Science Program 2016B

A total of 326 new proposals were received for the 1 February submission deadline for Semester 2016B. The tables below summarize the approved observing programs for the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT), the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), and the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) / High Sensitivity Array (HSA) / Global 3mm VLBI Array (GMVA). Listed are the PI name, proposal ID, proposal title, maximum hours approved, and proposal type (Regular, Triggered, or Large). Proposals from previous semesters that were awarded time by NRAO in 16B are included. The GBT and VLA tables also list HSA/GMVA proposals that include these telescopes as a VLBI station.

For each approved program, the Proposal Finder Tool will have access to its authors, title, abstract, and total approved hours.

Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT)

Anderson, Loren GBT/16B-263 Star Formation, Ionized Gas, and the Milky Way Bar 30 Regular
Braatz, James GBT/16A-215 Completing the Megamaser Cosmology Project 24 Large
Brunthaler, Andreas VLBA/15B-162 Measuring the proper motions of M81 and M82 48 Regular
Brunthaler, Andreas VLBA/16B-117 On the nature of M31* 32 Regular
Chakrabarti, Sukanya GBT/16B-285 Towards A New Probe of Dark Matter: HI Masses of Strong Spiral Lenses 72 Regular
Chen, Xi GBT/16B-075 A sensitive search for 6.7 GHz class II methanol megamaser 32 Regular
Dannerbauer, Helmut GBT/16B-210 CO SLEDs of Herschel selected SMGs at z=4 36.5 Regular
Demorest, Paul GBT/15B-160 The North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves 364 Large
Di Francesco, James GBT/16B-278 KEYSTONE: KFPA Examinations of Young Stellar (O-star) Natal Environments 280 Large
Dolch, Timothy GBT/16B-366 Monitoring DM Variations of PSR B2224+65, the ''Guitar Nebula'' Pulsar 24 Regular
Ferrara, Elizabeth GBT/16B-373 Evaluating Millisecond Pulsars for Inclusion in the NANOGrav Pulsar Timing Array 126 Regular
Goldsmith, Paul GBT/16B-003 Accretion onto Filaments in Molecular Clouds  40 Regular
Gupta, Neeraj GBT/16B-033 HI 21-cm observations of low-z galaxies hosting Ly-alpha absorption systems 45 Regular
Hacar, Alvaro GBT/16B-018 GBT-ARGUS observations on the OMC-1 ridge 27 Regular
Hegedus, Alexander GBT/16B-314 Pulsar Occultation of the Solar Corona 6 Regular
Jackson, James GBT/16A-353 The Radio Ammonia Mid-Plane Survey 230 Large
Kovalev, Yuri GBT/16B-199 Evolution of High Brightness Temperature AGN Cores with RadioAstron 159 Regular
Kramer, Michael GBT/16B-249 Timing and General Relativity in the Double Pulsar System 239 Regular
Lanz, Lauranne GBT/16B-273 Neutral Hydrogen in Super Spiral Galaxies 88.5 Regular
Lindberg, Johan GBT/16B-340 Chemical differentiation in externally irradiated protostars 18.5 Regular
Lockman, Felix GBT/16B-139 Project AMIGA: The Circumgalactic Medium of Andromeda -- The Neutral Component 144 Regular
Lovell, Amy GBT/16B-302 OH Observations of comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajduskov 20 Regular
Lynch, Ryan GBT/16A-349 An 820 MHz GBT Pulsar Survey of the Cygnus Region and North Galactic Plane 8784 Large
