Science Program 2011B
A total of 304 proposals were received for the 2011 February 1 submission deadline for Semester 2011B.
The tables below list the approved observing programs for Semester 2011B for the Expanded Very Large Array, for the Very Long Baseline Array and High Sensitivity Array, and for the Green Bank Telescope. The following is provided for each approved program: PI name, proposal ID, proposal title, total hours allocated, and proposal type (Regular or Triggered or Large). For Large proposals or monitoring proposals the time allocated may be over more than one semester. For each approved program, the Proposal Finder Tool will have access to its authors, title, abstract, and approved hours.
Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA)
To maximize EVLA Early Science, while simultaneously commissioning the hardware and introducing new capabilities, three separate observing routes were created. They are, in brief: (1) Open Shared Risk Observing (OSRO) which provides first-light EVLA capabilities to the general user community; (2) Resident Shared Risk Observing (RSRO) which provides access to enhanced EVLA capabilities to those who are able to spend time in Socorro to help with commissioning; and (3) an EVLA Commissioning Staff Observing (ECSO) route giving commissioning staff access to the telescope to push new science capabilities.
PI | ID | RSRO Title | Hours | Type |
Bastian | VLA/11B-129 | Dynamic Imaging Spectroscopy of Coherent Solar Radio Bursts | 32 | Regular |
Menten | VLA/11B-168 | A comprehensive Galactic plane radio wavelength star formation survey | 20 | Regular |
Mills | VLA/11B-210 | What is Heating Galactic Center Molecular Clouds? | 4 | Regular |
Tabatabaei | VLA/11B-145 | Uncovering the Magnetized ISM in M33 with the EVLA | 41 | Regular |
PI | ID | ECSO Title | Hours | Type |
Bhatnagar | VLA/11B-157 | Simultaneous wide-band and spectral-line mosaic imaging in the Galactic plane | 48 | Regular |
Claussen | VLA/11B-147 | An Imaging Spectral Survey of the AGB Carbon Star IRC+10216 from 18 - 50 GHz | 69 | Regular |
Momjian | VLA/11B-036 | EVLA Observations of Orion in all four 18 cm OH Thermal Absorption Lines | 10 | Regular |
Myers | VLA/11B-203 | A Wide-Area EVLA Survey of the ACT Deep Equatorial Stripe | 8 | Regular |
PI | ID | OSRO Title | Hours | Type |
Andrews | VLA/11B-065 | Particle Growth in the Protoplanetary Disk Around V4046 Sgr | 2 | Regular |
Aravena | VLA/11B-112 | A survey of CO 1-0 line emission in star-forming disk galaxies at z=1.5-2.5 | 6 | Regular |
Bonafede | VLA/11B-018 | Search for diffuse radio emission in galaxy clusters at z>0.3 | 46 | Regular |
Carilli | VLA/11B-002 | Imaging the molecular Einstein Ring MM18423+5938 at z=3.93 | 15 | Regular |
Chandler | VLA/11B-106 | Formation, growth, and dust properties of protostellar disks in Perseus | 8 | Regular |
Cheung | VLA/11B-128 | Prompt EVLA Followup of Flaring/Transient Fermi-LAT Galactic Plane Sources | 12 | Triggered |
Chitsazzadeh | VLA/11B-201 | Ammonia Observations of Starless Cores on the Brink | 16 | Regular |
Choi | VLA/11B-039 | Search for the Rotation of Protostellar Jets | 20 | Regular |
Chomiuk | VLA/11B-192 | Exotic Explosions, Eruptions, and Disruptions: A New Transient Phase-Space | 25 | Triggered |
Chyzy | VLA/11B-172 | RM-synthesis to solve the mystery of M81's magnetism | 10 | Regular |
Corder | VLA/11B-126 | Multiscale Mosaics of Nearby Star-Forming Regions: EVLA | 18 | Regular |
Daddi | VLA/11B-060 | A direct test of the black holes - mergers connection | 15 | Regular |
De Pree | VLA/11B-058 | Dynamic UC HII Regions in Sgr B2: Flickering and Ionized Flows | 20 | Regular |
Emonts | VLA/11B-048 | CO content of massive protocluster galaxies in the Early Universe: an EVLA study | 20 | Regular |
Emonts | VLA/11B-086 | Mapping widespread molecular gas in a z=2 radio galaxy: an EVLA/ALMA study | 9 | Regular |
Farnsworth | VLA/11B-156 | Recovery of the dominant diffuse components in two clusters | 8 | Regular |
Frail | VLA/11B-010 | A New Search for Evidence of Hadronic Cosmic Rays in Supernova Remnants | 4 | Regular |
Haynes | VLA/11B-027 | HIghMass: High HI Mass, HI-rich Galaxies at z~0 | 60 | Regular |
Ivison | VLA/11B-044 | 12CO J=1-0 in a unique sample of extraordinarily bright, lensed Herschel SMGs | 17 | Regular |
