
Observer News

Recent news for VLBA/HSA/VLBI proposers and observers.

Guide to Observing with the VLBA

The guide to observing with the VLBA, including information on HSA/Global VLBI.

Observation Prep Tool (SCHED)

SCHED is a program for planning and scheduling VLBA, Global VLBI, EVN, and some VLA observations. This manual describes how to use the program, provides extensive information on possible inputs, and gives detailed information and advice on scheduling VLBI observations.


Details on monthly schedules, Schedsoc home page, UT1-UTC observations, dynamic scheduling, site weather.

Conversion of Legacy System Schedules

The Digital Downconverter (DDC) subsystem is the final stage of the VLBA Sensitivity Upgrade Project. This page describes the relatively straightforward changes required to convert SCHED “keyin” files constructed for the legacy system, to control the DDC.


The VLBA Calibrator List is accessed via a search engine that locates calibrators near a specified celestial position. The VLBA data calibration pipeline is running selected data through an automated AIPS process that provides a best effort apriori calibration.The VLBA polarization calibration program calibrates the polarization electric vector position angle for a network of sources suitable for observing compact sources.

DiFX Pulsar Guide

The pulsar capabilities of the DiFX software correlator (PDF).


Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) is an increasingly significant problem at VLBA sites, particularly at wavelengths of 18cm and longer. This page provides information on known RFI at each VLBA antenna, current developments, and plans for managing RFI.


Q-band interim Operational Data Sharing

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.