Socorro Colloquium Schedule - Fall 2019
Colloquia are held in the auditorium of the Domenici Science Operations Center (DSOC) in Socorro, New Mexico. All are welcome, but the talks generally assume a good grounding in research astronomy.
Colloquium talks are usually scheduled for 11am local time on Fridays; those which are not are indicated in green.
Subscribe/add the NRAO Socorro Colloquium calendar via XML, ICal, or HTML
Fall 2019
2 Aug 2019
12:00 MT | Summer Student Presentations Host: A. Kapinska |
8 Aug 2019
11:00 MT |
Title: Coherent radio emission from hot magnetic stars |
9 Aug 2019
11:00 MT | Summer Student Presentations Host: A. Kapinska |
30 Aug 2019
11:00 MT
Title: Surveying the TeV Sky with the HAWC Observatory Speaker: B. Dingus (LANL) Host: J. Linford |
6 Sep 2019
11:00 MT |
Title: Extrasolar Space Weather Monitoring - Searching for Radio Emission from Nearby Stellar Systems Speaker: M. Anderson (Caltech) Host: F. Schinzel |
13 Sep 2019
11:00 MT |
Title: Diffuse Radio Emission in Galaxy Clusters Speaker: K.S.Dwarakanath (RRI) Host: R. Perley |
20 Sep 2019
11:00 MT |
Title: GPU Correlation for Next-Generation Radio Telescopes Speaker: N. Denman (NRAO/CDL) Host: N. Thyagarajan |
27 Sep 2019
11:00 MT |
no colloquium |
4 Oct 2019
11:00 MT | no colloquium - 7th VLA Data Reduction Workshop |
11 Oct 2019
11:00 MT | no colloquium - 7th VLA Data Reduction Workshop |
18 Oct 2019
11:00 MT | no colloquium - 7th VLA Data Reduction Workshop |
25 Oct 2019
11:00 MT |
Title: Discovery frontiers in the new era of Time Domain Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (webcast) |
1 Nov 2019
11:00 MT |
Title: RFI Cancelation Methods for the VLA and ngVLA, and ALPACA: Developments of a Phased Array Feed Radio Camera for Arecibo (webcast) |
6 Nov 2019
14:00 MT |
Title: Monitoring blazar variability at radio wavelengths using Brazilian facilities (webcast) Speaker: P. Beaklini (Univ. of Sao Paulo) Host: P. Demorest |
8 Nov 2019
11:00 MT |
Title: Imaging Black Holes with the Event Horizon Telescope (webcast) |
15 Nov 2019
11:00 MT |
Title: Real-time Cosmology (webcast) |
22 Nov 2019
11:00 MT |
Title: Determining the Prevalence of Intelligent Life in the Universe (webcast) |
29 Nov 2019
11:00 MT | Thanksgiving - no colloquium |
6 Dec 2019
11:00 MT |
Title: Physics of Enigmatic Fast Radio Bursts (webcast) |
Previous Semester Next Semester
If you would like to talk with the speaker, send email to the local host. If you are the speaker, and need to talk to someone, try either your local host or one of the current colloquium chairs, currently Frank Schinzel & Dale A. Frail. We are always on the lookout for suggestions for future speakers.
Colloquia from Previous Years
Other Astrophysics Colloquia
- NMT Physics Dept. Colloquium Series (Socorro, NM)
- UNM Physics & Astronomy Dept. Colloquium Series (Albuquerque, NM)
- NMSU Astronomy Dept. Colloquium Series (Las Cruces, NM)
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