Science Program 2025A

A total of 287 new proposals were received for the 31 July 2024 submission deadline for Semester 25A. The table below summarizes the approved observing programs for the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA)/High Sensitivity Array (HSA) and the Global 3mm VLBI Array (GMVA).  Listed are the PI name, proposal ID, proposal title, maximum hours approved, and proposal type (Regular, Triggered, or Large). Proposals from previous semesters that were awarded time by NRAO are included.  Also listed are HSA proposals that include the VLA as a VLBI station.

For each approved program, the Proposal Finder Tool will have access to its authors, title, abstract, and total approved hours.

Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA)

Adams, Elizabeth VLA/25A-190 HI selected low mass galaxies: the role of total baryon content and gas fraction 45 Regular
Adams, Elizabeth VLA/25A-251 Resolved HI observations of an extremely gas-dominated low-mass galaxy 13.5 Regular
AJ, Nayana VLA/25A-337 Continuing the VLA monitoring of the closest core-collapse SN2023ixf 2 Regular
Alexander, Kate VLA/25A-300 Prompt Radio Emission in TDEs: Probing the Early Disruption Process 28.66 Triggered
Alford, Jason VLA/25A-373 Does Magnetar SGR 0501+4516 Power Unidentified TeV Source 1LHAASO J0500+4454? 2 Regular
Andrews, Sean VLA/25A-330 A Centimeter-band Continuum Survey of Taurus Protoplanetary Disks 179.7 Large
Arabsalmani, Maryam VLA/25A-398 Pearls on a string: Dark and bright galaxies on a strikingly narrow filament 80 Regular
Baer-Way, Raphael VLA/25A-354 Continued followup of the radio-bright stripped Supernova 2023mut 2 Regular
Bait, Omkar VLA/25A-226 High Frequency Observations of Low-z Extreme Star-forming Galaxies 11.6 Regular
Bait, Omkar VLA/25A-261 The Radio SEDs of Low-z (z ~ 0.3) Strong Lyman Continuum Leakers 32.7 Regular
Balasubramanian, Arvind VLA/25A-291 Probing the radio re-brightening of SN2004dk with VLA 3 Regular
Bastian, Tim VLA/25A-061 Constraining the Magnetic Field in Precursors of Coronal Mass Ejections 18 Triggered
Bayandina, Olga VLA/25A-089 M2O: Catching accretion bursts (2025) 5.33 Triggered
Biava, Nadia VLA/25A-331 Investigate the nature of filamentary emission in the galaxy cluster A1914 6 Regular
Bischetti, Manuela VLA/25A-098 Anchoring the CO SLED of a luminous and radio-quiet quasar host-galaxy at z~3 16.6 Regular
Biswas, Ayan VLA/25A-292 Deep VLBA+VLA Observation of a Peculiar Misaligned Double-Double Radio Galaxy 2 Regular
Boogaard, Leindert VLA/25A-161 CONICS-VLA: CO(1-0) for the Cosmic Noon ISM Conditions Survey 96 Regular
Booth, Alice VLA/25A-316 Tracing the NH3 snowline in a planet-forming disk with the VLA 22 Regular
Bruni, Gabriele VLBA/25A-187 The third known persistent radio source associated with a FRB 12 Regular
Cala, Roldan A. VLA/25A-255 The first candidate planetary nebula with SiO masers 2.25 Regular
Cannon, John VLA/25A-170 Mapping the HI in Newly-Discovered, GBT-Confirmed Local Volume Dwarf Galaxies 42 Regular
Cao, Tianwen VLA/25A-051 Capybara Plan: view the edge-on low surface brightness galaxies by VLA 61.25 Regular
Cappellazzo, Elizabeth VLA/25A-022 TORCH: Tracing OH and Recombination lines from molecular Clouds and HII regions 177 Regular
Cendes, Yvette VLA/24B-249 A Survey for Delayed Radio Emission in Tidal Disruption Events 27 Regular
