LBO Science Program 2017A

A total of 37 new proposals were received for the 1 August submission deadline for Semester 2017A. The table below summarizes the approved observing programs for the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) / High Sensitivity Array (HSA) / Global 3mm VLBI Array (GMVA). Listed are the PI name, proposal ID, proposal title, maximum hours approved, and proposal type (Regular, Triggered, or Large). Proposals from previous semesters that were awarded time by LBO in 16B are included.

For each approved program, the Proposal Finder Tool will have access to its authors, title, abstract, and total approved hours.


Long Baseline Observatory 2017A Science Program

Asada, Keiichi GMVA/16B-346 Ultra-deep imaging of the BH jet base and accretion flow of M87 from 100 to 7 Rs 14 Regular
Baczko, Anne-Kathrin GMVA/16B-169 Probing the Jet-Collimation Region in NGC1052 with high-fidelity mm-VLBI imaging 14 Regular
Baczko, Anne-Kathrin VLBA/17A-322 Combining SRMHD simulations with multi-frequency VLBA observations in NGC1052 11 Regular
Basu, Aritra VLBA/17A-082 A broad-band polarimetric study of an unbiased sample of radio-loud AGN 24 Regular
Bietenholz, Michael VLBA/17A-348 SN 2016coi: A Rare Chance to Resolve a Nearby Supernova 8 Regular
Bower, Geoffrey VLBA/15A-424 The Galactic Center Pulsar:  Long-Term Astrometry and Sagittarius A* Physics 12 Regular
Bower, Geoffrey VLBA/17A-247 Proper Motions of Galactic Center Pulsars 8 Regular
Brinkerink, Christiaan GMVA/16B-312 Imaging the Global Magnetic-Field Structure Near Sgr A*: 3mm VLBI with GMVA+ALMA 8 Regular
Britzen, Silke GMVA/16B-191 Solving the jet launching mystery in M87 with GMVA + phased ALMA observations 20 Regular
CUTINI, Sara VLBA/16B-127 Morphological changes after a bright optical-gamma-ray flare in S51803+78 4 Regular
Davelaar, Jordy VLBA/17A-065 Core position measurements of M81* 7 Regular
Deller, Adam VLBA/16B-317 MSPSRPI: VLBI astrometry of millisecond pulsars 140.00004 Regular
Deller, Adam VLBA/16B-327 VLBA astrometry of J0737-3039: improved GR tests + moment of inertia measurement 16 Regular
Dexter, Jason VLBA/17A-244 A Three Dimensional Map of Intense Interstellar Scattering 24 Regular
Dzib, Sergio VLBA/17A-173 The distance to the LkHa 101 region 18 Regular
Edwards, Philip VLBA/17A-252 The Final TeV Blazars Until the CTA 8 Regular
Gabuzda, Denise VLBA/17A-014 5.0-1.4 GHz VLBA Polarization Observations of the 191 MOJAVE-II Sources 120 Large
Goddi, Ciriaco VLBA/17A-379 Tracing the root of protostellar outflows in the best high-mass disk candidates 72 Regular
Hada, Kazuhiro VLBA/17A-318 Ultra-deep imaging of the spine-sheath structure of the M87 jet 36 Regular
Homan, Jeroen VLBA/16A-079 How super-Eddington are the brightest accreting neutron stars? 12 Regular
Jones, Dayton VLBA/16A-002 VLBA Astrometry of the Juno Spacecraft in Jupiter Orbit 12 Regular
Kounkel, Marina VLBA/17A-095 Peculiar non-thermally emitting radio source 8 Regular
Lico, Rocco VLBA/15B-033 Explaining the cycle of the first periodic HSP blazar with VLBA observations 4 Regular
Lister, Matthew VLBA/16B-175 MOJAVE: Long Term VLBA Polarimetric Observations of Pc-Scale AGN Jets 432 Large
Lu, Rusen VLBA/17A-182 How does the M87 jet accelerate? 55 Regular
Ma, Chopo VLBA/17A-051 VLBA Geodesy/Astrometry Observations for 2017 72 Regular
Marscher, Alan VLBA/14B-264 Sub-milliarcsecond Imaging of the Gamma-ray Emission Regions of Blazars 144 Large
Melis, Carl VLBA/17A-262 California's puzzling lack of stars 20 Regular
Melis, Carl VLBA/17A-282 Pleiades Binaries for the Masses 10 Regular
Meyer, Eileen VLBA/16B-252 Mapping the Velocity Profiles of Extragalactic Jets from pc to kpc scales 21 Regular
Miller-Jones, James VLBA/16B-137 A geometric distance to the black hole X-ray binary Swift J1753.5-0127 15 Regular
Miller-Jones, James VLBA/17A-191 Probing transient jet launching in stellar-mass black holes 52; Swift ksec: 27 Triggered
Moscadelli, Luca VLBA/17A-049 Studying ejection at 10-100 AU in a binary system of massive YSOs 28 Regular
Nagai, Hiroshi GMVA/16B-101 GMVA+ALMA Observation of the Innermost Jet in 3C 84 12 Regular
Orosz, Gabor VLBA/16A-378 Extending the parallax measurement of hydroxyl masers in OH/IR stars 10 Regular
Panessa, Francesca  VLBA/17A-154 Connection between disk ultra fast wind and jet: the case of IRAS17020+4544 4.5 Regular
Panessa, Francesca  VLBA/17A-184 Multiwavelenght monitoring of NGC 2110 10 Regular
Perez-Torres, Miguel VLBA/16B-274 The transient sky in Arp 299 18 Regular
Perlman, Eric VLBA/17A-185 Confirming Superluminal Motion in the Closest Tidal Disruption Event 5 Regular
Reid, Mark VLBA/16B-001 A Parallax Distance for the Microquasar Cyg X-3 24 Regular
Sanna, Alberto VLBA/16B-089 Dynamical properties of High-mass Star-Forming Regions - Cepheus A 160 Regular
Spingola, Cristiana VLBA/17A-232 Uncovering the nature of gravitationally lensed flux-ratio anomalies 60 Regular
Szymczak, Marian VLBA/17A-017 Hydroxyl and water masers associated with the methanol periodic source 20 Regular
Tarchi, Andrea VLBA/17A-048 Jet or disk: what is the true nature of the water gigamaser in TXS2226-184? 9.5 Regular
Tobin, Taylor VLBA/17A-178 Magnetic Fields and Exoplanets in AGB Environments: Deep Observations with HSA 34 Regular
Woo, Jong-Hak VLBA/17A-113 Revealing a sub-kpc-scale binary AGN 20 Regular
Yang, Wenjin VLBA/17A-112 Locating the very distant Outer Scutum Centaurus spiral arm of the Milky Way 18 Regular
Zaw, Ingyin VLBA/17A-399 Resolving AGN Obscuration: NGC 1068 12 Regular

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