Data Acquisition Memos

Memo Title Author Date Size
405 Remote Powerup Feature for the Mark 5 Data Recording Units D. Gerrard 2004 July 7380k
404 Mark 5 Module Assembly Instruction D. Gerrard 2004 June 466k
403 Sampler QA Receiver (doc) S. Durand & D.Gerrard 2004 May 1725k
402 VLBA Thin Tape Recorder Module QA, Calibration and Support Documents (doc) S. Thompson 2002 August 8999k
401 Formatter Upgrade 512 Mbps S. Durand & D. McKee 2001 August 2 175k
399 VLBA One Gigabit per Second Tape Drive Upgrade G. Peck & S. Durand 2000 March 27 832k

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