Cendes, Yvette VLA/25A-037 Continued Observations of a Relativistic Outflow in the TDE AT2018hyz 4.5; XMM-Newton: 15 ksec Regular
Cendes, Yvette VLA/25A-060 Searching for Secondary Flares in Radio Emission from Tidal Disruption Events 15 Regular
Chandra, Poonam VLA/25A-341 Unveiling the progenitors of three young core collapse supernovae 12 Regular
Chang, Ning VLA/25A-288 Deep VLA view towards two IMBH candidates with several hundred solar mass 3 Regular
Cheng, Cheng VLA/25A-125 Resolving Starless H I Clouds in the CGM of Massive Galaxies 15.89 Regular
Cheng, Cheng VLA/25A-128 Cold Gas Dynamics in X-ray Bright Galaxy Group RXJ0751: HI Mapping with VLA 9.22 Regular
Christy, Collin VLA/24B-118 Radio Monitoring of a Rapidly Evolving Radio Luminous TDE 10.66 Regular
Climent Oliver, Juan Bautista VLA/25A-214 Getting cooler: Unveiling radio emissions of the coolest, fast-rotating T-dwarfs 9 Regular
Cromartie, Thankful VLA/24B-429 The North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves 192 Large
del Palacio, Santiago VLA/25A-165 THE CORONA HUNT IN HIGH-Z LENSED QUASARS 3.45 Regular
Delvecchio, Ivan VLBA/25A-113 Deciphering the puzzling nature of a sub-kpc dual AGN candidate 6 Regular
Fatima, Hira VLA/25A-006 Inflow/outflow coupling in the unique accreting neutron star Her X-1 10; Swift: 5 ksec Regular
Fijma, Stefanie VLA/24B-349 A multiwavelength study of an accreting neutron star over a state transition  16.08 Triggered
Foo, Nicholas VLA/25A-310 Resolving fuel and products of SF in a lensed dusty protocluster core at z=2.7 21.6; JWST:  3.3 hr Regular
Gallimore, Jack VLBA/25A-217 Monitoring Anomalous Megamaser Proper Motions in NGC 1068 8 Regular
Ghosh, Salmoli VLA/25A-186 Studying Jets in Seyfert & LINER galaxies with Polarimetry 15 Regular
Gim, Hansung VLA/25A-246 Star Formation in the JWST NEP-TDF Field 6.5 Regular
Golay, Walter VLA/25A-223 Tracking Late-time Radio Emission from X-ray Tidal Disruption Events 24.75 Regular
Golay, Walter VLA/25A-224 Radio Monitoring of Infrared-Selected Tidal Disruption Events 13 Regular
Golay, Walter VLA/25A-238 The First Systematic Radio Study of a New Class of Ambiguous Nuclear Transients 30 Regular
Gomez, Sebastian VLA/24A-368 Confirmation of the First Tidal Disruption Event of a White Dwarf 24 Triggered
Gompertz, Benjamin VLA/25A-036 Unveiling the Local Population of Neutron Star Binary Mergers 3 Triggered
Gompertz, Benjamin VLA/25A-038 Linking jet, environment and progenitor for a complete JWST-observed GRB sample 8; ALMA: 6 hr Triggered
Goodwin, Adelle VLA/25A-159 Tracking the long-term radio evolution of a sample of tidal disruption events 25 Regular
Gu, Minfeng VLBA/25A-040 The pc-scale radio structure in the unique triple kpc-scale broad-line AGNs 8 Regular
Hayashi, Takayuki VLBA/25A-189 Origin of Radio Emission in the Old Merger F01004-2237: AGN or Star Formation? 9.5 Regular
Hayatsu, Natsuki VLA/25A-393 Molecular gas condition in an optical/near-IR dark ULIRG at z = 3.4  12 Regular
Ho, Anna VLA/24B-338 Relativistic Explosions in Dense Circumburst Matter 30.4 Triggered
Ho, Anna VLA/25A-367 Relativistic Explosions in Dense Circumburst Matter 15.2; ALMA: 6.9 hr Triggered
Ho, Anna VLA/25A-386 Supernovae with Luminous Radio Counterparts: A Systematic ZTF+VLASS Search 20.61 Regular
Hocde, Vincent VLA/25A-176 First Circumstellar Radio Emission of a Cepheid Along the  Pulsation Cycle 21.25 Regular