Margot, Jean-Luc GBT/16B-057 Venus spin dynamics 12 Regular
Marscher, Alan GMVA/16B-113 Imaging of the Gamma-Ray Emitting Regions of Blazar Jets 96 Regular
Michalowski, Michal GBT/16B-037 A direct measurement of the dust depletion timescale in passive galaxies 147 Regular
Miville-Deschenes, Marc-Antoine GBT/16B-288 ARGUS Observations of Molecular Gas Formation at the Disk-Halo Interface 13 Regular
Mundy, Lee GBT/16B-227 Testing Filamentary Star Formation using GBT-ARGUS 37 Regular
Pesce, Dominic GBT/16B-004 The peculiar supermassive black hole in UGC 5713 45 Regular
Ransom, Scott GBT/14A-507 Continuing the GBT All-Sky 350-MHz Pulsar Survey 1200 Large
Ransom, Scott GBT/16B-301 Long Term Timing of 57 Recycled Pulsars in Bulge Globular Clusters 102 Regular
Ransom, Scott GBT/16B-303 Continued Timing of a Millisecond Pulsar in a Stellar Triple System 130 Regular
Rosolowsky, Erik GBT/16B-223 A Radio Recombination Line Pilot Survey of Cygnus X 30.4 Regular
Salas, Pedro GBT/16B-225 Carbon radio recombination lines in the Orion molecular cloud 30 Regular
Seo, Youngmin GBT/16B-119 A Pilot Survey of Infall and Fragmentation of Dense Cores in Nearby Clouds 52 Regular
Smith, Matthew GBT/16B-364 Why is the star-formation efficiency in high-redshift galaxies so high? 59.5 Regular
Sokolov, Vlas GBT/16B-299 Cloud-scale Kinematics of Infrared Dark Clouds 8.8 Regular
Sorgho, Amidou GBT/16B-212 Mapping The Extended HI Environment of the MHONGOOSE galaxies 128 Regular
Spekkens, Kristine GBT/16B-046 Confirming Low Surface Brightness Satellites Around Nearby Galaxies 108 Regular
Wright, Jason GBT/16B-213 A SETI Search Towards an Extraordinary Kepler Target 50 Regular

Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA)

Alberts, Stacey VLA/16B-292 Exploring the Infrared-Radio Correlation in Massive Clusters at z=1-2 21 Regular
Alexander, Kate VLA/16B-318 Radio Observations of TDEs: The Production and Properties of Jets and Outflows 26 Triggered
Baldi, Ranieri VLA/16B-157 Exploring the new class of radio galaxies FR0 14 Regular
Bannister, Keith VLA/16B-069 JVLA monitoring of an in-progress extreme scattering event 24 Triggered
Barrett, Paul VLA/16B-174 Characterizing the Radio Emission from Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables 20 Regular
Bastian, Tim VLA/16B-207 A Volume-limited Search for Radio Emission from Exoplanets III 13.92 Regular
Beck, Sara VLA/16B-067   Embedded Star Clusters at High Resolution: Shells, Arcs and Dustballs  - copy 8 Regular
Beltran, Maria VLA/16B-005 Jet expansion and precesion in G35.20-0.74N 1.5 Regular
Bietenholz, Michael VLA/16B-129 Detecting Radio Emission from the New Gamma-ray binary HESS J1832-093 1.5 Regular
Bietenholz, Michael VLA/16B-269 The Center of SN1986J: Circumstellar Interaction, Neutron Star or Black Hole? 3 Regular
Brinks, Elias VLA/16B-224 Probing the Radio Continuum - Star Formation Rate relation 2 Regular
Brotherton, Michael VLA/16B-329 Using Radio Jets to Calibrate an Optical Orientation Indicator for Quasars 5.5 Regular
Brunthaler, Andreas VLA/16B-116 On the nature of M31*  6 Regular
Callingham, Joseph VLA/16B-297 Constraining source spectra to produce an all-sky low-frequency flux scale 12 Regular
