VLBA MEMOS- 1980-Present
Contact or 505/835-7310
Reference Author Title Date
1 acq Rogers Acquisition Memos
2 acq Rogers Proposed Video Convertor-diagram 8311
3 acq Rogers Low Noise Voltage Tuned Osc. 8311
4 acq Rogers Minutes of Teleconference-12/83 8312
5 acq Rogers Minutes-Recorder/Acquisition 8401
6 acq Rogers Minutes-Recorder/Acquisition Group 8402
7 acq Rogers Fringe Rotation & Variable phase 20 8402
8 acq Rogers Reject of Receiver Images 8403
9 acq Rogers Single Sideband Fringe Rotation 8402
10 acq Rogers Minutes of Data Acq/Playback Group 8404
11 acq D'Addario Glossary of Recording Jargon 8404
12 acq D'Addario Data Transmission Error Spec 8404
13 acq Rogers Sony High-Density Digital Recorder 8404
14 acq Rogers Closure Errors - Bandpass Offsets 8404
15 acq Rogers Minutes-Acq/Recorder Meeting 8404
16 acq Rogers Visit to Kodak Datatape 8405
17 acq Rogers VLBA Recorder/Acq Meeting-840523 8405
18 acq Rogers VLBA Recorder/Acq Meeting-840627 8406
19 acq Rogers Suggested DPS-Correlator Interface 8408
20 acq Haystack Update-Suggested DPS/Corr Inter. 8409
21 acq Petrachenko Automatic Video Cassette Changer 8409
22 acq Rogers VLBA Recorder/Acq Meeting 8409
23 acq Rogers Is Phase Switching Needed? 8409
24 acq D'Addario Playback-Corr. Interface Spec. 8409
25 acq Rogers Improving Dynamic Range-IF/Video 8410
26 acq Wilson Error Correction for VLBI 8410
27 acq Whitney Tape Synchronization at VLBA Corr 8410
28 acq Rogers Proposed Recorder Specifications 8411
29 acq D'Addario Comments on "Tape Synchronization" 8411
30 acq Hinteregger Diminishing Returns 8411
31 acq Rogers Data Acq/Recorder Group, 12 Dec 8412
32 acq Rogers Minutes of Recorder/Acq Group 8501
33 acq Rogers Efficient Encoding of 3-Level.? 8502
34 acq Rogers Upper Limit on "DC" Correlation 8502
35 acq Rogers Reasons for Not Separating Format 8502
36 acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Acq/Rec Group Mtg 8503
37 acq Rogers Some Suggestions on RF-Pulse Phase 8504
38 acq Rogers Minutes-VLBA Recorder/Acq Meeting 8504
39 acq Romney DPS/Correlator Control Interface 8504
40 acq Petrachenko Preliminary VLBA format Proposal 8504
41 acq Petrachenko Across Track Parity 8504
42 acq Rogers VLBA Data Acq/Playback Systems 8505
43 acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Rec/Acq Group 8505
44 acq Rogers Minutes of Data Acq Telecon-19 Jun 8506
45 acq Rogers Minutes of Data Acq Group, 17 July 8507
46 acq Rogers IF Processing Electronics - Prel. 8507
47 acq Rogers Active Low Pass Filter for BB Conv 8508
48 acq Rogers Suggested VLBA Bandpass 8508
49 acq Rogers Minutes of Acq/Recorder Mtg,14 Aug 8508
50 acq Rogers VLBA Bandpass&Closure Phase Errors 8508
51 acq Rogers Extending the Baseband Bandwidth 8509
52 acq Rogers Cost of Increased Data Rates 8509
53 acq Rogers Suggested interfaces to the DAS 8509
54 acq Rogers Minutes of DA/PB Mtg, 18 Sept 8509
55 acq Rogers Proposed Use of Miniature Coaxicon 8510
56 acq Rogers Minutes of Data Acq/Recorder Mtg 8510
57 acq Rogers Minutes of Rec/Acq Group Mtg 8511
58 acq Rogers Susceptibility of VLBA Data Acq 8511
59 acq Rogers Minutes of Acq/Recorder - Dec 11 8512
60 acq Rogers Minutes of Rec/Data Acq Telecon 8601
