Calibration & Tools

Calibrator Search Tool

The VLBA Calibrator Search Tool queries a database to find calibrators which are close to a specified celestial position, and optionally limit results by observing band and/or short baseline (<400 km) flux density.

Alternative VLBI Calibrator Search Engine

An alternative calibrator search tool is provided by Leonid Petrov. The observatory has no influence on the content of this tool and thus cannot guarantee the validity of the provided information. Use at your own risk.

Calibration Tables & Log Files

Information regarding automated calibration transfer for VLBA correlator output relevant to your scientific program, and for accessing key operations information, such as comments entered by the array operator during your observing.

Historic Polarization Calibrator Information

The goal of the polarization calibration program was to calibrate the polarization electric vector position angle by observing a network of sources with compact structure. The program was executed between 1999 and 2009. It was discontinued with the EVLA upgrade.
Starting 2010, Polarization calibrator monitoring was performed only upon request by observers and in 2017 a regular monitoring was resumed executed during each VLA configuration change. Correlated visibilities of these observations can be found under the project code TPOL0003 in the NRAO archive. No calibrated data products are currently made available.

Detailed Performance Data

Detailed engineering and scientific performance data are available for pointing, system temperature and efficiency, and more.

EVN Sensitivity Calculator

The European VLBI Network (EVN) has made a sensitivity calculator that is very useful for non-heterogenous arrays but can also be used for VLBA-only experiments.

CLCOR/EOP offsets

EOP offsets due to CLCOR error in AIPS (2006 - 2011).

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.