Cannon, John VLA/16B-325 High Resolution HI Imaging of Two LARS/eLARS Galaxies 100 Regular
Carrasco-Gonzalez, Carlos VLA/16B-204 HL Tau at low Tau: Observing the earliest stages of planet formation 17 Regular
Carrasco-Gonzalez, Carlos VLA/16B-243 Imaging the jet+disk system in the massive protostar IRAS 18162-2048 4 Regular
Casassus, Simon VLA/16B-065 The continuum asymmetry of MWC758: dust trap or companion? 10 Regular
Chandra, Poonam VLA/16B-108 Request for continued VLA observations of  SN 2010jl 4.25 Regular
Clements, David VLA/16B-013 Candidate Starbursting Protoclusters 17.5 Regular
Corsi, Alessandra VLA/16B-043 VLA follow-up of iPTF Ib/c SNe: An efficient quest for relativistic explosions 18 Triggered
Corsi, Alessandra VLA/16B-044 Discovering GBM GRB Afterglows with iPTF+VLA 10.5 Triggered
Costagliola, Francesco VLA/16B-193 Resolving the radio continuum of the FIR-excess galaxy NGC 1377 2.5 Regular
Costagliola, Francesco VLA/16B-194 High-resolution mapping of vibrationally excited HCN in NGC4418 5.5 Regular
Coutens, Audrey VLA/16B-259 Grain growth in the star-forming cluster rho Oph A 16.8 Regular
Dallacasa, Daniele VLA/16B-107 JVLA observations of a sample of candidate short-lived radio sources 3 Regular
Das, Mousumi VLA/16B-002 Searching for dual AGN in Double Peaked Emission line Galaxies  2.17 Regular
de Gasperin, Francesco VLA/16A-082 Study of XDCP J0044.0-2033, a merging galaxy cluster at z > 1.5 5 Regular
del Palacio, Santiago VLA/16B-053 Search of synchrotron radiation in two interacting stellar bubbles 0.95 Regular
Demorest, Paul VLA/16B-240 Optimizing frequency choice for pulsar timing arrays 60 Regular
Deneva, Julia VLA/16B-322 Searching for Clues to the Gamma-Ray Excess in the Galactic Center 60 Regular
de Pater, Imke VLA/16B-048 Context Maps of Jupiter during Juno's MWR Orbits

27; HST Orbits: 8

De Pree, Chris VLA/16B-022 Searching for Source Variability in W49A at 7 mm 4 Regular
Drout, Maria VLA/16B-214 VLA Observations as a Probe of Mass Loss from the Progenitors of Luminous IIn SN 5 Regular
Dudik, Rachel VLA/16B-115 Holmberg IX X-1: The VLA View 3.7 Regular
Dzib, Sergio VLA/16B-074 Deep VLA radio observations of the Be black hole binary MWC 656 7.2 Regular
Dzib, Sergio VLA/16B-167 Stellar Kinematics of the Ophiuchus Core 2.5 Regular
Eales, Stephen VLA/16B-130 The Herschel Bright Source Survey (HERBSS) 54.48 Regular
Emonts, Bjorn VLA/16B-296 HI absorption in the cold halo environment of a z=2 radio galaxy 39.2 Regular
Engels, Dieter VLA/16B-118 Determination of 1612 MHZ OH maser shell diameters of three OH/IR stars 5 Regular
Farnes, Jamie VLA/16B-009 Deep Observations to Detect Magnetic Fields in Four z>5.7 Radio-Loud QSOs 8.9833199 Regular
Farnes, Jamie VLA/16B-015 Characterizing magnetic fields in protogalaxies using Lyman absorbing systems 9.999992 Regular
Ferkinhoff, Carl VLA/16B-331 Resolving the radio continuum of high-z galaxies in ZINGRS 36.8 Regular
Forbrich, Jan VLA/16B-268 Ionizing feedback from massive stars in the Trapezium: the outskirts of the ONC 28 Regular