Hodge, Jacqueline VLA/25A-348 Anchoring cold gas measurements at high-redshift 28.01 Regular
Horesh, Assaf VLA/24B-347 A comprehensive systematic exploration of the phase space of TDE outflows 51 Large
Hu, Xuzhi VLA/25A-257 Probing the Magnetic Field for the Quasar 1604+159 at a Large Scale 8 Regular
Izzo, Luca VLA/25A-192 Radio observations of relativistic supernovae 10 Triggered
Jacobson-Galan, Wynn VLA/24B-146 Constraining the CSM Interaction Engine in Type II Supernovae 4 Triggered
Jiao, Sihan VLA/25A-196 Hunting for Anomalous Microwave Emitters in the M31 Galaxy 53.6 Regular
Jones, Michael VLA/25A-082 Adding Gas to the Story: HI-SAGA Survey of satellites around Milky Way Analogs 46.7 Large
JOSHI, RAVI VLA/25A-164 Investigating in-situ particles acceleration in X-shaped radio galaxies 3.87 Regular
Kanekar, Nissim VLA/25A-407 The HI properties of low-z Green Pea galaxies 78; HST: 4 orbits Regular
Kapinska, Anna D. VLA/25A-388 Deep imaging of a nearby radio galaxy residing in starforming, interacting host 1.75 Regular
Kashyap, Unnati VLA/25A-130 The inflow-outflow geometry of neutron star X-ray binaries with polarization 24 Regular
Kaur, Simranpreet VLA/25A-234 Probing auroral emission from the rare radio-loud scallop shell star J0508-21 15 Regular
Kawai, Chikara VLA/25A-250 An Ultra-deep Search for DARK MATTER Annihilating Signal in the dSph Draco 38 Regular
Kerr, Matthew VLA/25A-282 A Pulsar Search and Imaging Study of the "Huntsman" Candidate 4FGL J0340.4+5302 4 Regular
Keszthelyi, Zsolt VLA/25A-071 RAMBO: Monitoring the 3 most promising sources to detect auroral radio emission 66.4 Regular
Kim, Jeein VLA/25A-343 Probing HI Gas Surrounding an X-ray AGN Host, NGC 3393 4.7 Regular
Koch, Eric VLA/24B-224 Resolved atomic ISM, HII regions and supernova remnants beyond the Local Group 144 Regular
Kumar, Ajay VLA/25A-387 Study of persistent radio source associated with FRB 20240114A 8 Regular
Kumari, Shobha VLA/25A-268 Study of Five Circularly Symmetry Rings of Diffuse Emission Resembling ORCs 10 Regular
Kumari, Shobha VLA/25A-281 Pi-shaped Radio Galaxies: A Mystery? 8 Regular
Kumari, Shobha VLA/25A-306 Study of seven radio galaxies having extreme bending in primary jets 14 Regular
Lah, Philip VLA/25A-084 HI Observations of an Unusual Giant Low Surface Brightness Galaxy 11 Regular
Laskar, Tanmoy VLA/24B-072 Exploring Extreme Explosions from the Cosmic Dawn 20 Triggered
Laskar, Tanmoy VLA/25A-278 Probing the Magnetization of GRB Jets with Reverse Shocks 23.33; ALMA: 6.58 hr Triggered
Lee, Wonki VLA/25A-136 A Challenge to the Shock Acceleration Model with the Steep Spectrum Radio Relic 11.75 Regular
Lehnert, Matthew VLA/25A-033 CF+ in the early Universe: Chemistry of highly irradiated regions around QSOs 21 Regular
Lelli, Federico VLA/25A-307 Cold gas and dark matter in massive galaxies at z=4-5 109.9 Large
Leung, James VLA/25A-350 VLA/VLBA observations of very late-time GRB at 2500+ days post-burst 3 Regular
Leung, James VLBA/25A-345 VLA/VLBA observations of very late-time GRB at 2500+ days post-burst 11 Regular
Lewandowska, Natalia VLA/25A-385 High-frequency dispersion measure and polarimetry studies of the Crab pulsar 1.2 Regular
Liao, Mai VLA/25A-344 The excess of radio emission in extremely stable quasars: broadband SEDs 10 Regular
Liao, Mai VLA/25A-389 Probing the nature of extremely stable quasars 6.6 Regular