61 acq Rogers Prelim Tests of Prototype Baseband 8603
62 acq Rogers Minutes of Data Acq/Recorder Mtg 8603
63 acq Rogers/
Cady Proposed Use of Coaxicon Connector 8604
64 acq Rogers VLBA Baseband Converter Tests 8605
65 acq Rogers MCB Protocol for Baseband Conv&IF 8605
66 acq Rogers Minute of Rec/DA Mtg, 9 July 8607
67 acq Rogers Stability Test of VLBA DA Elec 8607
68 acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Data Acq/Playback 8609
69 acq Rogers VLBA Data Acq/Rec Group 8610
70 acq Rogers Baseband Converter LO Phase Noise 8610
71 acq Cappallo VLBA Acq Rec Controller Comm 8610
71*Acq RevisedCappallo VLBA Acq Recorder Controller
Communications Protocol 9205
72 acq Rogers Baseband Converter MCB Protocol 8611
73 acq Rogers Data Acq/Rec Telecon, 5 Nov 8611
74 acq Rogers Improved 16 MHz Bandpass and Tests 8611
75 acq Rogers VLBA Baseband Converter Tests 8611
76 Acq Rogers Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 100 Port 8701
77 Acq Rogers Checks & Diagnostics of I.F. Proc 8701
78 Acq Rogers Revisions to Signal Levels in Rec 8701
79 Acq Rogers Level Sampling & Baseband Conv 8701
80 Acq Rogers I.F. Distributor & Baseband Convert 8702
81 Acq Webber,etalTape for the VLBA 8702
82 Acq Rogers Changes to MCB Protocol for Baseband 8703
83 Acq Rogers Minutes of Data Acq/Rec Group 8703
84 Acq Rogers Digital Gain Control-Improved Phase 8703
85 Acq Rogers Tests of Switched Power or Synch.. 8704
86 Acq Rogers Adjustments Which May Be Required 8705
87 Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Recorder Group Mtg. 8705
88 Acq Rogers Effect of Bias Current Fluctuations 8706
89 Acq Rogers Proposed new Rack Layout for DAR 8707
90 Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Data Recording Mtg. 8707
91 Acq Rogers Proposed VLBA Format 8708
92 Acq HintereggerSony Visit D1 Tape for VLBA 8708
93 Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Rec/Data Acq Mtg. 8709
94 Acq HintereggerTape Packaging 8709
95 Acq Webber REC #1 Acceptance Tests 8710
96 Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Rec/Data Acq Mtg 8711
97 Acq Rogers/
Webber MKIIIA-VLBA Compatibility Mode 8711
98 Acq Webber Operating the VLBA Recorder 8711
99 Acq Webber VLBA Tape Drive Control 8711
100Acq HintereggerDense Prognostications 8711
101Acq Rogers VLBA Baseband Converter Bandpass 8712
102Acq Rogers Data Acquisition Modes 8712
103Acq Rogers Data Acq/Recorder Telecon Mtg 8801
104Acq Rogers Data Acquisition Modes
105Acq Rogers Data Approximate Cost Comparison 8801
106Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Data Acq/Rec Group 8803
107Acq HintereggerLearning from Error 8803
108Acq Rogers/
Nesman Phase Calibration Detection and
Processing at the Sites 8805
109Acq Rogers =0CMinutes of VLBA Recorder, 11 May 8805
110Acq Webber Tape Track Formats 8805
111Acq Rogers New Bandwidth Compensation Gain Codes
for Baseband Converters 8807
113Acq Rogers VLBA Recorder Group Mtg. 880914 8809
114Acq Rogers Req to make VLBA DAR & REC Fully
Compatible with Geodetic S/X Mode 8810
115Acq Rogers VLBA Acq/Rec Mtg. 8811
116Acq Rogers Coaxicon Connector Alignment 8811
117Acq Rogers MKIIIA/VLBA Compatibility-An Update 8811
