Science Program

Charlottesville ALMA Outreach Event Program
Friday, March 2, 2012
7:00-9:00pm Informal Reception at Omni Hotel
Saturday, March 3, 2012
7:30-8:45am Breakfast in Hotel Atrium-Registration in Meeting Room Prefunction Area
8:45-9:00am Fred Lo, James Galloway Welcome
9:00-9:20am Al Wootten
ALMA’s Contributions to Outflows, Winds and Jets
9:20-9:40am Claire Chandler
The Jansky VLA: Transforming the Study of Outflows, Winds, and Jets at Centimeter Wavelengths
9:40-10:00am Jay Lockman
Current and Future Capabilities of the Green Bank Telescope
10:00-10:20am Walter Brisken
Current and Future Capabilities of the VLBA
10:20-11:00am Coffee Break – Set up Posters
Session I: Outflows, Winds and Jets: Their Different Faces
11:00-11:40am Invited Speaker 1: John Bally Observational Review of the Outflow Phenomena from Young Stars
11:40-12:00pm Contributed Speaker 1: Melvin Hoare
e-MERLIN observations of massive YSO jets
12:00-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-2:10pm Invited Speaker 2: Frank Shu Outflows from Young Stars
2:10-2:30pm Contributed Speaker 2: Pat Hartigan
Physical Conditions in Jets from Young Stars
2:30-3:10pm Invited Speaker 3: Roger Blandford Theoretical Review of the Outflow Phenomena from High-energy Systems
3:10-3:50pm Coffee Break – Poster Viewing
3:50-4:10pm Contributed Speaker 3: Giulia Migliori Gamma-ray Emission from Young Radio Sources
4:10-4:50pm Invited Speaker 4: Sylvain Veilleux
Observational Review of the Outflow Phenomena from Extragalactic Systems
4:50-5:10pm Contributed Speaker 4: Ashley King
Simultaneous X-ray and Radio Observations of Seyferts, and the Fundamental Plane

