
A list of papers and articles referred to in this document follows.  Numerous citations are made to two particular conference proceedings volumes:

  • VLBI & the VLBA = Very Long Baseline Interferometry and the VLBA, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Volume 82, 1995, eds. J.A. Zensus, P.J. Diamond, & P.J. Napier.
This conference, held 1993 June 23-20, was the inaugural meeting held as the VLBA entered operational service.  An overview of the entire proceedings volume is available.  Links in the citations below will retrieve preprints of the relevant chapter, in gzipped PostScript format.
  • Synthesis II = Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy II, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Volume 180, 1999, eds. G.B. Taylor, C.L. Carilli, & R.A. Perley.


  1. Beasley, A.J., & Conway, J.E. 1995, in VLBI & the VLBA, p. 327
  2. Beasley, A.J., Gordon, D., Peck, A.B., Petrov, L., MacMillan, D.S., Fomalont, E.B., & Ma, C. 2002, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 141, 13
  3. Bridle, A.H., & Schwab, F.R. 1999, in Synthesis II, p. 371.
  4. Briggs, D.S., Schwab, F.R., & Sramek, R.A. 1999, in Synthesis II, p. 127.
  5. Brisken, W. 2008, VLBA Sensitivity Upgrade Memo # 23.
  6. Brisken, W., & Deller, A. 2010, VLBA Sensitivity Upgrade Memo # 32.
  7. Conway, J.E., & Sault, R.J. 1995, in VLBI & the VLBA, p. 309.
  8. Cornwell, T.J. 1995, in VLBI & the VLBA, p. 39.
  9. Cornwell, T.J., Braun, R., & Briggs, D.S. 1999, in Synthesis II, p. 151.
  10. Cornwell, T.J., & Fomalont, E.B. 1999, in Synthesis II, p. 187.
  11. Cotton, W.D. 1995a, in VLBI & the VLBA, p. 189.
  12. Cotton, W.D. 1995b, in VLBI & the VLBA, p. 289.
  13. Cotton, W.D. 1999a, in Synthesis II, p. 111.
  14. Cotton, W.D. 1999b, in Synthesis II, p. 357.
  15. Cotton, W.D., Dallacasa, D., Fanti, C., Fanti, R., Foley, A.R., Schilizzi, R.T., & Spencer, R. E. 1997a, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 325, 493.
  16. Cotton, W.D., Fanti, C., Fanti, R., Dallacasa, D., Foley, A.R., Schilizzi, R.T., & Spencer, R. E. 1997b, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 325, 479.
  17. Deller, A.T., Tingay, S.J., Bailes, M., & West, C. 2007, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 119, 318.
  18. Deller, A.T., Brisken, W.F., Phillips, C.J., Morgan, J., Alef, W. Cappallo, R., Middleberg, E., Romney, J., Rotmann, H., Tingay, S. J., & Wayth, R., 2011, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 123, 275.
  19. Diamond, P.J. 1995, in VLBI & the VLBA, p. 227.
  20. Fiedler, R., Dennison, B., Johnston, K.J., Waltman, E.B., & Simon, R.S. 1994a, Astrophysical Journal, 430, 581.
  21. Fiedler, R., Pauls, T., Johnston, K.J., & Dennison, B. 1994b, Astrophysical Journal, 430, 595.
  22. Fomalont, E., & Kogan, L. 2005, AIPS Memo No. 111.
  23. Garrett, M. A., Porcas, R. W., Pedlar, A., Muxlow, T. W. B., & Garrington, S. T. 1999, New Astronomy Reviews, 43, 519.
  24. Greisen, E. W. 2009, AIPS Memo 114.
  25. Hronek, A., & Walker, R.C. 1996, VLBA Test Memo No. 51.
  26. Kemball, A.J. 1999, in Synthesis II, p. 499.