118Acq Rogers Recording Characterization Test Plan 8812
119Acq Peck Narrow Guardband Test of VLBA Tape
Recorder 8812
120Acq Rogers Computers, Software, and Procedures
for Check-Out of DAR Modules 8901
121Acq Rogers Tracking Offset Sensitivity to
Capstan Axis Alignment 8902
122Acq Rogers Tracking Offset Sensitivity to
Capstan Taper Angle 8902
123Acq Rogers First Order Model for Recorder
Tracking 8902
124Acq Rogers Theory of Vacuum Loop and Tape Path 8902
125Acq Rogers Minutes of Recorder Group Mtg. 8902
126Acq Rogers Variation of the Tracking
Sensitivity with the Angle the
Tape Makes with the Precision Plate 8902
127Acq Thompson Modification of Mark 3A Systems to
Increase Compatibility With VLBA 8902
128Acq Thompson Pulse Calibration Detection in VLBA 8902
129Acq Rogers/PeckModel for the Tracking Offset=20
Dependence on Tape Defects 8904
130Acq Rogers Visit to Honeywell Corporation 8903
131Acq Rogers Friction at the Tape Entry & Exit
Points 8903
132Acq Rogers Various Operating Modes of the
Model 96 and Their Sensitivity to
Machine Alignment and Tape Defects 8903
133Acq Rogers Measurement of the Thermal and
Elastic Constants of Magnetic Tape 8904
134Acq Rogers Tape Reel Pack-Computer Simulations 8904
135Acq Rogers Tape Slitting Signatures & Head-
to-Tape Tension Noise from Slitting
Errors 8904
136Acq Rogers Tracking Offset Sensitivity to Idler
Tilt and Taper Angle 8904
137Acq Rogers Draft Recommendations for
Improvement to Model 96
Mechanical Performance 8904
138Acq Rogers Idler Bearing Friction 8904
139Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Data Recording Mtg. 8904
140Acq Rogers Some Order of Magnitude
Calculations of the air
entrapment at the Idler 8904
141Acq Rogers Head to Tape Contact Profiles:
Computation of Inter-
Changeability of Various Tapes 8904
142Acq Rogers Tape Strain: Determination of the
best Tape Tension for Thin Tape 8904
143Acq Rogers Summary of What We Have
Learned During Recorder Mechanical
Study 8904
144Acq Rogers Some Tests of the Effect of Idler
Groove Cross Section 8905
145Acq Smythe
Cappallo Improved Performance with AT&T
Bit Synchronizer 8905
146Acq Rogers Head to Tape Contact at 270 IPS 8905
147Acq Rogers Measured Head Profiles 8905
148Acq Rogers Some Added Notes to the BBC
0.5-1.0 GHz Oscillator 8905
149Acq Rogers Model for Recorder Tracking
Response to Tape Slitting
Signatures 8905
150Acq Rogers Draft Specifications for VLBA
Tape & Very Brief Look at Some
Newer Tapes 8905
151Acq Rogers,
etal Recorder "Pretest" - Methods for
Checking Recorder Performance 8906
152Acq Rogers Magnetic Circuit Model for VLBA
Headstack 8906
153Acq Rogers Recommendations for DAR
Protection Measures 8906
154Acq Connolly Hinteregger-MkIIIA/VLBA Narrow Track
Headstack Commercial Spec. 8906
155Acq Rogers Measurement of Mutual Inductance
of VLBA Headstack 8907
155aAcq Rogers Tests of New Large Diameter
Idler Roller 8907
157Acq Lag
Rogers Tests of D1 and D2 Tapes 8907
158Acq Rogers Playback of Pie Town data at the
MKIII Correlator - Corrected Version 8908
159Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Recorder
Telecon 8908
160Acq Peck Do We Need a Prepass? 8908
161Acq Rogers