Fu, Hai VLA/16B-121 VLA Confirmation of Candidate Binary Radio AGNs in Stripe 82 7.8 Regular
Gabanyi, Krisztina VLA/16B-025 A Candidate Supermassive Black Hole Binary 1.8 Regular
Gallimore, Jack VLA/16B-063 Which Nucleus Powers OH Megamasers: Starburst or AGN? 13.5 Regular
Gelfand, Joseph VLA/16B-082  Radio emission in strong galactic outflows 20.5 Regular
Ginsburg, Adam VLA/16B-202 Disks and Outflows around O-type stars in W51 16 Regular
Girart, Josep-Miquel VLA/16B-290 When VLA meets ALMA: peering into the region of planet formation 8 Regular
Girart, Josep-Miquel VLA/16B-293 Monitoring orbital motions of the YLW 15 Young  Stellar binary 1 Regular
Gong, Yan VLA/16B-036 Studying the SiS masers in IRC +10216 9.24 Regular
Gonzalez, Anthony VLA/16B-289 Radio-Active CoWS: Extended FIRST Sources in MaDCoWS Clusters 15.56 Regular
Gorski, Mark VLA/16B-337 Maser Diagnostics of the Starburst in NGC253 13.73 Regular
Gowardhan, Avani VLA/16B-208  Establishing OH masers as a molecular outflow diagnostic 12.55 Regular
Hardcastle, Martin VLA/16B-245 Remnant AGN in the LOFAR survey of the H-ATLAS NGP field 3.5 Regular
Harrison, Christopher VLA/16A-182 The crucial role of mechanical feedback in radio quiet quasars? 14.9 Regular
Harwood, Jeremy VLA/16A-089 Spectral ageing in the lobes of FR-II radio galaxies 2 Regular
Harwood, Jeremy VLA/16A-391 A resolved spectral study of hybrid morphology radio galaxies 10 Regular
Harwood, Jeremy VLA/16B-368 Can relaxed lobes help determine the life expectancy of powerful radio galaxies? 4 Regular
Heesen, Volker VLA/16B-246 Non-thermal radio haloes surrounding dwarf irregular galaxies 14.4 Regular
Higdon, Sarah VLA/16B-265 Magnetic Fields in the Star Forming Nuclear Ring in NGC 2997  7.04 Regular
Hlavacek-Larrondo, Julie  VLA/16A-283 JVLA observations of an exceptional Brightest Cluster Galaxy at z=1.7 2 Regular
Hofner, Peter VLA/16B-133 The Ionized Jet of the Most Luminous Protostar in the Galaxy 4.5 Regular
Hyman, Scott VLA/16B-264 Deeper into the Galactic Center: Low Frequency Radio Transients 36 Regular
Isella, Andrea VLA/16B-221 Effect of planet formation on the evolution of solids in protoplanetary disks 22.23 Regular
Jackson, James VLA/16B-328 Ammonia (3,3) Masers:  Probes of High-Mass Outflows 12 Regular
Jackson, Neal VLA/16B-151 SKA science now: imaging of gravitationally lensed radio-quiet quasars 21 Regular
Jones, Gareth VLA/16B-284 Constraining the radio-FIR spectrum of archetypal starbursts in the z>4 Universe 5 Regular
Kamble, Atish VLA/16B-060 The Unprecedented Metamorphosis of SN 2014C 8 Regular
Kepley, Amanda VLA/15B-197 VLA Fireflies: A Radio Continuum Survey of Starbursting Dwarf Galaxies 1.5 Regular
Khatun, Rubinur VLA/16B-008 Resloving the dual AGN and tracing the helical jets in 2MASXJ12032061+1319316 0.66 Regular
Koch, Eric VLA/16B-236 Tracing the Atomic and Molecular Medium Across a Spiral Arm 48 Regular
Koch, Eric VLA/16B-242 Feedback in a Giant HII Region: Impact on the Atomic and Molecular Medium 48 Regular
Laor, Ari VLA/16B-126 Lifting the vail on the unexplored mm emission of Radio Quiet AGN 53.25 Regular
Lin, Dacheng VLA/16B-349 VLA Monitoring of a Decade-long Tidal Disruption Event 7 Regular
