Caltech ngVLA Optics Workshop Program

Caltech ngVLA Optics Workshop –  Program
Day 1, Tuesday, June 19, 2018, Caltech Keck Conference Center

Time (PDT) Topic Persons
0900-0930 Workshop Objectives Sandy Weinreb
0930-1010 ngVLA Project Overview & Status 
(Science, schedule, heterogeneous array, on-going tasks)
Eric Murphy*
1010-1040 Optics Requirements & Reference Design
(Sensitivity, critical bands, polarization, sidelobes, etc.)
Rob Selina *
1040-1100 Break
1100-1140 DVA1/DVA2/ngDVA Optics and Feed Design
(include ngDVA Optical Prescription)
Lynn Baker
1140 -1220 ngVLA Baseline Receiver and Cryogenics Denis Urbain
1220-1330 Lunch
1330 -1410 SKA Reflector and Feed Design
(SKA dish shape requirements, modeled efficiency
and spillover noise, expected tests, octave vs wideband feed comparison)
Dirk de Villiers, Robert Lehmensiek
1410-1440 Antenna and Feed Design at NRC Bruce Veidt
1440-1500 Break
1500 -1540 Octave Band Feed Design Performance Sri Srikanth
1540-1620 Performance of 1.2 to 4.2 GHz Feed and SKA Wideband Study Jonas Flygare
1620-1700 Further Development of QRFH Feeds Ahmed Akgiray, Jun Shi
1900-2100 Dinner at Athenaeum Outdoor Facility

Caltech ngVLA Optics Workshop – Near Final Program, June 7, 2018
Day 2, Wednesday, June 20, 2018, Caltech Keck Conference Center

0900-0940 SKA  Feed and Cryogenic Integration Mike Jones
0940-1020 1.2 – 116  GHz Demonstration System (status, cryogenic alternatives, band alternatives) Weinreb, Mani
1020-1100 Alternative Cryogenic Systems for ngVLA Larry D’Addario
1100-1200 Open discussion and Way Forward Sandy Weinreb

* denotes remote attendee

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