Ivison | VLA/11B-004 | 12CO(1-0) in rich proto-clusters signposted by high-redshift radio galaxies | 26 | Regular |
Leroy | VLA/11B-061 | A Complete and Deep Continuum Survey of M31, the Nearest Large Spiral Galaxy | 37 | Regular |
Leroy | VLA/11B-124 | Dust Physics, ISM Structure, and Energetics From a Cloud Scale HI Map of M31 | 16 | Regular |
Li | VLA/11B-152 | A mapping of the polarized synchrotron emission from the central region of M31 | 2 | Regular |
Liszt | VLA/11B-076 | C4H as a signpost of chemical complexity in diffuse clouds | 4 | Regular |
Liszt | VLA/11B-003 | Is l-C3H2 Really a Carrier of Diffuse Interstellar Bands? | 4 | Regular |
Mangum | VLA/11B-026 | Imaging the Spatial Density within Starburst Galaxies | 3 | Regular |
Marengo | VLA/11B-035 | Searching for Evidence of Mass-Loss from Classical Cepheids | 33 | Regular |
Marvil | VLA/11B-139 | A sensitive, multi-frequency continuum study of M82 and NGC 2146 | 21 | Regular |
Meier | VLA/11B-199 | Exploring CH as a Probe of Diffuse Molecular Gas in M 82 | 24 | Regular |
Migliari | VLA/11B-103 | Probing the disc wind-jet connection in black hole transients | 4 | Triggered |
Miller-Jones | VLA/11B-122 | The connection between gamma-ray emission and radio jets in Cygnus X-3 | 9 | Triggered |
Miller-Jones | VLA/11B-108 | Simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of Cyg X-1 over an entire binary orbit | 30 | Regular |
Monnier | VLA/11B-001 | Orbital Period and the Fundamental Parameters of Colliding Wind WR 112 | 3 | Regular |
Murphy | VLA/11B-032 | Star Formation in the Radio: Mapping Ionizing Photon Rates in Nearby Galaxies | 64 | Regular |
Paredes | VLA/11B-022 | A pulsar wind nebula associated to the Fermi/GBT pulsar PSR J2032+4127? | 4 | Regular |
Pellizzoni | VLA/11B-014 | Monitoring of Jet-like Radio Emission Associated to Geminga Pulsar | 4 | Regular |
Pineda | VLA/11B-101 | Turbulence and outflows in dense cores: B5 as a test case | 21 | Regular |
Pope | VLA/11B-121 | Dust-free Star Formation Rates From Thermal Gas in Submillimeter Galaxies | 16 | Regular |
Pulliam | VLA/11B-104 | Mapping of the molecular envelope of the oxygen-rich AGB star W Hydrae | 6 | Regular |
Reese | VLA/11B-179 | Snapshot Survey of ACT SZE-Selected Cluster Fields | 12 | Regular |
Reynolds | VLA/11B-019 | The High Frequency Flares in Mrk 231 | 7 | Regular |
Ricci | VLA/11B-049 | Investigating grain growth in the disk of a young brown dwarf | 24 | Regular |
Riechers | VLA/11B-151 | A Census of Total Molecular Gas Masses in z>2 Star-Forming Galaxies | 26 | Regular |
Riechers | VLA/11B-030 | Dense Molecular Gas Excitation in a z~4 AGN-Starburst Galaxy | 10 | Regular |
Roy | VLA/11B-164 | CCS 22.3 GHz Zeeman observations of the molecular core TMC-1C | 24 | Regular |
Rudnick | VLA/11B-096 | Detecting CO[1-0] in the Star-Forming Galaxies of a z = 1.62 Galaxy Cluster | 60 | Regular |
Sjouwerman | VLA/11B-091 | BAaDE: Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamic Evolution | 7 | Large |
Soderberg | VLA/11B-177 | EVLA Can Reveal the Nature of Type Ia Supernova Progenitors | 10 | Triggered |
Soderberg | VLA/11B-197 | The Diversity of SNe Ibc and the Nature of the GRB-SN Connection | 10 | Triggered |
Sokoloski | VLA/11B-170 | The ENova Project: Understanding Nova Shells through Radio Monitoring | 16 | Regular |
Sun | VLA/11B-093 | HI gas in the brightest X-ray cool core of galaxy groups | 14 | Regular |
Surcis | VLA/11B-079 | 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization with the EVLA | 8 | Regular |
Takahashi | VLA/11B-050 | A Millimeter Study of the Embedded Star-cluster in the Orion Molecular Cloud. II | 30 | Regular |
Thomson | VLA/11B-100 | Imaging 12CO J=1-0 in a colossal galactic nursery at z=2.8 | 11 | Regular |
van der Werf | VLA/11B-062 | How accurate are high-z molecular gas masses? A first assessment using 13CO 1-0 | 20 | Regular |
White | VLA/11B-155 | A Pilot EVLA Image of the Sun at F10.7 | 8 | Regular |
Wilcots | VLA/11B-098 | Searching for Diffuse Emission Trailing Bent Doubles in Galaxy Groups | 2 | Regular |
Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) and High Sensitivity Array (HSA)
The newly approved programs for the VLBA and HSA make up only a part of the total science time available. Existing and new Large programs continue to dominate the scheduled observing over Regular programs.
