Facilities > ALMA/NAASC > naasc-workshops > jets2012 > Criteria for Presentation

Criteria for Presentation

Thank you for registering for the Jets 2012 Workshop, March 3-6 here in Charlottesville. We are excited about this event and look forward to seeing you soon. Please read this email carefully as it contains critical information about oral presentations as well as poster presentations. If you have any questions, please respond to this email and let us know.

Oral Presentations:

Our conference will be run on a very tight time schedule to ensure that we get through the entire agenda on time. Therefore, please prepare your talks accordingly.

Invited talks are to be no longer than 30 minutes with 10 minutes of discussion allowed.

Contributed talks should be no longer than 15 minutes with 5 minutes of discussion allowed.

Please advance to the front of the room during the discussion time of the speaker prior to you and be ready to begin immediately upon the completion of their discussion. There will be timers running throughout the program to keep everyone aware of the time remaining for each item.

The final Scientific Program is posted on the conference website and will be printed in the Abstract book.

All presentations will be run from one of the designated conference computers operated by the conference audio-visual staff. All speakers must provide their presentation file(s) on a USB flash drive to one of the A-V staff who will load it on to the presentation computers. Speakers will have the opportunity to test their presentation on the conference computers at that time. All presentation files should be delivered to the A-V staff at least a half-day prior to their scheduled talk.

The conference will have both Mac and Windows computers available, supporting presentations in the following formats:

  • Microsoft Powerpoint 2007 on Windows XP
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF) on Windows XP
  • OpenOffice Impress 3 on Windows XP
  • Microsoft Office 2008 on MacOS 10.6
  • Microsoft Office 2011 on MacOS 10.6
  • Keynote '09 (ver. 5.1) on MacOS 10.6

Speakers will be provided with a handheld remote for advancing through their presentation; this remote also includes a high-quality green laser pointer. All computers will support audio playback through the P.A. system, but speakers who wish to include audio in their presentation should notify the A-V staff of this when they hand in their presentation files.

**Important Note**

Please take extra care to ensure that ALL of the files needed for your presentation are included on the flash drive!

If you are using PowerPoint, please use the "Package for CD" function to create folder with your presentation files which can be copied to a flash drive. Detailed instructions for this can be found at:


If you are using Keynote, when saving your presentation, please check both "Copy...into document" options under "Advanced Options" when saving your file.

Poster Presentations

All poster presentations should be no larger than 4’x3’ and vertical in orientation. They should be printed before you arrive. There are no printers within walking distance to the conference site to have this done. Double sided poster boards will be provided along with T-pins for hanging. Posters will be presented in Salon C which will be open during registration Saturday morning, March 3 through lunch that day. Attendees are encouraged to view posters during any or all of the following breaks with a formal poster session during the evening reception on Monday, March 5. Presenters are expected to be near their poster during that session to answer questions about their work. All posters must be removed by 11 a.m. on Tuesday morning, March 6.