Science Program 2018B
A total of 149 new proposals were received for the 1 February submission deadline for Semester 2018B. The table below summarizes the approved observing programs for the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). Listed are the PI name, proposal ID, proposal title, maximum hours approved, and proposal type (Regular, Triggered, or Large). Proposals from previous semesters that were awarded time by NRAO in 18B are included. Also listed are HSA proposals that include the VLA as a VLBI station.
For each approved program, the Proposal Finder Tool will have access to its authors, title, abstract, and total approved hours.
PI | ID | Title | Hours | Type |
Alexander, Kate | VLA/18B-302 | Continued VLA monitoring of GW170817: The first EM counterpart to a BNS merger | 4 | Regular |
Anderson, Craig | VLA/18B-159 | Exposing Previously-Hidden Magnetised Thermal Plasma in Radio Lobes | 16.93 | Regular |
Anderson, Loren | VLA/18A-121 | The First Galactic Quadrant Supernova Remnant Population | 13.2 | Regular |
Balmaverde, Barbara | VLA/18B-084 | Unveiling the large scale gas reservoir in powerful radio galaxies. | 38.7 | Regular |
Bastian, Tim | VLA/18B-048 | A Search for Radio Emission from Exoplanets: Completing the Survey | 41.82 | Regular |
Bastian, Tim | VLA/18B-227 | Joint Radio/EUV/X-ray/H-alpha and Magnetic Observations of Solar Flares | 24 | Regular |
Bower, Geoffrey | VLBA/17B-212 | Is the GC Pulsar in a Black Hole Binary? Improved Long-Term Astrometry | 36 | Regular |
Butterfield, Natalie | VLA/18B-264 | The Three Little Pigs: Different evolutionary stages of star formation in the GC | 6 | Regular |
Carrasco-Gonzalez, Carlos | VLA/18B-290 | Are protostellar jets collimated by helical magnetic fields? | 20 | Regular |
Cassata, Paolo | VLA/18B-013 | A direct measurement of the molecular gas in 5 main-sequence galaxies at z ~ 3 | 35 | Regular |
Chakrabarti, Sukanya | VLA/18B-252 | HI Map Of A Strong Spiral Lens | 28 | Regular |
Chandler, Claire | VLA/18B-166 | Tracking ice mantle history in Solar-type protostars: a pilot VLA study | 9.8 | Regular |
Chen, Bin | VLA/18A-386 | Tracing energetic electrons in the solar corona with ultra-high time resolution | 30 | Triggered |
Chen, Sina | VLA/18B-126 | Radio View of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies in the Southern Hemisphere | 55 | Regular |
Chiaraluce, Elia | VLA/18B-163 | The radio cores of high luminosity AGN | 15.46 | Regular |
Ching, Tao-Chung | VLA/18B-105 | Tracing B-field in the nearby OB cluster-forming region DR21 gas filament | 12 | Regular |
Chisholm, John | VLA/18B-147 | Do Gas Mass Fractions Shape the Mass-Metallicity Relation? | 101.25 | Regular |
Choi, Minho | VLA/18B-073 | Rotation Kinematics of the V380 Ori NE Protostellar Jet | 3 | Regular |
Chomiuk, Laura | VLA/18B-162 | VLA Data on the Youngest SNe Ia Will Yield Unprecedented Progenitor Constraints | 6 | Triggered |
Corsi, Alessandra | VLA/18B-204 | Long-term radio monitoring of GW170817 with the Jansky VLA | 28 | Regular |
Croston, Judith | VLA/18B-083 | The structure of LOFAR-selected galaxy-scale radio-loud AGN | 2 | Regular |
Curran, Stephen | VLA/18B-056 | Evolution of the Cold Gas Fraction and the Star Formation History | 21 | Regular |
Damas, Ancor | VLA/18B-028 | Evolution of magnetic fields in defined interaction stages: dense galaxy groups | 23 | Regular |
Datta, Abhirup | VLA/18B-317 | Sensitive Radio Observations of Abell 115 | 4 | Regular |
Dessauges-Zavadsky, Miroslava | VLA/18B-303 | Molecular gas content of Milky Way progenitors at z~1-3 | 73.46 | Regular |