Linden, Sean VLA/16A-204 High-Resolution Imaging of Obscured Star Formation in Luminous Infrared Galaxies 11.25 Regular
Linford, Justin VLA/16B-330 Imaging the Ejecta in Classical Novae 37.5; HST Orbits: 6 Regular
Liu, Hauyu VLA/16B-080 Are FU Orionis Disks Fragmenting/Fragmented? 14 Regular
Loinard, Laurent VLA/16B-244 A complete VLA survey of the Perseus molecular complex 7 Regular
Lonsdale, Carol VLA/16B-353 Multi-frequency Imaging of Very Young Obscured Radio Powerful Quasars  30 Regular
Lonsdale, Carol VLA/16B-376 Multi-frequency Imaging of kpc-scale Jets in Obscured Radio Powerful Quasars 51.4 Regular
Lovell, Amy VLA/16B-286 Determining Subsurface Properties of Ceres and Vesta 28.66 Regular
Macias, Enrique VLA/16B-375 Imaging the radio jet in the transitional disk of AB Aurigae 8 Regular
Mao, Sui Ann VLA/16B-222 Gravitational Lensing as a Probe of Galactic Magnetism at Intermediate Redshifts 23.25 Regular
Mao, Sui Ann VLA/16B-306 Magnetized Gas In and Around Spectroscopically-identified MgII Absorber Galaxies 66.65 Regular
Marecki, Andrzej VLA/16B-091 Recurrent activity in 3C328 radio galaxy 0.33 Regular
Mauco, Karina VLA/16B-332 External Photoevaporation in the Sigma Ori Cluster 3 Regular
McHardy, Ian VLA/16B-239 The origin of radio emission in low-luminosity nearby galaxies 24 Regular
Melis, Carl VLA/16B-279 Pleiades Binaries for the Masses 10.68 Regular
Meng, Fanyi VLA/16B-031  Mapping the ionized gas content in Sagittarius B2 17 Regular
Menten, Karl VLA/16A-174 A comprehensive Galactic plane radio wavelength star formation survey  36 Large
Michalowski, Michal VLA/16B-039 VLA provides the evidence of metal-poor atomic gas inflow 33 Regular
Miller-Jones, James VLA/16B-367 Radio and X-ray monitoring of the hard state of Cyg X-1 over a full binary orbit 11 Triggered
Molnar, Lawrence VLA/16B-016 A Contact Binary about to Merge: triggered observations of a red nova outburst 10 Triggered
Molnar, Lawrence VLA/16B-017 A Contact Binary about to Merge: proposal to characterize preoutburst state 6 Regular
Monkiewicz, Jacqueline VLA/16B-359 Direct detection of the primordial giant exoring system around J1407b 7 Regular
Mooley, Kunal VLA/16B-047 Jansky VLA observations of AGN with newly-born jets 6 Regular
Morganti, Raffaella VLA/16B-085 Tracing the location of HI in the central regions of radio AGN 26.4 Regular
Moscadelli, Luca VLA/16B-014 Characterizing the ionized gas emission in massive protostars 52 Regular
motogi, kazuhito VLA/16B-106 SED measurement towards the face-on accretion system in high mass star-formation 2.5 Regular
Murphy, Eric VLA/16B-319 A JVLA Public Legacy Survey of the Frontier Fields: Abell 370 and Abell 2744 128 Regular
Murphy, Eric VLA/16B-320 Unveiling the High-Redshift Universe Through A Deep 10GHz Survey of GOODS-N 255 Large
O Gorman, Eamon VLA/16B-012 Revisiting the Inner and Outer Wind of Antares with the Jansky VLA: 2 4.7 Regular
O Gorman, Eamon VLA/16B-110 Understanding the dust forging factory around VY Canis Majoris 9.2 Regular
Oteo, Ivan VLA/16B-152 Cold gas, CII and dust at matched resolution in the most luminous z>4 starburst 92 Regular
