Student Support

The NRAO maintains a program to support research by students, both graduate and undergraduate, at U.S. universities and colleges. This program is intended to strengthen the proactive role of the Observatory in training new generations of telescope users. Regular, Large, or Triggered proposals are all eligible.

Starting with Semester 2013B (1 February 2013 deadline), new applications to the Student Observing Support (SOS) Program will be solicited from successful proposal principal investigators following the release of Semester 2013B proposal dispositions. The PST will no longer be used to submit SOS requests. An online application system will be used to collect SOS proposals from successful PIs. See the NRAO Student Observing Support Program for details.

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.