Facilities > VLA > Observing > OPT Update Info Pages > New Capabilities > New Capabilities - 1.08

New Capabilities - 1.08

Version 1.08 is largely a technical release, but with a number of important implications for users:

  • No Save button. Changes are now saved as you go. To undo changes use Edit -> Undo
  • Faster response. On the whole, the OPT should be faster now, as a result of the previous item
  • Large projects open more quickly. The OPT no longer tries to load all Scheduling Blocks at once. The price is paid when opening individual Scheduling Blocks
  • Read-only access to open projects. It is possible again to open a project read-only when someone else already has it open. This capability had been removed in an earlier release because of access conflicts, which we believe have been fixed now.