Di Gennaro, Gabriella | VLA/17B-298 | The first deep JVLA study of particle re-acceleration at galaxy cluster shocks | 24.3 | Regular |
Estalella, Robert | VLA/18B-332 | Imaging the infall in the L1287 "Guitar" star-forming core | 4 | Regular |
Fong, Wen-fai | VLA/18B-168 | The Remnants of Neutron Star Mergers: A Late-time Survey of Nearby Short GRBs | 18 | Regular |
Frail, Dale | VLA/18B-320 | JAGWAR: Jansky VLA mapping of Gravitational Wave bursts as Afterglows in Radio | 280 | Large |
Fuente, AsunciÛn | VLA/18B-132 | Probing the cold dust in the AB Aur disk: A dust trap in a decaying vortex? | 3 | Regular |
GARCIA-BARRETO, J. Antonio | VLA/18B-011 | Bar angular velocity, ILR, OLR in IC1953: HI velocity field | 8.8 | Regular |
Gatkine, Pradip | VLA/18B-312 | Measuring the star formation rate of massive GRB hosts in the CGM-GRB sample | 23.5 | Regular |
Guirado, Jose | VLA/18B-143 | Study of the radio emission of the substellar triple system VHS1256-1257 | 2 | Regular |
Harada, Nanase | VLA/18B-113 | Multi-band Continuum Imaging of the NGC 253 Starburst Nucleus: VLA-ALMA synergy | 4 | Regular |
Harrington, Kevin | VLA/18B-275 | Resolved Imaging of Cold Gas Reservoirs in Strongly Lensed Planck Galaxies | 134 | Regular |
Hatsukade, Bunyo | VLA/18B-077 | Revealing Obscured Star Formation in Superluminous Supernovae Host Galaxies | 24 | Regular |
Hayashi, Takayuki | VLA/18B-176 | Exploring non-thermal emission from buried AGNs in ULIRGs III | 2 | Regular |
Higdon, James | VLA/18B-333 | The Molecular ISM in Galaxies with Extreme [C II] Emission | 42 | Regular |
Higdon, Sarah | VLA/17B-147 | Completing the ZINGRS JVLA Survey | 13.48 | Regular |
Hlavacek-Larrondo, Julie | VLA/18B-171 | A legacy VLA dataset of extreme radio-mode feedback in MS 0735.6+7421 | 10 | Regular |
Hodge, Jacqueline | VLA/17B-108 | The kiloparsec-scale cold gas properties of a late-stage major merger | 20 | Regular |
Hoeft, Matthias | VLA/18B-237 | Are radio relics related to radio galaxies? The case of Abell 115 | 6 | Regular |
Hoeft, Matthias | VLA/18B-238 | The Toothbrush relic: Magnetic fields in the cluster outskirts | 12 | Regular |
Horellou, Cathy | VLA/18B-306 | Double irony in XXL North: a spectacular radio galaxy in a cluster at z = 0.14 | 7 | Regular |
Huang, Ko-Yun | VLA/18B-309 | Spectral-line polarization observation towards AGB stars | 7 | Regular |
Hughes, Anna | VLA/18B-241 | Survey of Ultracool Dwarf Radio Emission with Implications for Habitability | 3.16 | Regular |
Immer, Katharina | VLA/18B-257 | Tracing the physical conditions of large-scale shocks in the Galactic Center | 15 | Regular |
Janz, Joachim | VLA/18B-023 | HI observations of the isolated, rotating, dwarf elliptical galaxy CG611 | 25 | Regular |
Jencson, Jacob | VLA/18B-294 | In Search of the Missing Supernovae | 6 | Triggered |
Kalinova, Veselina | VLA/18B-202 | How does the Dark Matter Halo shape the Galaxies? | 64 | Regular |
Kao, Melodie | VLA/18B-318 | Testing Brown Dwarf Cloud & Dynamo Models with One Rotation Period | 10.2 | Regular |
Khatun, Rubinur | VLA/18B-085 | Interacting radio galaxy jets: uncovering the nature of a rare system | 1 | Regular |
Kowalski, Adam | VLA/18B-193 | A Unified Understanding of Flare Heating | 20 | Regular |
Lee, Chien-Feng | VLA/18B-292 | Identifying z~6 Radio-Loud Quasars in a New Class of Quasars | 35.8 | Regular |
Linford, Justin | VLA/18B-272 | Rapid Radio Monitoring to Uncover Shocks in Classical Novae | 20; Swift: 56 ksec | Triggered |
