Source Counts

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Source Counts

A compilation of 86-GHz flux densities for sources at declinations north of tex2html_wrap_inline388 can be found in the home page of the Owens Valley Radio Observatory Millimeter Array (OVRO 1999), while measured 86-GHz flux densities south of tex2html_wrap_inline390 are given by Beasley et al. (1997). The source counts for these areas, covering 92.8% of the sky, are given in Table 1, as are extrapolations over the entire sky. These source counts are conservative, since they certainly are incomplete. For instance, if the estimate of 67 sources down to 1.5 Jy is assumed to be complete, the standard relation tex2html_wrap_inline392 can be used to predict the numbers of sources throughout the sky that are above lower limiting flux densities. The prediction is that there should be 123 sources stronger than 1.0 Jy, and 356 sources stronger than 0.5 Jy. Table 1 indicates that the counts may be complete to 1.0 Jy, but that more than 130 sources are missing between 0.5 and 1.0 Jy. Most of the known (and missing) sources are blazars, and 83% of the gamma-ray-detected EGRET blazars (Mattox et al. 1997) are included in the lists cited above.

Table 1. Incomplete 86-GHz Source Counts
Flux (Jy) tex2html_wrap_inline394 tex2html_wrap_inline396 Total All-Sky All-Sky Cumulative
> 10 4 0 4 4 4
5-10 5 0 5 5 10
4-5 4 2 6 7 16
3-4 6 2 8 9 25
2-3 10 1 11 12 37
1.9 3 0 3 3 40
1.8 4 0 4 4 44
1.7 2 1 3 3 47
1.6 6 2 8 9 56
1.5 8 2 10 11 67
1.4 2 2 4 4 71
1.3 2 1 3 3 74
1.2 11 2 13 14 88
1.1 9 4 13 14 102
1.0 19 3 22 24 126
0.9 6 1 7 8 134
0.8 21 4 25 27 161
0.7 18 2 20 22 182
0.6 22 5 27 29 211
0.5 4 5 9 10 221

Lister, Marscher, & Gear (1998) have imaged eight blazars at 43 GHz using the VLBA. They find peak flux densities ranging from 51% to 85% of the total flux densities for these objects, which were not selected to be more compact than ``typical'' blazars (Marscher, private communication). Since the radio cores are expected to be more prominent relative to the resolved flux at 86 GHz, we conservatively assume that most of the strong 86-GHz sources will have correlated flux densities on long Earth baselines of at least 50% of their total flux densities.gif

There is no well-determined method of extrapolating to the correlated flux densities that will be seen on baselines to ARISE, so some assumption must be made about the distribution of brightness temperatures. Here, we make the simple (but arbitrary) assumption that the 86-GHz correlated flux densities on 50,000-km ARISE baselines will be tex2html_wrap_inline400% of the total flux densities (i.e., tex2html_wrap_inline402). This actually corresponds to an assumption that the typical observed core brightness temperature is tex2html_wrap_inline404 K (Murphy 1998).gif Table 2 contains the resulting estimate of the cumulative source counts as a function of 86-GHz correlated flux density on 50,000-km ARISE baselines, and also includes a similar estimate for the case in which tex2html_wrap_inline414; the latter case corresponds to a typical observed source brightness temperature of tex2html_wrap_inline352 K. No correction for incompleteness has been made in this table.

Table 2. Cumulative All-Sky Counts of
ARISE Correlated Fluxes at 86 GHz
Minimum Correlated Flux tex2html_wrap_inline418 tex2html_wrap_inline420
(mJy) tex2html_wrap_inline422 K tex2html_wrap_inline424 K
2000 4 1
1000 10 4
800 16 5
600 25 7
400 37 16
380 40 17
360 44 18
340 47 20
320 56 21
300 67 25
280 71 26
260 74 26
240 88 29
220 102 32
200 126 37
180 134 44
160 161 56
140 182 71
120 211 88
100 221 126

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