
Monday, March 27
9:00 am


Tony Beasley
9:15 am        

Using Pulsar Timing Arrays to Probe Solar Activity

Dustin Madison
9:45 am

Time-Domain Astrophysics with ALMA: GRB 161219B, Unexpected Variability, and the First ALMA Afterglow Light Curve 

 Tanmoy Laskar      
10:15 am

Coffee Break

11:00 am

Using Proper Motions to Constrain Milky Way Properties and the Origin of its Satellites

Tobias Fritz
11:30 am

A Jansky VLA Survey of Low-Frequency Stellar Radio Bursts

Jackie Villadsen
12:00 pm

Lunch Break: Fry Springs Station

2:00 pm

Keynote: The Deepening Mystery of Fast Radio Bursts

Shami Chatterjee
3:00 pm

Coffee Break

3:30 pm

Transforming Galaxies in Extreme Environments

Rukmani Vijayaraghavan
4:00 pm

In Search of New Millisecond Pulsars for Pulsar Timing Arrays     

Kevin Stovall
4:30 pm

Coffee Break

5:00 pm

Career Panel

6:00 pm

Free Time

6:30 pm

Dinner: Oakhurst Social Club

Tuesday, March 28
9:00 am      Observatory Support Opportunities
9:15 am

Symbiotics In Radio

Jennifer Weston

9:45 am

Radiation Hydrodynamics of Dusty-Driven Galactic Winds

Dong Zhang

10:15 am

Coffee Break
11:00 am

Do Magnetic Fields Shape Molecular Cloud Formation?

Laura Fissel
11:30 am

Interstellar Reaction Screening via Microwave Spectral Taxonomy

Brett McGuire
12:00 pm

Lunch with Scientific Staff

2:00 pm

Maximizing the Scientific Potential of Multi-band Extragalactic Surveys using Forced Photometry

Kristina Nyland
2:30 pm

Spatial Distributions of Dust in Dusty Galaxies at z ~ 1

Kyle Penner
3:00 pm

High Frequency Observations of Radio Pulsars

Natalia Lewandowska  
3:30 pm

Coffee Break

4:15 pm

High Mass Star and Cluster Formation in the Galaxy

Adam Ginsburg
4:45 pm

Unveiling the Role of the Magnetic Field at the Smallest Scales of Star Formation

Chat Hull
5:15 pm

Closing Remarks

Al Wootten

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.