Oteo, Ivan VLA/16B-176 High-res CO1-0 imaging of SDP.81 to complement the ALMA long-baseline campaign 70 Regular
Ott, Juergen VLA/16B-316 Recalibration of the Ammonia Thermometer in Extreme IR Environments 16 Regular
Palliyaguru, Nipuni VLA/16B-056 VLA follow-up of the off-axis GRB candidate PTF11qcj 4 Regular
Pandya, Viraj VLA/16B-315 A Systematic Radio Search for Central Black Holes in Ultracompact Dwarf Galaxies 7 Regular
Perez, Sebastian VLA/16B-230 Probing the dense core and the snowline in the outbursting FUOr V883 Ori 6.6 Regular
Perez-Torres, Miguel VLA/16B-084 The Close AGN Reference Survey: Compact star formation and jets in luminous AGN  32.8 Regular
Peters, Charee VLA/16B-370 AGN and the Variable Radio Sky via CHILES VERDES 18 Regular
Purser, Simon VLA/16B-154 Investigating ionized jets towards MYSOs on the 10-100AU scale 32.4 Regular
Rankin, Joanna VLA/16B-371 Simultaneous, Multiband, Single-pulse Polarimetry of the Vela Pulsar B0833--45  4 Regular
Rodriguez, Luis VLA/16A-221 The Ultramassive Black Hole Candidate in NGC 1277 at Radio Wavelengths 2 Regular
Rottgering, Huub VLA/16B-309 High-Z Extreme Spectrum Project - radio galaxies as probes of reionisation 9.12 Regular
Saikia, Payaswini VLA/16B-189 The Palomar nearby galaxy survey of active galactic nuclei at 15 GHz 18 Regular
Sanna, Alberto VLA/16B-201 Is there a massive disk around Cepheus A HW2? 3.5 Regular
Saripalli, Lakshmi VLA/16B-023 Probing the History of Black Hole Spin Orientations with Radio Galaxies II 9.5 Regular
Schoedel, Rainer VLA/16B-131 Massive stars in the Galactic center: the Arches and Quintuplet clusters 7.15 Regular
Schruba, Andreas VLA/16B-291 The Bottleneck of Star Formation - Formation and Collapse of a Cold Gas Phase 18 Regular
Secrest, Nathan VLA/16B-307 Clarifying the Nature of Was 49: A Quasar in a Minor Merger? 3.64 Regular
Sheehan, Patrick VLA/16B-233 Characterizing the Radio Variability of Protoplanetary Disks in the ONC 20.1 Regular
Shishkovsky, Laura  VLA/16B-248 Pinpointing an Eccentric Millisecond Pulsar in the Globular Cluster NGC 6652 9.51 Regular
Singh, Veeresh VLA/16B-026 Probing AGN episodes in a newly discovered triple-double radio galaxy J1216+0709 0.95 Regular
Sjouwerman, Lorant VLA/16B-073 The ADAF-Jet Paradigm in the Quiescent Nucleus of M32 18 Regular
Soderberg, Alicia VLBA/15B-312 The unprecedented metamorphosis of  SN2014C 16 Regular
Spekkens, Kristine VLA/16A-199 HI Mapping of the Newly Discovered Antlia B Dwarf Irregular Galaxy 4.5 Regular
Stanway, Elizabeth VLA/16B-104 Exploring Better Analogues for the z>5 Galaxy Population  15 Regular
Stierwalt, Sabrina VLA/16B-086 Can dwarf-dwarf galaxy interactions trigger the fueling of an AGN? 12.5 Regular
Stockdale, Christopher VLA/16B-206 Long Term Monitoring of Radio Supernovae with the Jansky VLA -  2016B 36.5 Regular
Stockdale, Christopher VLA/16B-209 ToO Observations of Core Collapse Supernovae (Type IIL/IIP/IIb/II)  48 Triggered
Stovall, Kevin VLA/16B-334 Pulsar Observations at 74 MHz with the Expanded Long Wavelength Array 15 Regular
Taylor, Greg VLA/16B-032 High Resolution Imaging of AGN at 74 MHz with the Expanded Long Wavelength Array 21 Regular
