
Monday, January 4, 2016

9:00 Introduction & Welcome T. Beasley
Session-1: Next Generation VLA Science Case
9:10 Parameter Space & Basic Design C. Carilli
9:20 Science Working Group-1: Cradle of Life C. Hull
9:40 Science Working Group-2: Galaxy Ecosystems A. Leroy
10:00 Science Working Group-3: Galaxy Assembly Through Cosmic Time C. Casey
10:20 Science Working Group-4: Time Domain, Cosmology, Physics G. Bower
10:40 BREAK
Session-2: Invited Talks
11:00 Debris Disks with the VLA and ngVLA D. Wilner
11:15 Protostellar Jets in the ngVLA Era L. Rodriguez
11:30 ngVLA Observations of Initial Conditions in High-Mass Star-Forming Clouds J. di Francesco
11:45 Unraveling the distribution of ionized gas in the Galactic plane with radio recombination lines. J. Pineda
12:00 Stars and Their Environments: Mirrors to the Universe R. Osten
12:15 A Detailed Look at the Physics of Star Formation with ngVLA E. Schinnerer
12:30 LUNCH
Session-3: Invited and Contributed Talks
1:30 ngVLA and Galaxy formation R. Somerville
1:45 Opportunities in Plasma Astrophysics with ngVLA H. Li
2:00 Planet formation beyond ALMA A. Isella
2:15 The Interplay Between Galaxy Transition and Molecular Gas in the Next Generation of Radio Facilities K. Alatalo
2:30 The VLA Nascent Disk and Multiplicity (VANDAM) Survey of Perseus J. Tobin
2:50 BREAK
Session-4: Technical Concepts & Challenges
3:15 Project Technical Overview Mark McKinnon
3:30 Surface Brightness sensitivity considerations B. Mason
3:45 Phase calibration options for the ngVLA D. Woody
4:00 Long Baselines in the ngVLA Context W. Brisken
Session-5: Wrap-up
4:15 - 5:00 Workshop Summary & Discussion F. Walter

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.