Socorro Colloquium Schedule - Spring 2016

NRAO Socorro Friday Colloquium Schedule - Spring 2016

Colloquia are held in the auditorium of the Domenici Science Operations Center (DSOC) in Socorro, New Mexico. All are welcome, but the talks generally assume a good grounding in research astronomy.

Colloquium talks are usually scheduled for 11am local time on Fridays; those which are not are indicated in green.

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Spring 2016

22 Jan 2016
11:00 MT
Opportunities to Advance visualization capabilities for ALMA Data Cubes through Toplogical Data Analysis
Speaker: Paul Rosen (U Utah)
Host: Jeff Kern
29 Jan 2016
11:00 MT
E-field Parallel Imaging Correlator:  An Ultra-efficient Architecture for Modern Radio Interferometers
Speaker: Nithyanandan Thyagarajan (ASU)
Host: Sanjay Bhatnagar
5 Feb 2016
11:00 MT
Cold Gas and the Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies
Speaker: Lisa Young (NMT)
Host: Gustaaf van Moorsel
12 Feb 2016
11:00 MT
Discussion of Dish Antenna Mechanical Designs in consideration of NGVLA needs
Speaker: Matt Fleming
Host: Steven Durand
19 Feb 2016
11:00 MT
Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiments (PRIDE): a multidisciplinary enhancement of space science missions
Speaker: Dimitry Duev (Caltech)
Host: Paul Demorest
26 Feb 2016
11:00 MT
Compact binaries in globular clusters
Speaker: Tom Maccarone (Texas Tech University)
Host: Gustaaf van Moorsel 
4 Mar 2016
11:00 MT
The Exploits of Aging Stars as Revealed by Radio Wavelength Observations
Speaker: Lynn Matthews (MIT/Haystack)
Host: Mark Claussen
7 Mar 2016
2:00 MT

Special Colloquium

The I/O stack in High Performance Computing
Speaker: Rob Latham (Argonne National Lab)
Host:  Martin Pokorny

11 Mar 2016
11:00 MT
Data reduction workshop - no colloquium
18 Mar 2016
11:00 MT
Data reduction workshop - no colloquium
25 Mar 2016
11:00 MT

Spring Holiday - no colloquium

1 Apr 2016
11:00 MT
Radio Polarimetry and Cosmic Magnetism
Speaker: Bryan Gaensler (Dunlap Institute/U Toronto)
Host: Mark McKinnon 
8 Apr 2016
11:00 MT
A Zoo of Tidal Disruption Flares
Speaker: Brian Metzger (Columbia U)
Host: Amy Mioduszewski 
15 Apr 2016
11:00 MT
NRAO Observations of the First Submillimeter Galaxy and the Status of ARGUS on the GBT
Speaker: David Frayer (NRAO GB)
Host: Amy Kimball
22 Apr 2016
11:00 MT
Studying the Biggest Objects in the Universe Undergoing the Biggest Collisions in the Universe with the World's Biggest (moveable) Telescope
Speaker: Mark Devlin (U Penn)
Host: Steve Myers
29 Apr 2016
11:00 MT
AGN Triggering in Galaxy Mergers as Traced by Dual AGN and Offset AGN
Speaker: Julie Comerford (U Boulder)
Host: Sarah Burke-Spolaor
6 May 2016
11:00 MT
How to Make Massive Stars
Speaker: Qizhou Zhang (CfA)
Host: Vivianna Rosero 
13 May 2016
11:00 MT
The Intricate Role of Cold Gas and Dust in Galaxy Evolution at Early Cosmic Epochs
Speaker: Dominik Riechers (Cornell)
Host: Chris Carilli 
20 May 2016
11:00 MT
The Milky Way as a Laboratory for Galaxy Evolution
Speaker: Naomi McClure-Griffiths (ANU)
Host: Juergen Ott
27 May 2016
11:00 MT
RFI mitigation for array radio telescopes:  solutions and limitations
Speaker: Gregory Hellbourg (CSIRO)
Host: Rick Perley

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If you would like to talk with the speaker, send email to the local host. If you are the speaker, and need to talk to someone, try either your local host or one of the current colloquium chairs, currently Juergen Ott & Sarah Burke-Spolaor. We are always on the lookout for suggestions for future speakers.


Colloquia from Previous Years


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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.