PI | ID | Title | Hours | Type |
Alatalo | VLBA/11B-025 | VLBA Observations of the Unusual Galaxy NGC 1266 | 8 | Regular |
Brunthaler | VLBA/11B-005 | Proper motion of Galaxies in and beyond the Local Group | 560 | Large |
Busch | VLBA/11B-001 | Radar Speckle Observations of Near-Earth Asteroids During July - December 2011 | 8 | Triggered |
Dzib | VLBA/11B-023 | The first dynamical determination of the mass of a very young Herbig AeBe star | 78 | Regular |
Gupta | VLBA/11B-004 | Physical conditions and small-scale structure in the ISM of z=0.08 galaxy | 10 | Regular |
Hada | VLBA/11B-019 | Multi-calibrator astrometry of the core of the low-luminosity AGN M 81 | 12 | Regular |
Linford | VLBA/11B-006 | Exploring the Parsec-scale Environments of Fermi AGN | 48 | Regular |
Marscher | VLBA/11B-008 | Sub-parsec Imaging of the Gamma-ray Emission Regions of Blazars | 864 | Large |
Miller-Jones | VLBA/11B-022 | Simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of Cyg X-1 over an entire binary orbit | 72 | Regular |
Miller-Jones | VLBA/11B-026 | The connection between gamma-ray emission and radio jets in Cygnus X-3 | 48 | Triggered |
Reynolds | VLBA/11B-003 | The High Frequency Flares in Mrk 231 | 32 | Regular |
Sanna | VLBA/11B-017 | Exploring the peculiar case of the star-forming region G9.62+0.20: water masers | 32 | Regular |
Surcis | VLBA/11B-016 | Magnetic fields in massive star-forming regions measured using H2O masers | 24 | Regular |
Tarchi | VLBA/11B-010 | Water masers in NLSy1: the nuclear gas in NGC4051 and NGC5506 at sub-pc scales | 14 | Regular |
Yusef-Zadeh | VLBA/11B-015 | Coordinated Study of Flaring Activity of Sgr A* at 3mm with Hershel | 16 | Regular |
Green Bank Telescope (GBT)
PI | ID | Title | Hours | Type |
Anderson | GBT/11B-016 | Untangling Compact and Diffuse Emission in the HRDS | 15 | Regular |
Anderson | GBT/11B-017 | Toward a Distance to the Outer Arm in the First Galactic Quadrant | 11 | Regular |
Balser | GBT/11B-010 | Probing Metallicity Throughout the Milky Way Disk | 55 | Regular |
Burgay | GBT-11B-007 | Searching for radio pulsations triggered by the X-ray outburst of magnetars | 4 | Regular |
Cordiner | GBT/11B-034 | A search for carbon chain oxides in the interstellar medium | 65 | Regular |
Darling | GBT/11B-029 | Building a Water Maser Network for Proper Motion Studies of the Andromeda Galaxy | 46 | Regular |
DeCesar | GBT/11B-083 | Timing A New Pulsar 'In' the Globular Cluster NGC 6652 | 4 | Regular |
Dunham | GBT/11B-048 | A Thorough Census of Tk and Evolutionary State of Galactic Star Forming Regions | 60 | Regular |
Friesen | GBT/11B-064 | Star Formation under the Influence: NH3 mapping the Rosette Molecular Cloud | 52 | Regular |
Galvan | GBT/11B-032 | Extreme Star Formation Resolved: Ammonia Mapping of W49A | 6 | Regular |
Gao | GBT/11B-054 | CS(1-0) Survey of Local (U)LIRGs | 32 | Regular |
Greenhill | GBT-081 | AGN in Bulge-less Galaxies | 43 | Regular |
Kanekar | GBT/11B-019 | The nature of damped Lyman-alpha systems: the gas mass of 3 absorbers at z ~ 0.1 | 69 | Regular |
Kramer | GBT/11B-063 | Timing and General Relativity in the Double Pulsar System | 104 | Regular |
