Tutorials, Suggestions, and Help

We have created two guided tutorials for a more hands-on approach to learning the OPT Suite.

As mentioned in an earlier section, projects will be made available in the OPT about a month before the start of the allocated configuration.  Once you have received the readiness email from the VLA scheduling manager (schedsoc), observers are strongly encouraged to begin creating SBs. This will allow enough time to address any scheduling problems or other issues. If you find yourself stuck and need help with the tools, if you have excessive problems with web interface issues, or if you just need some hints or pointers for optimal user convenience, we can be contacted through the NRAO Science Helpdesk.

The remainder of this document will guide you through the different components to create an SB. We will begin with the SCT, then the RCT, and finally the OPT.

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.