  27. Kemball, A.J., Diamond, P.J., & Cotton, W.D. 1995, Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series, 110, 383.
  28. Kogan, L. 1995a, VLBA Scientific Memo No. 9.
  29. Kogan, L. 1995b, VLBA Scientific Memo No. 12
  30. Leppänen, K.J. 1993, VLBA Scientific Memo No. 1.
  31. Leppänen, K.J., Zensus, J.A., & Diamond, P.J. 1995, Astronomical Journal, 110, 2479.
  32. Markowitz, A., & Wurnig, J. 1998, VLBA Test Memo No. 60, and the associated webpage.
  33. Mioduszewski, A. 2004, AIPS Memo No. 110.
  34. Moran, J.M., & Dhawan, V. 1995, in VLBI & the VLBA, p. 161.
  35. Napier, P.J. 1995, in VLBI & the VLBA, p. 59.
  36. Napier, P.J., Bagri, D.S., Clark, B.G., Rogers, A.E.E., Romney, J.D., Thompson, A.R., & Walker, R.C. 1994, Proc. IEEE, 82, 658.
  37. NRAO staff, 2012, AIPS Cookbook.
  38. Perley, R.A. 1999a, in Synthesis II, p. 275.
  39. Perley, R.A. 1999b, in Synthesis II, p. 383.
  40. Reid, M.J. 1995, in VLBI & the VLBA, p. 209.
  41. Reid, M.J. 1999, in Synthesis II, p. 481.
  42. Rogers, A.E.E. 1995, in VLBI & the VLBA, p. 93.
  43. Romney, J.D. 1999, internal NRAO document reissued as VLBA Sensitivity Upgrade Memo # 2.
  44. Romney, J.D. 2000, internal NRAO document reissued as VLBA Sensitivity Upgrade Memo # 3.
  45. Romney, J.D., & Reid, M.J. 2005, Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Volume 340, 2005.
  46. Romney, J.D. 2007, VLBA Sensitivity Upgrade Memo # 1.
  47. Sault, R.J., & Conway, J.E. 1999, in Synthesis II, p. 419.
  48. Schilizzi, R.T. 1995, in VLBI & the VLBA, p. 397.
  49. Shepherd, M.C. 1997, ADASS IV, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Volume 125, eds. G. Hunt & H.E. Payne, p. 77.
  50. Taylor, G.B. 1998, Astrophysical Journal, 506, 637.
  51. Taylor, G.B. 2000, Astrophysical Journal, 533, 95.
  52. Taylor, G.B., Lonsdale, C.J., et al. 2004, Mapping the Future of VLBI Science in the U.S.
  53. Taylor, G.B., & Myers, S.T. 2000, VLBA Scientific Memo No. 26.
  54. Thompson, A.R. 1995, in VLBI & the VLBA, p. 73.
  55. Walker, R.C. 1995a, in VLBI & the VLBA, p. 133.
  56. Walker, R.C. 1995b, in VLBI & the VLBA, p. 247.
  57. Walker, R.C. 1999, in Synthesis II, p. 433.
  58. Walker, R.C. & Chatterjee, S. 1999, VLBA Scientific Memo No. 23.
  59. Walker, C., Durand, S., Kutz, C., & Hayward, R. 2007a, VLBA Sensitivity Upgrade Memo # 10.
  60. Walker, C., Romney, J., Brisken, W., & Durand, S. 2007b, VLBA Sensitivity Upgrade Memo # 15.
  61. Walker, C., Durand, S., Kutz, C., & Hayward, R. 2008, VLBA Sensitivity Upgrade Memo # 21.
  62. Walker, R.C. 2011 et seq., The SCHED User Manual.
  63. Wrobel, J.M. 1995, in VLBI & the VLBA, p. 411.
  64. Wrobel, J.M., & Walker, R.C. 1999, in Synthesis II, p. 171.
  65. Wrobel, J.M., Walker, R.C., Benson, J.M., & Beasley, A.J. 2000, VLBA Scientific Memo No. 24.
  66. Zensus, J.A., Taylor, G.B., & Wrobel, J.M. 1998, IAU Colloquium 164: Radio Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Compact Sources, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Volume 144.

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