Socorro Colloquium Schedule - Fall 2015
Colloquia are held in the auditorium of the Domenici Science Operations Center (DSOC) in Socorro, New Mexico. All are welcome, but the talks generally assume a good grounding in research astronomy.
Colloquium talks are usually scheduled for 11am local time on Fridays; those which are not are indicated in green.
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Fall 2015
7 July
11:00 MT
Special Colloquium Beyond Orbital Distance: Studies of Star-Planet Interactions and Their Influence on Habitability |
18 Aug
11:00 MT
Special Colloquium Structure and Dynamics at the Centre of the Milky Way |
18 Sep 2015
11:00 MT
Evolution of the interstellar medium in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies Speaker: Jin Koda (Stony Brook) Host: Juergen Ott |
25 Sep 2015
11:00 MT
Galactic Winds: An Empirical Perspective on Their Role during the Assembly of Local Galaxies Speaker: Crystal Martin (UCSB) Host: Crystal Anderson |
2 Oct 2015
11:00 MT |
The Universe's most extreme star-forming galaxies Speaker: Caitlin Casey (Univ. of Texas at Austin) Host: Chris Hales |
9 Oct 2015
11:00 MT |
Numerical Modeling of Saturn's Northern Hexagon as a Meandering Shallow Jet Speaker: Raul Morales-Juberias (NMT) Host: Paul Demorest |
16 Oct 2015
11:00 MT
Filaments in Star-forming Molecular Clouds Speaker: James di Francesco (NRC) Host: Claire Chandler |
23 Oct 2015
11:00 MT
3C147 & Cyg A & friends: a South African perspective on high dynamic range imaging and the software ecosystem Speaker: Oleg Smirnov (Rhodes) Host: Rick Perley |
30 Oct 2015
11:00 MT
The Chemistry of Planet Formation: Millimeter spectral line observations of protostars and protoplanetary disks Speaker: Karin Oberg (CFA Harvard) Host: David Meier |
5 Nov 2015
2:00 MT
Special Colloquium Astrochemistry and the first steps toward star and planet formation |
6 Nov 2015
| NM Symposium |
13 Nov 2015
11:00 MT |
Thinking Telescopes and Dynamic Coalition Architectures Speaker: Tom Vestrand (LANL) Host: Bryan Butler |
20 Nov 2015
11:00 MT
Building a galactic scale gravitational wave observatory Speaker: Xavier Siemens (U. Wisconsin Milwaukee) Host: Sarah Spolaor |
23 Nov 2015
11:00 MT
Special Colloquium Relativistic outflows from active galactic nuclei in the |
27 Nov 2015
11:00 MT
| Thanksgiving - no colloquium |
1 Dec
11:00 MT
Special Colloquium Host galaxy properties of QSO populations |
4 Dec
11:00 MT
Convection in Cool Stars, as Revealed through Stellar Brightness Variations Speaker: Fabienne A. Bastien (Penn State) Host: Amy Mioduszewski |
7 Dec 2015
11:00 MT
Special Colloquium Chasing the Gas: The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey |
10 Dec 2015
11:00 MT
Special Colloquium Simultaneous fiber-optic time and data transfer for VLBI |
11 Dec 2015
11:00 MT
Gas Evolution in the Milkyway and Beyond |
Previous Semester Next Semester
If you would like to talk with the speaker, send email to the local host. If you are the speaker, and need to talk to someone, try either your local host or one of the current colloquium chairs, currently Juergen Ott & Sarah Burke-Spolaor. We are always on the lookout for suggestions for future speakers.
Colloquia from Previous Years
Other Astrophysics Colloquia
- NMT Physics Dept. Colloquium Series (Socorro, NM)
- UNM Physics & Astronomy Dept. Colloquium Series (Albuquerque, NM)
- NMSU Astronomy Dept. Colloquium Series (Las Cruces, NM)
- National Solar Observatory Colloquia (Sunspot, NM)
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