Linford, Justin VLA/24B-074 Continued Pre-Eruption Monitoring of T CrB  30.34 Regular
Liu, Xunchuan VLA/25A-134 Resolving ion RRLs in OrionKL-M42 -- Is the abnormal mental abudance true? 11 Regular
Liu, Yihan VLA/25A-166 New Radio Observation of the Pulsar Wind Nebula in G76.9+1.0 3 Regular
Liu, Yihan VLA/25A-347 VLA Observations of Several 1LHAASO Sources 5 Regular
Li, Xiao VLA/25A-163 HI imaging survey of quenched but HI-rich galaxies 38.43 Regular
Long, Feng VLA/25A-280 Connecting inner and outer disks around very low mass objects  15.44 Regular
Luo, Gan VLA/25A-105 Mapping HI Narrow Self-absorption toward dense cores 11 Regular
Luo, Tian-Xian VLA/25A-269 High-resolution imaging polarimetry and proper motion observation of Tycho's SNR 3 Regular
Mahatma, Vijay VLA/25A-329 Structure of the radio galaxy 3C 123: resolved lobe energetics 2 Regular
Margutti, Raffaella VLA/25A-301 Deep VLA observations of Type-Ia SNe with mid-infrared brightenings 6 Regular
Meng, Fanyi VLA/25A-249 High Resolution HI Mapping of M31's Southern Disk 58 Regular
Meyer, Eileen VLA/25A-353 VLA Monitoring of the radio outflow in changing-look AGN 1ES 1927+654 in 25A 9.62 Regular
Michail, Joseph VLA/25A-314 Continued Radio Monitoring of Sgr A* with the 2025 EHT Multiwavelength Campaign 28 Regular
Miller-Jones, James VLA/23B-151 Highly-relativistic jets from a tidal disruption event 32 Triggered
Miller-Jones, James VLA/24B-222 Highly-relativistic jets from a tidal disruption event 16 Triggered
Miller-Jones, James VLA/25A-265 Transient jet launching in stellar-mass black holes 10.97; NICER: 24 ksec Triggered
Mills, Elisabeth VLA/25A-303 Completing JACKS: a JVLA Ammonia CMZ K-band Survey  17.5 Regular
Minchin, Robert VLA/25A-115 VLA observations of suspected ram pressure tails in the Virgo cluster 76.5 Regular
Molina, Isabella VLA/25A-409 Triggered Monitoring and Imaging of a Bright Nova 14 Triggered
Morii, Kaho VLA/25A-174 Temperature of high-mass prestellar core candidates 13.52 Regular
Motta, Sara Elisa VLA/25A-078 Probing the slow and fast jets in the blac hole X-ray binary GRS 1915+105 3.5 Regular
Neeleman, Marcel VLA/25A-231 CONDOR: Understanding the Formation of Disks at Cosmic Noon 12.2 Regular
Ng, Chi-Yung VLA/25A-119 A Multiwavelength View of Long Pulsar Tails 5.5 Regular
OConnor, Brendan VLA/25A-267 An off-axis view of compact binary mergers  12 Triggered
O'Neil, Karen VLA/25A-338 The Dark Galaxy J0613+52 21 Regular
Ortiz Ceballos, Kevin VLA/25A-137 A Confirmation of Magnetic Star-Planet Interaction from the GJ 3323 System 9 Regular
Ortiz Ceballos, Kevin VLA/25A-296 Measuring Star-Planet Interaction in a Newly Discovered Candidate System 16 Regular
Ortiz Ceballos, Kevin VLA/25A-340 Does Convective Turnover Regulate the Dynamos of Ultracool Dwarfs? II 24 Regular
Ott, Juergen VLA/25A-294 Gas Accretion Flows in the Galactic Bar toward the CMZ: The 'Missing Link'. 92.9 Regular
Pasetto, Alice VLA/25A-024 Unveiling the high frequency polarization properties of MACS J0717.5+3745 10 Regular
Patil, Pallavi VLA/25A-375 Searching for Hidden Star Formation in Post-starburst Galaxies 5.2 Regular
Pattie, Eli VLA/25A-325 Simultaneous radio and X-ray of Cyg X-2: high accretion jet structure 12; NICER: 43 ksec Regular
Paudel, Sanjaya VLA/25A-075 Formation of Tidal Dwarf Galaxies (TDG) during dwarf-dwarf merger 35 Regular
