Scientific Justification

This is where you upload a file containing the scientific justification of the proposal, including figures and references. Only PDF or ASCII formats are allowed. Color figures are allowed. A possible template file is available at: sample justification template.  This is provided as an example, but you are welcome to use your own formatting if you prefer.  The justification must obey strict page limits, as follows:

  • Regular or Triggered proposals will be allowed a maximum of four (4) one-sided pages (US letter sized) with 11 point font (minimum) to present the scientific justification.  The maximum number of pages and minimum font size include figure captions, table captions, table headers and content, and references. Fonts in rescaled figures should be legible.  There should be a minimum of one inch margins on all sides.
  • Large proposals will be allowed a maximum of six (6) one-sided pages (US letter sized) with 11 point font (minimum) to present the scientific justification.  The maximum number of pages and minimum font size include figure captions, table captions, table headers and content, and references. Fonts in rescaled figures should be legible.  There should be a minimum of one inch margins on all sides.
  • DDT proposals will be allowed a maximum of two (2) one-sided pages (US letter sized) with 11 point font (minimum) to present the scientific justification.  The maximum number of pages and minimum font size include figure captions, table captions, table headers and content, and references. Fonts in rescaled figures should be legible.  There should be a minimum of one inch margins on all sides.

The size of the uploaded Scientific Justification may not exceed 16MB. If the file is larger the upload will fail until it is below this limit. Typically these large Scientific Justification file sizes are due to high-resolution or high-density graphics included in the file; such figures should be reduced in size before incorporating them to stay within the upload limit.

The cover information form is not counted as part of these page and size limits.

Click on the Add'' button to upload a file from disk. Once the file is uploaded a preview of the scientific justification should be displayed on this page. (N.B., you cannot click on the preview pages to magnify or download. The display is to confirm that the scientific justification has been successfully uploaded.) Once a file has been uploaded there will be three buttons to Download'', Replace'', or Delete'' the scientific justification.

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.