New Capabilities - 1.32

Version 1.32 of the OPT was released on 2023 Sept 06.

Note the following new features:


  • Multi-select in the OPT has been restricted to only allow scans within a single SB or SBs within a single PB to be selected for cut/copy/paste. You may cut/copy/paste scans from one SB to another SB in a different project, just not across multiple SBs or projects.

  • Scan and SB exports have changed.
      • SB export extensions are now .optSB (for an SB) and .optScanList (for a scan list).
  • NRAO Science Helpdesk can now be accessed through the OPT. There are two methods for contacting support:
      • In the OPT/SCT/RCT, at the top of the page, select Help → Contact Support. A pop-up box will appear for you to add a subject, message, and an attachment if needed.
      • In the OPT, at the SB level in the Validation and Submission tab, select the Request Help button. A pop-up box will appear for you to add a subject (this will be auto-filled with project code and SB ID), message, and an attachment if needed.


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The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.