Perez, Karen VLA/25A-396 Confirming a Galactic Center Pulsar Candidate 8.37 Regular
Perley, Daniel VLA/25A-374 Orphan Afterglows, X-Ray Flashes, and Dirty Fireballs 9.26 Triggered
Perrott, Yvette VLA/25A-157 Completing an X-band survey of galaxy cluster minihalos 28.7 Regular
Ravi, Vikram VLBA/25A-399 AT2024kmq: second epoch of HSA observations of a TDE with an off-axis jet 3.33 Triggered
Ren, Pengfei VLA/25A-233 A definitive resovled HI survey of local Seyfert galaxies to study AGN feedback 26 Regular
Rhodes, Lauren VLA/25A-015 Searching for a break in the late time. radio light curve of GRB 221009A 10 Regular
Rhodes, Lauren VLA/25A-066 Finding the radio counterpart to a rare long GRB binary neutron star merger 7 Triggered
Ricci, Luca VLA/25A-072 Investigating the migration of solids in brown dwarf disks with the VLA 31.8 Regular
Ridder, Margaret VLA/25A-404 Constraining the polarization properties of radio-detected cataclysmic variables 29.4 Regular
Riechers, Dominik VLA/25A-099 Vz-GAL Part II: Total Cold Gas Masses for 126 Dusty Massive Starbursts at z=1-6 151.05 Large
Riechers, Dominik VLA/25A-177 Total Gas Mass and Excitation of a Representative Dusty Starburst at z=6.2 9.8 Regular
Russell, Thomas VLA/25A-132 A VLA survey of X-ray bursters 4; Swift: 12 ksec Regular
Rybak, Matus VLA/25A-229 Dense and diffuse gas in the most luminous galaxy in the Universe 26 Regular
Salem, Nora VLA/25A-352 Are the Galactic Center Lobes Associated with Feedback in the CMZ? 25 Regular
Sand, David VLA/25A-287 Low-mass Dwarf Galaxies: Dark Matter & Reionization at the Edge 6.5; HST: 2 orbits Regular
Sanders, Ryan VLA/25A-308 Connecting Molecular Gas, Star Formation, and Metals at Cosmic Noon 141 Regular
Santander-García, Miguel VLA/25A-150 Post-common-envelope planetary nebulae: the missing mass conundrum 13.1 Regular
Santra, Ramananda VLA/25A-297 High frequency follow up of the halo in MACSJ0417 16 Regular
Satish Rao, Suhasini VLA/25A-379 Revealing the origin of the radio brightest RS Canum Venaticorum binaries 12.6 Regular
Schroeder, Genevieve VLA/25A-063 Elucidating the Explosion Properties of Cosmological Short GRBs with the VLA 14.66 Triggered
Schwartzman, Emma VLA/25A-241 Radio Characterization of Confirmed Multi AGN 36 Regular
Schwartzman, Emma VLA/25A-242 Constraining the Formation Mechanism of a New Sample of X-shaped Radio Galaxies 22.5 Regular
Shimojo, Masumi VLA/25A-021 Microwave observations of Epsilon Eridani at its stellar minimum and maximum  3.32 Regular
Shinnaga, Hiroko VLA/25A-256 Probing C4H Lines to Decipher Gravity-Magnetic Field Interplay 3 Regular
Shu, Xinwen VLA/25A-274 Early-time radio properties of X-ray bright TDEs discovered by Einstein Probe 0.6 Triggered
Siljeg, Barbara VLA/25A-183 Resolving the truth about ultra-diffuse galaxy kinematics 24 Regular
Sjouwerman, Lorant VLA/25A-370 Candidate and known unsurveyed SiO masers in the inner Galaxy 15 Regular
Su, Yuanyuan VLA/25A-127 Probing the Atomic Gas Content of a Nearby Blue Galaxy Cluster 25.5 Regular
Takahashi, Satoko VLA/25A-144 Nature of the Neutral Atomic Wind from the Protostars 25.5 Regular
Tetarenko, Alexandra VLA/25A-116 Probing Black Hole Jets Through Rapid Timing Observations 15.96; ALMA: 10.8 hr Triggered
Trevisan, Marina  VLA/25A-211 The effects of interactions on the baryon cycle in groups of dwarf blue galaxies 65.01 Regular