Thomson, Alasdair VLA/16B-305 The SFRs of ALMA-detected SMGs from X-band observations of free-free emission 44 Regular
Tobin, John VLA/16A-197 The VLA Orion Protostellar Multiplicity and Disk Survey 255 Large
Tremonti, Christy VLA/15B-255 Probing Dust Obscured Star Formation in Massive Ultra-compact Galaxies  2 Regular
Tremonti, Christy VLA/16B-238  Probing Dust-Obscured Star Formation in Massive Ultra-compact Galaxies 25.8 Regular
Turner, Jake VLA/16B-281 Constraining the magnetic fields of close-in exoplanets 12 Regular
van Velzen, Sjoert VLA/16B-369 A new window on jet physics via rapid VLA follow-up of tidal disruption events 31.03 Triggered
van Weeren, Reinout VLA/16B-251 JVLA Observations of the HST Frontier Fields Clusters A370 and AS1063 18 Regular
Vazza, Franco VLA/16B-190 The magnetic cosmic web around Abell 2744 42 Regular
VEDANTHAM, HARISH VLA/16B-356 Survey area trumps depth: FRB detection and localization with subarrays 60 Regular
Wagg, Jeff VLA/16A-096 Free-free emission in unlensed starburst QSO host galaxies at z~4.5 1 Regular
Yusef-Zadeh, Farhad VLA/16B-099 Completion of Methanol  Survey  of the Galactic Center 6 Regular
Zakamska, Nadia VLA/16B-343 The origin of the most extreme galactic outflows 8 Regular
Zapata, Luis VLA/16B-028 Nature of the Centimeter Continuum Emission Associated with Transitional Disks 15 Regular

Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), High Sensitivity Array (HSA), and Global 3mm VLBI Array (GMVA)

Akiyama, Kazunori VLBA/16B-311 Probing the active collimation region of the relativistic jet in 3C 273 10.5 Regular
Alberdi, Antonio VLBA/16B-079 Dissecting the radio structure of the triple hierarchical system HD 167971 18 Regular
Bannister, Keith VLBA/16B-070 VLBA monitoring of in-progress extreme scattering events 120 Triggered
Bower, Geoffrey VLBA/15A-424 The Galactic Center Pulsar:  Long-Term Astrometry and Sagittarius A* Physics 6 Regular
Brunthaler, Andreas VLBA/15B-162 Measuring the proper motions of M81 and M82 36 Regular
Brunthaler, Andreas VLBA/16B-117 On the nature of M31* 16 Regular
Burgasser, Adam VLBA/15B-224 Distance and Dynamical Masses for the Hyperactive L/T Binary 2MASS J1315-2649AB 17 Regular
CUTINI, Sara VLBA/16B-127 Morphological changes after a bright optical-gamma-ray flare in S51803+78 4 Regular
Deane, Roger VLBA/16B-351 The radio view of a binary SMBH candidate with optical periodicity 13.5 Regular
Deller, Adam VLBA/15A-433 VLBA distances for two Double Neutron Star systems 16 Regular
Deller, Adam VLBA/16B-317 MSPSRPI: VLBI astrometry of millisecond pulsars 57.000016 Regular
Deller, Adam VLBA/16B-327 VLBA astrometry of J0737-3039: improved GR tests + moment of inertia measurement 5 Regular
Edge, Alastair VLBA/16B-338 Atomic Hydrogen absorption in two well studied Brightest Cluster Galaxies 12 Regular
Ellingsen, Simon VLBA/16B-064 Methanol absorption towards PKS B1830-211 at milliarcsecond resolution 8 Regular
Fey, Alan VLBA/16A-047 VLBA Geodesy/Astrometry Observations for 2016 72 Regular
Forbrich, Jan VLBA/16B-262 VLBA Exploration of Ultracool-dwarf Binaries 21 Regular
Frail, Dale VLBA/16B-109 An Optimal Search Strategy For FRBs 200 Large
