Visiting the SOC

General Information

VLBA users are welcome to visit the SOC to analyze the results of their observations.  Visitors to Socorro can take advantage of the NRAO Guest House.  This facility contains eight single, four double, and two two-bedroom apartments, plus a lounge/kitchen, and full laundry facilities.  The Guest House is located on the campus of New Mexico Tech (NMIMT), a short walk from the SOC.  Reservations are made through the online registration form.  Reservations must be made at least 1 week prior to your visit to the NRAO/NM, and 2 weeks notice is preferred.   Computing requirements and the level of staff assistance needed must be specified through the online form.

Students visiting for their first VLBA data reduction trip must be accompanied by their faculty advisor.   Standard NRAO travel reimbursement policy applies to VLBA data reduction trips.

Travel Support for Visiting the SOC

Travel support is available for U.S.-based observers to travel to NRAO to observe and/or reduce data.  Please see Travel Support for NRAO Observing Runs and Data Reduction for Non-NRAO Employees for details of eligibility and how to claim reimbursement.

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.