Stetten Summary of VLBA Recorder Review Mtg 8908
162Acq Rogers Improvements in SSB Mixer
Submodule of BBC 8908
163Acq Rogers Plan for More Complete Testing 8908
164Acq Rogers Dynamic Range of IFD Square
Law Detector Bias Subtraction 8908
165Acq Rogers Some Miscellaneous Problems
Noted in the BBC Modules 8908
166Acq Peck Minutes of Ad Hoc Meeting
Concerning Thin Tape for VLBA 8908
167Acq Thompson IF and Sampler Connections in
the 14-Baseband-Converter DAR
Configuration 8908
168Acq Rogers More Computer Simulations on
Head Wear & Transition from
Thick to Thin Tape 8909
169Acq Rogers Optimization of Equalizer for
Playback of D1 Tapes at 56 Kgb/i 8909
170Acq Rogers Measurements of Head Wear
Rates -Preliminary Results 8909
171Acq Rogers/Cappall Power Margin Tests of REC 3 8909
172Acq Rogers Some Quick Tests of S-VHS Tape 8910
173Acq Rogers Minutes of Recorder Telecon for Oct. 8910
174Acq Rogers Suggestions for BBC Production 8910
175Acq Rogers Performance of 3M5358 Relative to Sony D1K 8910
176Acq Rogers Bandpass Simulations for BBC 8910
177Acq Thompson Notes on Mtg on Baseband Converters 8910
177AAcq Thompson Addendum to VLBA Acq. Memo No. 177 8911
178Acq Webber Grenwis Circuit Board Changes in DA 8910
179Acq Rogers Head to Tape Contact Pressure 8911
180Acq Rogers Simple Optical Interferometer for
Viewing Tape Surface Roughness 8911
181Acq Rogers Method of Measuring Differential
Tension in the Tape Path 8911
182Acq Webber Dual Sampler for Mark III Mode A
Compatibility 8912
183Acq Rogers Test Fixture for Matching Mixers
in the SSB Submodule of the BBC 8912
184Acq Rogers Wavelength Dependence of D1
and MET -VLBA "Headcurves"
Amplifier 8912
185Acq Rogers Tests of Emitter Follower Head
Pre-656A Main Walker Revised Version
of VLBA Memo No. 656 8912
186Acq Rogers Tests of a New Pre-Amp
Configuration 8912
187Acq Rogers Tape Noise Measures of D1K & S-VHS 9001
188Acq Peck Channel Assignments for Various DAR
Configurations 9001
189Acq Peck NRAO Thin Tape Procurement 9001
190Acq Rogers A Quick Test of 8 mm Evaporated
Metal Tape 9001
191Acq Rogers In-circuit" Component Measure BBCs 0011
192Acq Rogers Playback Transport Configuration 9002
193Acq Thompson Identification Codes for 14-BBC DAR 9002
194Acq Rogers Summary of What We Learned in Testing 9002
195Acq Rogers Tests of Parallel Playback Elect. 9002
196Acq Rogers Demonstration of Gigabit per
Second Recording with the VLBA Recorder 9002
197Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Telecon 9002
198Acq Weber/
Thacker Matched Mixer Pairs for SSB Mixers 9002
199Acq Rogers Checkout of Baseband Converters 9002
200Acq Rogers Parameterized Spacing Loss
Curves for Transition from Thick
to Thin Tape 9003
201Acq Rogers Simple Test Set-up for BBC LO
Phase Noise Tests 9003
202Acq Rogers Proposed Plan for the Integration
of Thin Tapes into the MK IIIA
and VLBA Operations 9004
203Acq Schlecht Instructions for Using Baseband
Converter Program 9004
204Acq Rogers Minutes of Recorder Mtg. 2 May,1990 9005
205Acq Haystack Group Proposal for a Cost-Effective
Doubling of Existing VLBI Sensitivity 9005
206Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Recorder Telecon 9006
207Acq Rogers Measurements of Record
