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(For submitting corrected presentations and full poster pdf's see the proceeding materials instructions below.)

The IAU303 Symposium will be published in proceedings.

A copy of the proceedings is included in the conference fee. Authors are requested to submit their contributions as soon as possible after the symposium per IAU proceeding publication policies. We will maintain a sharp cut-off deadline of

2013 November 20

for manuscripts to be included in the proceedings to adhere to IAU rules.  A copy-right form needs to be completed before (or with) submission of the contribution to be considered for publication. Unfortunately there is a significant charge for color prints in the paper copy of the proceedings which will be the responsibility of the author. Color figures will be reproduced in color in the electronic version, but please make sure color figures are clear and legible in black and white print for the paper version and without referencing to specific colors in the text or captions. A good practice is to also use different symbols or line types for different colors and refer to the symbols instead.

General Rules as well as required forms can be obtained from the IAU Proceeding Guidelines Page. It also points to an exampe latex file, the iau latex class file, and the instructions for authors (see

Proceedings page allocations: These page allocations are considered as a general guideline. Please let us know if you really need more space to get the most important points of your contribution accross. However, we think that these limits should allow most talks given at the symposium ample space to include a significant number of graphics to support the text. See the program to find out the category of each talk.

Overview talks may use  up to 14 pages and Invited talks may use up to 10.
Contributed talks should limit their contribution to up to 4 pages and Posters are limited to 2.

Proceedings materials (at least the latex file and accompanying figures; a pdf of how it should look like is appreciated too) must be dropped by the deadline of November 20, 2013 in the IAU303 ftp-area. Please include the signed copyright form with your submission or fill it out online. Name all your files with your last name and initials (and another identifier if you have more than one contribution), ftp them in bulk to directory incoming/iau303 and send an email to when you're done with the name of the files and the status of the copyright form, e.g.

  • > ftp
  • > username: anonymous
  • > password: [your email address]
  • > cd incoming/iau303
  • > bin
  • > mput [surname_initials_file].*
  • > bye