Copy/Paste NRAO Defaults

Note: Due to changes/updates in the RCT on 2021 February 04, the NRAO defaults are not editable after copy/pasting to a personal catalog.

If your observations can use one or more of the NRAO Default (wide band continuum) resources, or you would like to use an NRAO Default as a template, it is advisable to copy/paste those default resources into a personal catalog. This will allow for an easier and faster process of creating SBs.  To copy/paste one or more resources, take the following steps:

  1. Go to the NRAO Defaults catalog level.  Note, if you go to a group level, e.g., DCB/Any Config, you will not be able to copy/paste a single resource, only the entire group. 
  2. Select the resource(s) appropriate for your observations, then select FILE → COPY → INSTRUMENT CFGS..
  3. Go to the personal catalog (or group within the catalog) you wish to paste the resources into, then select FILE → PASTE → INSTRUMENT CFGS..