Spacing Loss & a Simple Numerical
Model to Evaluate the
Effect of Demagnetization Fields 9006
208Acq Rogers Tests of a Method to Support
Thick & Thin Tape on a
Processor Transport 9006
209Acq Bagri/Rogers BBC LO Phase Stabilization Time 9007
210Acq Rogers Tests of VLBA Read/Write Interface 9007
211Acq Rogers/
Smythe Record Cross-talk Theory 9007
212Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Recorder Mtg. 9008
213Acq Thompson Performance Specifications of
the Baseband Converter Module 9008
214Acq Rogers
etal Some Tests of TI TL592B Amplifier 9008
215Acq Rogers Use of Unequal Wire Sizes to
Match n BBC 9008
216Acq Rogers Alternate IC for L.O. Unlock
Indicator in BBC 9008
217Acq Rogers Proposal for Design Change to
Reduce L.O. Leakage from BBC 9008
218Acq Rogers The Effect of DC Offsets on the
Complex Correlation Amplitudes 9008
219Acq Rogers Spurious Signals in the BBC 9008
220Acq Rogers,etalDummy Headstack Post for
Improved Tracking Symmetry 9009
221Acq Rogers Replacement for MA-46577B
Varactor in BBC Oscillator 9009
222Acq Rogers Changes Needed in BBC Using
Analog Devices 5539 9009
223Acq Rogers Spurious Signal Levels in DAR
and Proposed Changes 9009
224Acq Rogers "Self" Tests of DAR and REC 9010
222RAcq Rogers (Revision of Acquisition Memo #222) 9010
225Acq Rogers,etal Preliminary Report on First VLBA
Tape 9010
226Acq Hinteregger Thin Tape Facts 9010
227Acq Rogers Alternative Mixers for Better Side-
band Rejection in the BBC 9010
228Acq Rogers Tape Winding & Tape Thickness
Non-uniformity 9011
229Acq Rogers,etal Update on the Ampex/Maxell
Tape Packing Problem 9012
230Acq Rogers Reduced L.O. Leakage from the
BBC 9012
231Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Recorder Telecon 9012
232Acq Rogers Edge Slitting Signatures and Edge
Quality of 16 =E6m Tapes 9012
233Acq Rogers Dynamic Forces on the Tape Edge 9012
234Acq Rogers Measurement of D.C. Offsets
from Sampler 9101
235Acq Rogers/LevinLimitations of the Track Selector
Switch in the VLBA Formatter 9101
236Acq Not Issued
237Acq Rogers,etal Methods of Measuring the
Headstack Gap Length 9101
238Acq Cappallo Recorder Controller Commands 9101
238*Acq RevisedCappallo Recorder Controller Commands 9205
239Acq Cappallo Version 5 of RECON 9101
240Acq Thompson Meeting on Problems of Analog
Crosspoint Switch on A/D Board
of Formatters 9101
241Acq Rogers Rev. Model for VLBA Head
Efficiency 9101
242Acq Smythe Penny
& Giles VLBI Recorder
Project Design Review - Trip Report 9101
243Acq Smythe Capacitance of Gapped Bars 9102
244Acq Rogers Minutes of Recorder Group
Meeting 9102
245Acq Rogers Efficiency Variations in VLBA
Headstacks 9102
246Acq Hinteregger Scanning Electron Microscope
(SEM) Gap Length Measurement 9102
247Acq Whitney Mark III Tape-Labelling
Procedures 9103
248Acq Rogers Proposed Phase Cal Extractor for
Upgraded Formatter A/D Board 9103
249Acq Rogers Proposed Redesign of Formatter
Nesman A/D Buffer Module 9104
250Acq Peck VLBA Tape Recorder & Formatter
Status/Error Monitor Points 9104
251Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Acq/Rec
Telecon 9104
252Acq Smythe How Head SNR Affects
Reproduce Perf 9105
253Acq Rogers Hours/Tape at 128 Mb/s 9105
