
The Authors section is where you enter the contact information for the principal investigator (PI) and any co-investigators (co-I). A table of authors is shown (initially this will simply be the user for a new proposal, and will be filled in as authors are added to the proposal)

Adding Authors to a Proposal

Click the Add' button to search and add an author to the proposal.

Searching for an Author in the NRAO User Database

First you must search for the author in the NRAO User Database to see if they have registered. (All authors must be fully registered in the NRAO User Database.) To do this just enter their name (first name, last name, or full name) in the search area and press the Search'' button. If you find the right person, select the circular toggle button for that person. Even if the author's information is incorrect please continue to add the author to your proposal. Later you will be able to e-mail this author to ask them to update their user profile.


Edit Author Information

To edit author information click on the author's name. Please make sure the author information is up-to=date, especially if you copied an old proposal. Click on Email'' to email the author to ask them to edit their user profile if it is incorrect. If an author has updated their user profile click on Update'' to update this information in the proposal. Click on Delete'' to delete an author from the proposal.

Plan of Dissertation Research

If an author is observing for a thesis use the Thesis'' checkbox. If the Plan of Dissertation Research had already been uploaded it should appear in the Dissertation Plan column. To upload the Plan of Dissertation click on the author's name and follow the instruction to upload a file (PDF format only).  It is important to keep the Plan of Dissertation Research up-to-date. To replace the old plan with a new plan click on Replace File''. The Plan of Dissertation Research is tied to the student and therefore may be uploaded or replaced from the Profile tab (Profile > My Profile > Users Preferences).


Selecting the Principal Investigator

The principal investigator (PI) is defined to be the lead author on the proposal. Use the Principal Investigator'' menu to select that author from the available authors.


Selecting the Contact Author

The contact author (CA) is the individual on the proposal with whom NRAO staff will correspond when discussing the scheduling of the proposal. Use the Contact Author'' menu to select that author from the available authors.


Rearranging the Order of Authors

You can rearrange the order of the authors by using the up/down links in the first column of the table of authors.

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.