Linford, Justin | VLA/18B-273 | Tempests, Not Bombs: Classical Novae Radio Light Curves Reveal Diversity | 9 | Regular |
Liu, Lijie | VLA/18B-271 | WISDOM: Star Formation in GMC and GMC Evolution with Thermal Radio Continuum | 6 | Regular |
Lopez-Caniego, Marcos | VLA/18B-003 | VLA polarimetry of Planck selected sources in the QUIJOTE cosmological field-IV | 4.5 | Regular |
Lu, Xing | VLA/18B-138 | Is Active Star Formation Emerging in the Central Molecular Zone? | 30.8 | Regular |
Mandal, Soumyajit | VLA/18B-129 | Towards a First Sample of Revived Fossil Plasma Sources in Galaxy Clusters | 6 | Regular |
Marchesini, Ezequiel | VLA/18B-099 | Studying the behavior of Radio Weak BL Lacs | 1.42 | Regular |
Marecki, Andrzej | VLA/18B-017 | Spectral ages of the lobes of a potentially double-double source J0028+0035 | 0.5 | Regular |
Margutti, Raffaella | VLA/18B-154 | Mapping the Zoo of Engine Driven Explosions with Deep Radio Observations | 9 | Triggered |
Matthews, Allison | VLA/18B-116 | Star Formation Through Cosmic Time | 119.98 | Regular |
Matthews, Lynn | VLA/18B-005 | Searching for a Radio Counterpart to the X-Ray Bursts from delta Cephei | 4 | Regular |
Matthews, Lynn | VLA/18B-222 | Imaging HI and OH in the Circumstellar Envelope of the Supergiant mu Cep | 6 | Regular |
Miyamoto, Yusuke | VLBA/18B-287 | Water maser observations of an obscured active galactic nucleus NGC 7738 | 10 | Regular |
Mooley, Kunal | VLBA/18B-201 | Mapping the size and morphology of the GW170817 post-merger fireball | 19.5 | Regular |
Nikiel-Wroczynski, Blazej | VLA/18B-080 | How regular is the regular magnetic field in the Stephan's Quintet? | 12.65 | Regular |
Ortega, Martin | VLA/18B-052 | Unveiling the nature of a possible hyper-compact HII region | 0.6 | Regular |
Ortiz, Gisela | VLA/18B-230 | A survey of water masers in the Serpens South region | 7.2 | Regular |
Osten, Rachel | VLA/18B-120 | Probing Stellar Magnetic Geometries and Dynamo Behavior | 54 | Regular |
Oteo, Ivan | VLA/18B-185 | Molecular gas in the most extreme proto-cluster in the early Universe | 50 | Regular |
Owen, Frazer | VLA/17B-057 | Thomson Scattering from the intracluster medium surrounding 3C295 | 24 | Regular |
Palliyaguru, Nipuni | VLBA/18B-119 | Resolving the possible off-axis jet of PTF11qcj | 8 | Regular |
Peretto, Nicolas | VLA/18B-260 | Resolving the gas kinematics of sub-virial infrared dark clouds | 10 | Regular |
Perley, Daniel | VLA/18B-242 | Opening a New Window on The Relativistic Sky | 46; Swift: 10 ksec | Triggered |
Perley, Richard | VLA/17B-053 | The Physics of the Jet in the Quasar 3C273 | 12 | Regular |
Persson, Magnus | VLA/18B-125 | Constraining the main nitrogen reservoir in dense star-forming clouds | 6 | Regular |
Pesce, Dominic | VLA/18B-047 | Investigating the restless supermassive black hole in the galaxy J0437+2456 | 2 | Regular |
Petriella, Alberto | VLA/18B-001 | Investigating the nature of the complex gamma-ray source HESS J1857+026 | 8 | Regular |
Pihlstrom, Ylva | VLA/18B-224 | Do SiO v=3 lines or line ratios uniquely trace circumstellar shell conditions? | 13.5 | Regular |
Pineda, John | VLA/18B-283 | Finding New Tests of Ultracool Dwarf Radio Emission | 27 | Regular |
Poggianti, Bianca | VLA/18B-018 | Magnetic fields in jellyfish galaxies: a primer | 50.5 | Regular |
Richards, Gordon | VLA/18B-229 | A Novel Method to Probe the Origin of Radio Emission in Luminous Quasars | 36 | Regular |
Rodriguez, Luis | VLA/18B-291 | The Nature of the Radio Emission from the Young Brown Dwarf FU Tau A | 5.5 | Regular |
Route, Matthew | VLA/18B-070 | Multiband Radio Observations of T Tauri Systems with Circumstellar Disks | 22.68 | Regular |