254Acq Rogers Calculations Concerning Air
Entrapment at the Headstack 9106
255Acq Rogers Specs for Phase Cal Pulse Generator 9106
256Acq Rogers Tape Profile Along the Headstack 9106
257Acq Rogers Dynamic Friction & Viscous Drag
in the Vacuum Columns 9106
258Acq Tran/Rogers Write Drier Asymmetry Improvements 9106
259Acq Smythe Head to Tape Contact at 320 IPS 9106
260Acq Smythe Performance of MKIIIA Recorder
at 56 kbpi and 18 Mb/s
261Acq Rogers Minutes of Recorder Telecon -June 9106
262Acq Rogers Vacuum Column Air Bearing Clearance 9106
263Acq Rogers Tape Winding Dynamics 9107
264Acq Rogers Theoretical Model for Head Flying 9107
265Acq Rogers Simple Method of Measuring Edge Curl 9107
266Acq Rogers Thermal Calculations for High Tape Speeds 9107
267Acq Rogers,et alTape (Thin) Transport Handling Proc 9107
268Acq Rogers Slipping Capstans 9107
269Acq Rogers Accelerated Tape Wear Tests 9107
270Acq Smythe VLBA Write Driver at 18 Mb/s 9107
271Acq Rogers Method of Contouring Heads for
High Tape Speeds 9107
272Acq Rogers,etal Spacing Loss from Uneven Wear of 25
273Acq Starr/RogersMagnetic Tape "Flying" Measurements
vs. Model 9108
274Acq Rogers Preliminary Tests of Various Low
Friction Surfaces 9108
275Acq Rogers Minutes of Recorder Telecon -August 9108
276Acq Smythe Quality Control Checks for Inch-
Worm Drives 9108
277Acq Smythe Modifying the VLBA Head Interface
for Recording at 18 Mb/s 9108
278Acq Wilson Missing Ground in Read Module 9108
279Acq Rogers Reel Alignment Tolerance 9110
280Acq Hinteregger Reels for Thin Tape 9110
281Acq Rogers Possible Variations on Vacuum Loo 9108
282Acq Rogers Additions to Head Flying Model
and Comparison with Measurements 9109
283Acq Rogers Experimental Headstacks 9109
284Acq Rogers Tests of Prototype Phase Calibration
Pulse Generator 9110
285Acq Smythe Write Driver Improvements 9110
286Acq Rogers Head Wear Rates w/ Fotoceram Spacer 9110
287Acq Rogers Recorder Telecon held in October 9110
288Acq Rogers,etal Progress Report on the Solution
to the Tape Edge Heating Problem 9110
289Acq Peck/Rogers Recorder Test Procedures 9110
290Acq Not Issued
291Acq Whitney Bar-Code Reader on VLBA Transport 9111
292Acq Rogers Minutes of Recorder Telecon-December9112
293Acq Rogers,etal The Effect of Reel Hub on Tape Pack 9112
294Acq Wilson Septum Interference w/Precision
Plate 9202
295Acq Rogers Recorder Meeting, Feb. 1992 9202
296Acq Sandler/etal Summary of Results of Thin Tape
Inspections 9202
297Acq Rogers Tests of Phase Calibration Pulse
Generator from 22-43 GHz 9202
298Acq Rogers Plan for Accelerated Testing of
Thin Tape 9202
238*Acq Revised
Cappallo Recorder Controller Commands 9205
299Acq Rogers/etal DRAFT-Tape Procurement Specification 9205
300Acq Rogers/etal Measured Tolerance on Reel Table
Alignment 9203
301Acq Rogers/etal Mechanical Upgrade Steps 9203
302Acq Rogers Mechanical Model for Reel Table
Alignment Needed for Low
Speed Running 9203
303Acq Fields Head Assembly Mounting Screws
Bottoming out on the High
Performance Damper 9203
304Acq Rogers Minutes of Recorder Mtg. for April 9204
305Acq Rogers Head Flying: Expected Changes
with Head Wear 9204
306Acq Rogers Differences in the VLBA, MkIII,
