Relevant Meetings



26-29 Jun 2018

Astrophysical Frontiers in the Next Decade and Beyond: Planets, Galaxies, Black Holes, and the Transient Universe 
New research facilities and the scientific vision outlined by New Worlds, New Horizons have motivated the exploration of vast new discovery space, and astrophysics has seen extraordinary progress in the past decade, opening new frontiers across many fields. This conference will bring together a substantial cross-section of the astronomical community to discuss how to effectively address the highest priority astrophysical questions of our time. 

11 Jan 2018
National Harbor, MD

The Very Large Array Today and Tomorrow: First Molecules to Life on Exoplanets
This Special Session will showcase that cutting-edge research. It will also address future transformative scientific opportunities that could be enabled by new capabilities that would ensure the instrument's pre-eminence well into the 21st century.

2-4 Aug 2017
Berkeley, CA

U.S. Radio/Millimeter/Submillimeter Science Futures III
Futures III will continue discussions and analysis of two key opportunities emerging from the Futures I and II meetings – ngVLA and Spectral-Line Cosomology & Low Frequency Instruments, including HERA and related intensity mapping opportunities. An update on other key areas – CMB, Pulsars and mid-scale developments – is also planned. 

26-29 Jun 2017
Socorro, NM 

Developing the ngVLA Science Program Workshop
The NRAO announces a workshop focused on developing the science program for the ngVLA. The program will consist of invited and contributed talks talks that highlight recent results from existing instruments (e.g., JVLA, ALMA), discuss synergies between the ngVLA and future major astronomical facilities (e.g., JWST, LUVOIR, HABEX, OST, LSST, ELTs and the SKA), and summarize the community design studies that are currently in progress. 

6 Jan 2017
Grapevine, TX

ngVLA AAS Poster Session
A total of 13 posters describing both key science requirements and critical technical aspects of the ngVLA.  

3-5 Aug 2016
Baltimore, MD 

U.S. Radio/Millimeter/Submillimeter Science Futures II
At the second radio/millimeter/sub-millimeter futures meeting, four parallel sessions were held to broadly discuss potential radio-millimeter-submillimeter “Flagship” and “Small/Midscale” initiatives.  The primary flagship option that was discussed was the ngVLA, which received a tremendous amount of support from the nearly 140 attendees.  

4 Jan 2016
Kissimmee, FL 

ngVLA Workshop @ Winter 2016 AAS
This second ngVLA AAS workshop continued the community discussion on various concepts for a next generation Very Large Array (ngVLA).  The session was split between science presentations and discussion of high-level technical issues, while also allowing for substantial open discussion time.

8-9 Dec 2015
Socorro, NM 

2015 Technical Workshop
This second ngVLA technical workshop was broadly patterned after the first, additionally addressed a number of key topics by holding sessions focussed on: Operation concepts, Computer architectures, Time and frequency distrubiton, and Data transmission.   

8-9 Apr 2015
Pasadena, CA 

2015 Inaugural ngVLA Technical Workshop
This workshop focused on science opportunities and enabling technologies for a next-generation cm-to-mm interferometer. The principal conclusion from this workshop was that the technical requirements for achieving a scientifically transformational ngVLA demand only a plausible extrapolation of current technologies. 

4 Jan 2015
Seattle, WA 

ngVLA Workshop @ Winter 2015 AAS
This first ngVLA AAS workshop discussed the scientific impact of a facility operating in the few cm to few mm regime with a substantially larger (factor 5 to 10) collecting area, and improved spatial resolution relative to the current VLA (i.e., the ngVLA).  

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.