TROJA, ELEONORA VLA/25A-309 The collimation and energetics of short gamma-ray bursts 7.83 Triggered
Ubertosi, Francesco VLA/25A-043 Measuring the mass ratio of the binary SMBHs in 4C+37.11 from jet precession  1.5 Regular
Ubertosi, Francesco VLA/25A-044 Searching for a minihalo in the vigorously sloshing, but low mass, cluster A496 7 Regular
Ueda, Takahiro VLA/25A-392 Time evolution of dust disks probed by centimeter wavelengths 61.9 Regular
van den Eijnden, Jakob VLA/25A-007 Monitoring the radio jets of strongly-magnetized accreting pulsars 15 Triggered
van der Horst, Alexander VLA/25A-254 Studying Relativistic Shocks with Fast VLA Follow-Up of Gamma-Ray Bursts 30.66 Triggered
Wang, Q. Daniel VLA/25A-117 HI mapping of tidal interactions among three star-forming dwarf galaxies 4 Regular
Wang, Ziteng VLA/25A-210 Investigating the Pulse Evolution of a New Ultra-Long Period Radio Transient 12.6 Regular
Ward, Charlotte VLA/25A-276 Understanding variable radio emission in changing-look AGN 27.12 Regular
Williams, Anna VLA/25A-381 High and low accretion states of polars in the radio and optical 48 Triggered
Wiston, Eli VLA/24B-070 Constraining the Power Source of Super-luminous Supernovae 16 Triggered
Wiston, Eli VLA/25A-321 Strongly Interacting Supernovae in the Radio Sky 12 Triggered
Yang, Lei VLA/25A-245  Radio SED evolution of multiple jet ejections from a candidate "turn-on" AGN 1.28 Regular
Yang, Lei VLA/25A-295 Revealing unusual SED evolution from a relativistic TDE in a starforming galaxy 1.28 Regular
Yao, Yuhan VLA/25A-109 VLA Observations of Fast X-ray Transients Discovered by Einstein-Probe 9.66 Regular
Yao, Yuhan VLA/25A-152 VLA+Chandra observations of two TDEs with evidence of off-axis jets

12.4; Chandra: 30 ksec

Yuan, Qi VLBA/25A-247 High-Resolution VLBI Imaging of the Intermediate-Mass Black Hole in POX 52 9 Regular
Zhang, Yijia VLA/25A-160 Searching for extragalactic SS 433-like objects 2.58 Regular
Zheng, Xuechen VLA/25A-391 Radio quiet narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies with large radio jets 4.3 Regular
Zhou, Ruilei VLA/25A-090 A good polar ring galaxy candidate with a super-long stream 39 Regular
Zhou, Tianyao  VLA/25A-230 Spectral evolution of radio transients coincident with high-energy neutrinos  4.79 Regular
Zhu, Jingyao VLA/24A-349 Probing ram pressure stripping in dwarf satellite galaxies using 21-cm HI 12 Regular

Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), High Sensitivity Array (HSA), and Global 3mm VLBI Array (GMVA)

Baczko, Anne-Kathrin GMVA/24B-422 Jet collimation in Southern AGN 120 Regular
Barcos-Munoz, Loreto GMVA/24B-356 Arp 220: AGN or not AGN?, that is the question... 32 Regular
Bayandina, Olga VLBA/25A-086 Velocity field of a magnetohydrodynamic disk-wind in W33B 42 Regular
Bian, Shuaibo VLBA/24A-012 Parallax and Proper Motions of Supernova Remnant W44 12 Regular
Bruni, Gabriele VLBA/25A-187 The third known persistent radio source associated with a FRB 12 Regular
Chen, Liang VLBA/25A-153 Multi-epoch VLBA Observations of the new TeV LLAGN NGC 4278  4 Regular
Chhipa, Ayushi VLBA/25A-208 pc-scale Radio emission study of a WL - RQQ showing extreme X-ray variability 21.33 Regular
Chomiuk, Laura VLBA/25A-411 White Dwarf J204259.71+152108.06: Luminous Radio Emitter or Chance Coincidence? 1 Regular
Crom, Genna VLBA/25A-365 Spectral Variability of Radio Fading Seyfert Galaxies Identified in VLASS 24 Regular