and MkIV IF to Baseband
Conversion 9205
308Acq Rogers/etal Tape Edge Abrasion by Contact with
Reel Flange Rims 9206
309Acq Rogers Possible Replacements for the
10G070 Dual Modulus Counter 9205
310Acq Rogers More on the Abrasion of Tape
Edges by Reel Flanges 9205
311Acq Nesman/etal Recorder Controller Monitor
Board Changes 9205
312Acq Rogers/etal Tape Canister Drop Tests 9207
313Acq Rogers/etal Some Calculations of Forces
Experienced is a Stopping Distance 9206
314Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Recorder Meeting 9206
315Acq Rogers/etal Low Melting Point of Oxide
Binder in AMPEX 741 Tape 9206
316Acq Cappallo Version 6 of RECON 9206
317Acq Callahan/
etal Elastic Modulus Measurements
for Thin Tape 9206
318Acq Rogers Tape Loop Clearance Tolerance 9206
319Acq Rogers Tape Winding and Stretched Tape 9206
320Acq Rogers Wear Tests on Short Tapes 9206
321Acq Rogers Factors Which Influence the
Tape Wind Test 9207
322Acq Rogers Effect of Debris on Tape Packing 9207
323Acq Rogers Accelerated Thin Tape Test: Report 9207
324Acq Rogers A Simple Method to Measure
Friction in Vacuum Columns 9207
325Acq Rogers/etal Elastic Modulus in the Radial
Direction for Thin Tapes 9207
326Acq Rogers Edge Guiding Force Variation
with Vacuum Door Clearance 9207
327Acq Rogers Physical Model for the Effect of
Relative Humidity on Edge
Contact Deposits 9207
328Acq Callahan/
etal Humidity Tests of the Tape
Cannister 9208
329Acq Janes/
Treacy Proposal for Bypassing Barrel
Roll and System Track
Substitution When Using the
VLBA Formatter Data Buffer Module 9208
330Acq Rogers/etal Capstan and Idler Alignment
Tests 9208
331Acq Rogers/etal Cost Estimate for Thin Tape
Upgrade 9208
332Acq Callahan/
etal Magnetic Tape Surface
Resistivity Variation with Relative
Humidity 9208
333Acq Rogers/etal Thin Tape Upgrade- Changes/
Additions to VLBA Acq. Memo #290 9209
334Acq Rogers Influence of Axis Misalignment on
Edge Guiding Force 9208
335Acq Rogers Types of Deposit and Their
Independence on Humidity 9208
336Acq Smythe 16 Passes with a 2 =E6m Guard Band 9208
337Acq Rogers/
Nesman Preliminary MCB Protocol for
Digital Switch & Tone Extractor 9209
338Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Tape Review Meeting 9209
339Acq Rogers Record Spacing Loss Measurement
for D1 Tape 9209
340Acq Rogers Accelerated Thin Tape Tests 9209
341Acq Rogers/etal Failure of Ampex Tape Under
Low Humidity Conditions 9210
342Acq Rogers/etal Theoretical Wear Profiles for
Headstack with Soft Spacers 9210
343 Not issued
344Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Recorder Telecon 9210
345Acq HFH Update of Self-Packing Reel
Specs 9212
346Acq Tran/Wilson Further Improvement of Write
Driver Peformance 9212
348Acq Hinteregger Robust & Marginal Tapes 9301
337 Acq Rogers MCB Protocol - REVISED 9301
349Acq Rogers/etal Thin Tape Upgrade 9302
350Acq Cappallo Version 7 of RECON 9301
351Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Recorder Mtg. 9302
352Acq Hinteregger Headstack Specs for Mk3A/VBA/Mk4 9303
354Acq Thompson Local Oscillator Phase Stability
Spec for Baseband Converter Module 9303
355Acq Rogers Minutes of Recording Meeting 4/93 9304
