Data Archive

Data Archive System

The NRAO Data Archive System provides access to all publicly available VLA, VLBA, and GBT data. NRAO data that remains within its proprietary period can be accessed via the scientific team via password. Advanced search capability is available. A collection of VLA and VLBA images are also available for browsing and downloads.

NRAO Archive Tool Enhancements

On May 2, 2022, the NRAO transitioned to the new Archive Access Tool (AAT) for the VLA, VLBA, Legacy VLA, and GBT data. This new tool also includes ALMA data in its search returns. While the capabilities of this new archive tool go above and beyond what was possible with the legacy archive tool, we recognize that the transition for our users has not been entirely smooth. Here we summarize the current status of features of the new AAT.

Data Archive Policy

All scientific data acquired with NRAO telescopes are stored in the Data Archive. Scientific data are reserved for the exclusive use of the observing team usually for 12 months after a project's final observing session has been completed. In certain circumstances, the default proprietary period may be lengthened; some Rapid Response Science proposals have shorter proprietary periods.

Source Lists & Surveys

The following links provide quick access to source surveys conducted with the VLBA, sometimes using other VLBI telescopes. The VLBA calibrator survey and the USNO Radio Reference Frame Image Database are particularly useful for finding reference sources for phase-referencing observations.

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.