Curiel, Salvador VLBA/25A-122 VLBA observations of a Scallop Shell binary system: J0508-21 10.5 Regular
Deller, Adam VLBA/24A-213 MSPSRPI2: Turbocharging the most precisely timed pulsars with VLBI astrometry 177 Large
Deller, Adam VLBA/24B-158 Determining the location and trajectory of an ultra-long period "pulsar" 16 Regular
Deller, Adam VLBA/25A-184 Weighing the Be-XRB binary pulsar J2108+4516 with VLBA astrometry 25 Regular
Delvecchio, Ivan VLBA/25A-113 Deciphering the puzzling nature of a sub-kpc dual AGN candidate 6 Regular
Ding, Hao VLBA/25A-041 Multi-calibrator multi-wavelength observations of ICRF defining sources 30 Regular
Eppel, Florian VLBA/24A-163 Studying the Kinematics of a TeV-emitting HSP Blazar and SMBBH Candidate 54 Regular
Feng, Hua VLBA/25A-042 Searching for compact radio cores in ULXs with radio nebulae 48 Regular
Forbrich, Jan VLBA/25A-275 The origin of X-ray superflares in YSOs: the test case of DQ Tau 24 Regular
Gallimore, Jack VLBA/25A-217 Monitoring Anomalous Megamaser Proper Motions in NGC 1068 8 Regular
Giroletti, Marcello VLBA/24B-216 Filming the shocked ejecta in T CrB 54 Triggered
Golay, Walter VLBA/25A-239 The First Systematic Radio Study of a New Class of Ambiguous Nuclear Transients 20 Regular
Gu, Minfeng VLBA/25A-040 The pc-scale radio structure in the unique triple kpc-scale broad-line AGNs 8 Regular
Hada, Kazuhiro GMVA/25A-154 Exploring the disk-jet connection for SMBH 3C120 with XRISM, EHT and GMVA 8 Regular
Hada, Kazuhiro VLBA/25A-322 Millimeter-VLBA imaging & polarimetry of powerful gravitationally lensed blazars 13 Regular
Hayashi, Takayuki VLBA/25A-189 Origin of Radio Emission in the Old Merger F01004-2237: AGN or Star Formation? 9.5 Regular
Jackson, James VLBA/25A-065 Tracing the Shock in an IRDC-Supernova Interaction Using NH3 (3,3) Masers 12 Regular
Janssen, Michael GMVA/24B-054 Precision astrometry of Sgr A* with 3mm VLBI observations of SiO stellar masers 16 Regular
Jiang, Wu VLBA/25A-219 Investigating the jet instability of the black hole binary system 0402+379 18 Regular
Kam, Minchul GMVA/24B-376 Pinpointing the jet launching mechanism in 3C 84 with GMVA+ALMA+GLT 40 Regular
Kam, Minchul GMVA/25A-194 Pinpointing the jet launching mechanism in 3C 84 with GMVA+APEX 20 Regular
Kam, Minchul VLBA/24B-243 Measuring the Core-Shift Effect in 3C 84 26.62 Regular
Kovalev, Yuri VLBA/24B-312 MOJAVE: Jet Acceleration and the Blazar-Neutrino Connection (continuation) 288 Large
Leung, James VLBA/25A-345 VLA/VLBA observations of very late-time GRB at 2500+ days post-burst 11 Regular
Lin, Zehao VLBA/24A-035 Do the Sagittarius and Perseus spiral arms merge near the Galactic Center?  90 Regular
Li, Xiaofeng VLBA/25A-260 Precise measurement of the jet velocity in LLAGN M60 at scales of 1000 Rs 8 Regular
Lu, Rusen GMVA/24B-165 Probing the dynamic jet-disk connection in M87 38 Regular
Mai, Xiaofeng VLBA/24A-029 Off-arm mini starburst in G34 region? 54 Regular
Margutti, Raffaella VLBA/24B-252 The first VLBA Large Survey of Astronomical Transients 80 Large
Marscher, Alan VLBA/23B-058 BEAM-ME: Blazars Entering the Astrophysical Multi-Messenger Era (continuation) 576 Large
McCollough, Michael VLBA/24B-366 A VLBA Study of the Relativistic Jets from Cygnus X-3 12 Triggered
Meyer, Eileen VLBA/24A-356 Proper-motions monitoring of the jet in changing-look AGN Mkn 590 31.95 Regular