Hodgson, Jeffrey GMVA/16B-163 Continued high-resolution monitoring of 3C 84 45 Regular
Homan, Jeroen VLBA/16A-079 How super-Eddington are the brightest accreting neutron stars? 24 Regular
Immer, Katharina VLBA/16A-196 3D motions of gas clouds in the Central Molecular Zone 21 Regular
Jacobs, Christopher VLBA/15A-187 Improving the K-band Celestial Reference Frame in the North. 24 Regular
Jones, Dayton VLBA/16A-002 VLBA Astrometry of the Juno Spacecraft in Jupiter Orbit 28 Regular
Kameno, Seiji VLBA/16B-030 Accretion onto the central engine of NGC 1052 12 Regular
Kanekar, Nissim VLBA/16B-295 The covering factor of high-z damped Lyman-alpha systems 50 Regular
Kim, Jae-Young GMVA/16B-195 Probing the Innermost Jet in the Nearby Gamma-ray emitting FR I Galaxy NGC 6251 8 Regular
Laskar, Tanmoy VLBA/16B-215 Measuring the Intrinsic Sizes of OH Masers Through Short-Timescale Variability 15 Regular
Lico, Rocco VLBA/15B-033 Explaining the cycle of the first periodic HSP blazar with VLBA observations 12 Regular
Lister, Matthew VLBA/16B-175 MOJAVE: Long Term VLBA Polarimetric Observations of Pc-Scale AGN Jets 144 Large
Marecki, Andrzej VLBA/16B-098 Is blazar J1208+6121 extremely distorted X-shaped source? 5 Regular
Marscher, Alan GMVA/16B-113 Imaging of the Gamma-Ray Emitting Regions of Blazar Jets 96 Regular
Marscher, Alan VLBA/14B-264 Sub-milliarcsecond Imaging of the Gamma-ray Emission Regions of Blazars 288 Large
Marti-Vidal, Ivan GMVA/16B-094 Tomography of molecular clouds at z=0.89 6 Regular
Melis, Carl VLBA/15B-073 Is There a Front Edge to the Orion Star Forming Complex? 9 Regular
Melis, Carl VLBA/16A-348 Pleiades Binaries for the Masses 40 Regular
Meyer, Eileen VLBA/16B-252 Mapping the Velocity Profiles of Extragalactic Jets from pc to kpc scales 24 Regular
Miller-Jones, James VLBA/16B-137 A geometric distance to the black hole X-ray binary Swift J1753.5-0127 10 Regular
Miller-Jones, James VLBA/16B-341 Radio and X-ray monitoring of the hard state of Cyg X-1 over a full binary orbit 72 Triggered
motogi, kazuhito VLBA/15A-111 3D kinematics in the face-on accretion disk in high mass star-formation. 3 Regular
Perez-Torres, Miguel VLBA/16B-274 The transient sky in Arp 299 22 Regular
Pihlstrom, Ylva VLBA/16A-248 Stellar SiO masers as dynamical tracers of the inner Galaxy 28 Regular
Reid, Mark VLBA/16B-001 A Parallax Distance for the Microquasar Cyg X-3 12 Regular
Ros, Eduardo GMVA/16B-134 Detecting the ring-like and the double compact structure of S5 0615+820 at 3mm 12 Regular
Sanna, Alberto VLBA/16B-089 Dynamical properties of High-mass Star-Forming Regions - Cepheus A 32 Regular
Shahinyan, Karlen VLBA/16B-350 Revisiting blazar candidate HESS J1943+213 8 Regular
Soderberg, Alicia VLBA/15B-312 The unprecedented metamorphosis of  SN2014C 8 Regular
Spingola, Cristiana GMVA/16B-283 The jet launching region in the lensed blazar PKS 1830-211 12 Regular
Truebenbach, Alexandra VLBA/16B-058 Observing the Real-Time Recession and Collapse of Large-Scale Structures 31 Regular
Zhang, Bo VLBA/15A-287 VLBI Astrometry of HD 179821: Supergiant or post-AGB star? 10 Regular

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.