High Sensitivity Array

By adding the GBT, phased VLA, and/or Effelsberg to a VLBA experiment the sensitivity can be increased by an order of magnitude. This capability opens up new avenues for scientific discovery. The aim of the High Sensitivity Array initiative is to facilitate the planning, scheduling, and calibration of observations making use of this array.

Technical Information

    • Use the EVN sensitivity Calculator to estimate the rms noise.
    • Effelsberg: Effelsberg has often been used in conjunction with the VLBA, and is frequency agile at 5 GHz and above. For more information about including Effelsberg with the HSA we refer to the Effelsberg HSA page.
    • Green Bank Telescope: The Green Bank Telescope is also commonly used with the VLBA, and is frequency agile (with some limitations) at all its bands.  See the VLBI at the GBT page for more information.
    • Very Large Array:  The Very Large Array (VLA) in only available in phased-array mode.  Please see the VLBI at the VLA page for further considerations.
    • Before you schedule your run consult Observing with the HSA.


Follow these links to the HSA Telescopes:
 Link to GBT  Link to VLA  Link to VLBA  Link to Bonn

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.