Introduction to NRAO and ALMA

09:30-10:00    ALMA science highlights

10:00-10:30    ALMA Cycle 8 Capabilities

10:30-10:45    Break/open chat

10:45-11:30    Introduction to radio interferometry

11:30-12:00    Proposal preparation tips

12:00-12:30    Lunch

12:30-01:00    Observer’s tool basics

01:00-02:00    OT tutorial (Files)

02:00-02:15    Break/open chat

02:15-03:00    CASA imaging basics

03:00-04:15    Simulation tutorial (Files)

04:15-04:30    Wrap up, last questions, and survey

Connect with NRAO

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.