Student Proposals and Dissertation Plans

The “Plan of Dissertation Research” should be submitted with their first proposal. This plan can be referred to in later proposals; instructions for how to upload or replace a plan are available here.

The Plan of Dissertation is important in the proposal review process and should be well written; it is not a placeholder and should not be a replica of the proposal. The plan must be compliant with the follow requirements:

  • It must follow the Observatory's Plan of Dissertation Research template. The template is available below in word or latex formats:
  • The section headers in the template should not be changed but the instructional text within the template should be replaced.
  • It must be uploaded as a Portable Document Format (pdf).
  • It is a maximum of two (2) pages.
  • There is a minimum of one inch margins on all sides and the pages are US letter size.
  • The minimum font size is 11 point, which includes the font in figure captions, table captions, table headers, content, and references. Fonts in rescaled figures should be legible.
  • All sections of the plan must be authored by the student.

The plan provides some assurance against a dissertation being impaired by adverse referee comments on one proposal, when the referees do not see the full scope of the project. Students should keep their expected graduation date in the user profile (Section 2.1) and in the thesis time line updated, as the date of data acquisition must fall within the timeline of the PhD. If the observing semester occurs after the student intends to graduate, then it is not appropriate to indicate that the proposal is for a dissertation. While not a guarantee, the Observatory allows reviewers to consider elevating the proposal in the rankings if it is associated with an acceptable Plan of Dissertation. This is given in consideration to the time constraints students typically operate under, as having to resubmit a proposal due to minor criticisms may not be possible within the scope of their studies. Therefore, it is advantageous for students to provide a thoughtful and thorough Plan of Dissertation if their PhD research is reliant on the proposal data.

Note, the PST does not validate Plans of Dissertations.


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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.