Meyer, Eileen VLBA/25A-351 VLBA Monitoring of the radio outflow in changing-look AGN 1ES 1927+654 in 25A 6.4 Regular
Michail, Joseph VLBA/25A-312 Continued Radio Monitoring of Sgr A* with the 2025 EHT Multiwavelength Campaign 28 Regular
Miller-Jones, James VLBA/25A-263 Transient jet launching in stellar-mass black holes 40; NICER: 24 ksec Triggered
Miller-Jones, James VLBA/25A-283 The outflow speeds and geometries of thermal tidal disruption events 10 Triggered
Molina, Isabella VLBA/25A-412 Triggered Monitoring  and Imaging of a Bright Nova 28 Triggered
Mooley, Kunal VLBA/25A-363 Resolving the missing pulsar problem: High resolution imaging of the GC 18 Regular
Munari, Ulisse VLBA/25A-206 Flash photography of symbiotic novae: the gas distribution around T CrB 12 Triggered
Nagar, Neil GMVA/24B-360 Jet Launching and Black Hole Demographics: the 'Gold Sample' 13.5 Regular
Nanci, Cristina VLBA/25A-092 Are blazars associated with IceCube neutrinos?  20 Triggered
Orienti, Monica VLBA/25A-221 Parsec-scale observations of a sample of low-power compact symmetric objects 27 Regular
Ouyang, Xujia VLBA/25A-104 VLBA mapping the excited-state OH masers in IRAS 18460-0151 8 Regular
Park, Jongho GMVA/24B-153 Peering into M87's black hole in multiple colors 56 Regular
Park, Jongho GMVA/25A-145 Peering into M87's black hole in multiple colors with GMVA+APEX+LBA 36 Regular
Park, Jongho VLBA/23A-119 Probing the Faraday Rotation and Magnetic Field in the Core and Inner Jet of M87 37.5 Regular
Ravi, Vikram VLBA/25A-399 AT2024kmq: second epoch of HSA observations of a TDE with an off-axis jet 3.33 Triggered
Ricci, Luca GMVA/24B-321 First 7 mm image of Cen A: investigating the jet polarization and geometry 20 Regular
Rodriguez, Tatiana VLBA/24B-370 VLBA Observations of Water Masers in the IRAS 19035+0641 A Jet 6 Triggered
Roy, Rupak VLBA/25A-383 VLBA observation of the radio counterpart of nuclear transient iPTF15dof 15 Regular
Sajjanhar, Esha VLBA/25A-171 Searching for a Parsec-scale Jet in Changing-look AGN NGC 3516 18 Regular
Sasikumar, Silpa VLBA/25A-360 The collimation and acceleration of M84 jet: transformational synergy with EHT 11 Regular
Stanghellini, Carlo VLBA/25A-332 Black hole orbital motion in the jetted subgalactic size radio source 1404+286 6 Regular
Taylor, Greg VLBA/25A-002 Constraining the Orbits of the Supermassive Binary Black Holes in 0402+379 12 Regular
Ubertosi, Francesco VLBA/25A-079 Confirming the nature of the most compact binary AGN beyond the local Universe 22 Regular
Vergara de la Parra, Philipe VLBA/25A-382 Do most Compact Symmetric Objects belong to a distinct class of jetted-AGN? 70.86 Large
Walsh, Gregory VLBA/25A-323 The VLBA Reveals the Elusive Radio Source in the Ever-Changing AGN Mrk 590 26.1; Swift: 122 ksec Regular
Wang, Yanan VLBA/25A-048 Characterizing a flaring TDE at mid-to-late times using VLBA 10 Regular
xuezheng, wang VLBA/25A-299 Study of the Helical Jet Resulting from KH Instability in the Nearby AGN M84 8 Regular
Yuan, Qi VLBA/25A-247 High-Resolution VLBI Imaging of the Intermediate-Mass Black Hole in POX 52 9 Regular
Zhang, Jingdong VLBA/25A-236 Experiment for a more efficient MultiView implementation: serial-MultiView 3 Regular
Zhang, Yingkang VLBA/25A-222 Observing potential Dual AGN systems from abnormal optical quasars 26 Regular

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.