Panel Discussion I: YSO: ZY Li, Hartigan, Matzner; AGN: Proga

Jets from Various Systems: their similarities and differences
6:00-7:00pm Reception in the Hotel
Sunday, March 4, 2012
7:30-9:00am Breakfast in Hotel Atrium
Session II: Structures and Chemistry
9:00-9:40am Invited Speaker 5: Mario Tafalla Chemistry and Chemical Evolution in Molecular Outflows from YSOs
9:40-10:00am Contributed Speaker 5: Raghvendra Sahai An Orion BN/KL Twin-The Interstellar Bullet Engine IRAS05506+2414
10:00-10:20am Contributed Speaker 6: Luis Velilla Prieto Complex, Non-equilibrium Chemistry in the Shock-Accelerated Outflow of the pre-Planetary Nebula OH231.8+4.2
10:20-10:50am Coffee Break – Poster Viewing
10:50-11:30am Invited Speaker 6: Nahum Arav Kinetic Luminosity of Quasar Outflows and its Implications to AGN Feedback: HST/COS Observations
11:30-11:50am Contributed Speaker 7: Farhad Yusef-Zadeh Star Formation Activity near Sgr A*
11:50-12:10pm Contributed Speaker 8: Preeti Kharb
VLBA & Chandra Observations of UGC FRI Radio Galaxies: Constraints on Jet Evolution
12:10-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-2:10pm Invited Speaker 7: Edo Berger Review on Gamma-Ray Bursts: Their Mechanisms, EVLA and Multi-Wavelength Observations
2:10-2:30pm Contributed Speaker 9: Meng Su
Evidence for Gamma-Ray Jets in the Milky Way
2:30-2:50pm Contributed Speaker 10: Bevin Zauderer Radio monitoring of the Tidal Disruption Event Swift J164449.3+573451
2:50-3:20pm Coffee Break – Poster Viewing
Stellar Outflow Special: YSO Outflow Special-- Arce, Looney, CF Lee, Hirano, Offner, Qiu
Results from SMA, CARMA, Herschel, and ALMA Cycle 0 Programs
4:30-5:30pm Panel Discussion II ALMA Development Plan-Wotten, Band 1-Johnston, and Polarimetry in Outflows with ALMA-Girart
7:00pm A Taste of Charlottesville SOC + local members
Monday, March 5, 2012
7:30-9:00am Breakfast in Hotel Atrium
Session III: Probing the Driving Sources
9:00-9:40am Invited Speaker 8: Mike Crenshaw
AGNs and Their Connections to the Outflow Phenomena
9:40-10:00am Contributed Speaker 11: Claude-Andre Faucher-Giguere Modeling Galaxy-Scale AGN Outflows: Implications for Feedback and Driving
10:00-10:20am Contributed Speaker 12: Tom Ray
Linking Accretion and Outflows in Young stars
10:20-11:00am Coffee Break – Poster Viewing
11:00-11:40am Invited Speaker 9: Michael Rupen
Radio Jets from the Binary Star Systems and the AGNs with the Jansky VLA
11:40-12:00pm Contributed Speaker 13: Alexander Tchekhovskoy Simulations of Highly Efficient Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei
12:00-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-1:50pm Contributed Speaker 14: Geoffrey Bower Probing Inflow and Outflow of Low Luminosity AGN with Millimeter Wavelength Polarimetry
1:50-2:30pm Invited Speaker 10: Marina Romanova MHD Simulations of Star-Disk Interactions in Young Stars and Related Systems
2:30-2:50pm Contributed Speaker 15: Ehud Behar The Connection Between Stellar and Accretion-Disk Coronae
2:50-3:10pm Contributed Speaker 16: Katherine Blundell Jet Launch in the Micro-quasar SS433: Before, During and After a Major Flare
3:10 – 3:50pm Coffee Break – Poster Viewing
3:50-4:30pm Invited Speaker 11: Manuel Guedel X-Ray Jets from Young Stars
4:30-4:50pm Contributed Speaker 17: Daniel Proga Theory and Simulations of Radiation-Driven Disk Winds
4:50-5:10pm Contributed Speaker 18: Masanori Nakamura Evidence for Magnetic Acceleration & Collimation in AGN Jets
5:10-6:00pm Panel Discussion III: Bower, Ballantyne, Elvis, Yuan, Shang, Davis
How do We Understand the Driving Sources Better?
6:00-7:00pm Reception in the Hotel Poster Session
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
7:30-9:00am Breakfast in Hotel Atrium
Session IV: Emission/Absorption Properties
9:00-9:40am Invited Speaker 12: Josep Paredes Jets and Outflows from Microquasars and Pulsar Gamma-Ray Binaries and their Emission Mechanisms
9:40-10:00am Contributed Speaker 19: Anabella Araudo Non-thermal Emission from Massive Protostellar Jets: from Radio to Gamma-Rays
10:00-10:20am Contributed Speaker 20: Helen Russell The Balance of Cooling and AGN Heating in Galaxy Cluster Cores
10:20-10:50am Coffee Break – Poster Removal
10:50-12:00pm VLBI Specials: Brisken, Sahai, Claussen, Walker, Aasada, Goddi
VLBI and Synergy Programs (Brisken, Sahai, Goddi, Asada, Walker)
12:00-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-2:10pm Invited Speaker 13: Joe Silk Feedback in Galaxy Formation
Contributed Speaker 21: David Rupke Neutral gas Outflows in Mergers: Discovery of QSO-mode Feedback
Contributed Speaker 22: Katherine Alatalo Molecular Gas, AGN Feedback and the Unusual Case of NGC 1266
Invited Speaker 14: Guido Garay Jets from High-Mass Young Stellar Objects
Coffee Break
Contributed Speaker 23: Carlos Carrasco-Gonzalez Discovery of Synchrotron Emission from a YSO Jet
Contributed Speaker 24: Vivien Chen Magnetized Jet in the Hot Molecular Core W3 (H2O)
4:30-5:30pm Panel Discussion IV and Concluding Remark: Murray, Livio, Hawley, Blundell, Zinnecker Emission Mechanisms in Various Systems; Synthesis--What have we learned?

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.