356Acq Rogers Methods for further reduction
in head flying 9305
and head wear
357Acq Rogers Minutes of Recorder meeting 6/93 9306
358Acq Lam/Rogers Tape Packing at low tensions 9307
359Acq Martin Playback Driveinrush Current,
Thermistor Tests 9307
360Acq Rogers Simple method of checking reel
motor torque 9309
361Acq Rogers/etal Reel servo stability margin 9308
362Acq Rogers/etal Evaluation of the Jodrell Bank
Headstacks 9308
363Acq Hinteregger Performance Maintenance and
head gear 9308
364Acq Janes The Accelerated Tape Test 9308
365Acq Rogers Preliminary Tests of Modified
"Triple Cap" contour 9308
366Acq Martin Methods of Remotely Monitoring
Power supply voltages 9308
In VLBA equipment racks
367Acq Martin Procedure for testing frequency
response of R131 read 9308
Models and R132 Parallel
reproduce modules
368Acq Lam/etal Wear rates, head flying and perform
of current head design 9309
369Acq Rogers Wear rates of heads fotoceram
and MN130 spacer materials 9309
370Acq Smythe/Bolis Test procedure for R131 read
modules and R132 parallel
Reproduce modules 9309
371Acq Hinteregger Reel servo/driver configuration
and margin analysis
Recommendations for more reliable
operation at 320 ips max 9309
372Acq Rogers Contours of "tripe-cap" heads 9310
373Acq Rogers Recorder telecon held 20 Oct. 9310
374Acq Janes Accelerated thin tape test II 9311
375Acq Rogers Model for recorder tracking
response to Capstan and Idler 9311
Surface irregular
377Acq Janes Thin tape transfer status 9312
378Acq Bagri Tolerances for VLBA Sampling Level 9312
379Acq Hinteregger Recovery of shock-deformed tape 9403
380Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Recorder Mtg. 9403
381Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Recorder Mtg. 9404
382Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Recorder Mtg. 9406
383Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Recorder Mtg. 9408
384Acq Gross Measurements of Recorder head
profiles and change
Rogers in the profile with tape speed 9409
385Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Recorder Mtg. 9410
386Acq Rogers Minutes of VLBA Recorder Mtg. 9412
387Acq Hinteregger Minutes of VLBA Recorder Mtg. 9502
388Acq Hinteregger Thin film MR head performance
observed 9503
390Acq Muftu Modelling and evaluation of the current
head stack 9505
391Acq Muftu The effect of air flow and tension on
the exit side behavior 9505
392Acq Rogers Minutes of Telecon Held on 12/20/95 9512
393Acq Whitney Mark II/IV/VLBA Tape formats recording
modes, and Compatibility 9512
394Acq Ghigo Summary of Specifications for geodetic
14-BBC DAR 9602
395Acq Hinteregger Minutes of 1st International Telecon
on VLBI 9602
Recording held on 8 February 96
396Acq Hinteregger Minutes of telecon held 11/7/96 9701
397Acq Muftu Modelling reults on the long term
reliability of flat head 9703
398Acq Peck Minutes of VLBA Recording Telecon held on
13 Feb. 97 9706
Of flat contoured recording head
399Acq Peck VLBA One Gigabit per Second Tape 0003
Durand Drive Upgrade
400Acq Martinez NRAO Clock Recovery Test Fixture 0105
Senior Design Project
401Acq Durand Formatter Upgrade 512 Mbps, Version 7 0108
Connect with NRAO