Lynch | GBT/11B-044 | Measuring Shapiro Delay in the Globular Cluster Millisecond Pulsar NGC 6544B | 41 | Regular |
Mangum | GBT/11B-009 | Kinetic Temperature in Starburst Galaxies | 42 | Regular |
Mangum | GBT/11B-023 | Cyanoacetylene Densitometry of Starburst Galaxies | 14 | Regular |
Manjarr | GBT/11B-072 | Small-scale chemistry around the class 0 protostar GF9-2 | 5 | Regular |
Margot | GBT/11B-047 | Probing Europa's ocean and icy shell with spin state measurements | 45 | Regular |
Matthews | GBT/11B-013 | HI Mapping of the Extended Circumstellar Envelope of IRC+10216 | 48 | Regular |
Milam | GBT/11B-080 | Molecular Survey towards Comets C/2010 X1 (Elenin) & 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakov | 80 | Regular |
Miller-Jones | GBT/11B-036 | Simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of Cyg X-1 over an entire binary orbit | 15 | Regular |
Mills | GBT/11B-074 | How Hot is Galactic Center Molecular Gas? | 5 | Regular |
Mroczkowsk | GBT/11B-001 | MUSTANG Imaging of the CLASH Cluster Sample II: Completion of the Sample | 162 | Regular |
Murphy | GBT/11B-012 | The Origin of Anomalous Dust Emission in Extragalactic HII Regions | 12 | Regular |
Nidever | GBT/11B-082 | Constraining the Milky Way Mass with the Magellanic Stream | 325 | Large |
Pineda | GBT/11B-039 | Multiscale Mosaics of Nearby Star-Forming Regions: GBT | 9 | Regular |
Rea | GBT/11B-021 | Search for radio pulsations during the quiescence of the first low-B magnetar | 4 | Regular |
Reese | GBT/11B-018 | A MUSTANG Pilot Study of ACT SZE-Selected Clusters | 100 | Regular |
Remijan | GBT/11B-053 | Continuing the GBT Legacy Survey toward the Galactic Center Region Sgr B2 | 50 | Regular |
Robertson | GBT/11B-087 | A Dedicated Effort to Investigate the Formation of C3H2O Isomers in the ISM | 25 | Regular |
Rosen | GBT/11B-040 | Observations on Two Pulsars Discovered by Pulsar Search Collaboratory Students | 20 | Regular |
Rosen | GBT/11B-028 | Tests of a Non-radial Oscillation Model for Pulsar State Switching with B1828-11 | 22 | Regular |
Scaife | GBT/11B-068 | High resolution MUSTANG SZ imaging of New Planck Galaxy Clusters | 105 | Regular |
Scaife | GBT/11B-071 | Characterizing the Anomalous Emission from Spinning Dust in Galactic HII regions | 15 | Regular |
Schnee | GBT/11B-003 | Resolving the Deuteration Profile of the Starless Core TMC-1C | 16 | Regular |
Schnee | GBT/11B-004 | Mapping the Dust Emission from OMC-2/3 | 15 | Regular |
Stairs | GBT/11B-062 | The Pulsar Triple System in M4 | 9 | Regular |
Stovall | GBT/11B-070 | Timing Followups of GBNCC and GBT 350MHz Drift Scan Pulsars | 27 | Regular |
Voytek | GBT/11B-055 | 21cm Intensity Mapping | 100 | Regular |
Wagg | GBT/11B-011 | The molecular gas mass of the host galaxy of 3C279 | 2 | Regular |
Werthimer | GBT/11B-066 | Search for Pulsars in the Central Parsecs of the Galaxy | 30 | Regular |
Yung | GBT/11B-005 | Water Fountain Survey on Newly Selected IRAS Sources | 8 | Regular |
Yusef-Zadeh | GBT/11B-022 | Coordinated Study of Flaring Activity of Sgr A* at 3mm with Hershel and VLT | 24 | Regular |
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