Roychowdhury, Sambit | VLA/18B-244 | Resolved HI observations of DustPedia dwarf galaxies | 24.5 | Regular |
Sahai, Raghvendra | VLA/18B-281 | Shocked and Scorched in the W5 Star-Forming Region | 6.5 | Regular |
Sanchez-Monge, Alvaro | VLA/18B-169 | Temperature measurements in three nearby high-mass star-forming clusters | 14 | Regular |
Sanchez, Monica | VLA/18B-301 | Observations of New Nearby Galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance | 8 | Regular |
Sanna, Alberto | VLA/18B-148 | Physical conditions of the ammonia clump in Cepheus A | 10.5 | Regular |
Schinzel, Frank | VLA/18B-027 | Polarized synchrotron emission from M31 | 8 | Regular |
Sebokolodi, Makhuduga | VLA/18B-022 | Wideband L-Band Polarimetry Imaging of Cygnus A | 3 | Regular |
Seethapuram Sridhar, Sarrvesh | VLA/18B-322 | Revealing the nature of anomalous arms in NGC 4258 using Faraday Tomography | 4.8 | Regular |
Sheehan, Patrick | VLA/18B-179 | Constraints on Embedded Disk Structures and Masses | 9 | Regular |
Shu, Xinwen | VLA/18B-086 | Radio emission from a new type of TDE candidates revealed with IR echoes | 3.78 | Regular |
Shu, Xinwen | VLA/18B-115 | Peculiar radio variability from a supersoft AGN: relativistic jet or ISS effect? | 3.498 | Regular |
Sivakoff, Gregory | VLA/18B-316 | Radio Spectral and Polarmetric Evolution of an Astrophysical Neutrino Source | 9 | Triggered |
Smith, Krista | VLA/18B-245 | The Last Piece of the Puzzle: A JVLA Radio Atlas of the BAT AGN Legacy Survey | 23 | Regular |
Sokoloski, Jennifer | VLA/18B-265 | How Do Nova Eruptions Form Dust? | 27; Swift: 20 ksec | Triggered |
Stierwalt, Sabrina | VLA/18B-062 | Using HI to Characterize Dwarf Galaxy Groups | 51 | Regular |
talia, margherita | VLA/18B-118 | Key laboratory to test inter-stellar medium properties of a compact SFG at z~2 | 10 | Regular |
Tozzi, Paolo | VLA/18B-032 | A Systematic Study of Mechanical-mode Feedback in CLASH Clusters | 25.5 | Regular |
TROJA, ELEONORA | VLA/18B-206 | Electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave events | 78 | Triggered |
Utomo, Dyas | VLA/18B-184 | Tracing atomic gas in the PHANGS sample: Linking Cloud Properties to ISM Physics | 150.8 | Regular |
Vacca, Valentina | VLA/18B-231 | Diffuse synchrotron emission from a nearby filament of galaxy clusters | 33.6 | Regular |
van den Eijnden, Jakob | VLA/18B-104 | Discovering jets in symbiotic X-ray binary systems | 7; Swift: 2 ksec | Regular |
van Weeren, Reinout | VLA/18A-172 | Uncovering a New Population of Diffuse Ultra-Steep Spectrum Radio Sources | 60 | Regular |
Vig, Sarita | VLA/18B-029 | Particle acceleration in Herbig-Haro objects | 10 | Regular |
Wang, Tao | VLA/18B-135 | CO redshift survey of a pilot sample of ALMA-detected, HST-dark galaxies at z>4 | 26 | Regular |
Wang, Tao | VLA/18B-195 | A deep CO(1-0) survey towards the most distant known galaxy cluster at z=2.51 | 29.6 | Regular |
Webb, Tracy | VLA/18B-177 | A Deep CO 1-0 Image of a Spectacular Starbursting BCG at High Redshift | 11 | Regular |
Wharton, Robert | VLA/18B-295 | Probing the Magneto-ionic Environment of FRB 121102 | 20 | Regular |
Wiklind, Tommy | VLA/18B-235 | The Neutral ISM in Local High-z Analog Galaxies | 11 | Regular |
Wilcots, Eric | VLA/18B-251 | Searching for HI Gas in and around Quenched Low-Mass AGN | 90 | Regular |
Williams, Anna | VLA/18B-308 | A Multi-frequency VLA Study of Nearby Starburst Dwarf Galaxy NGC 4449 | 17 | Regular |
Williams, Gwenllian | VLA/18B-219 | Interaction of two IRDC hubs: A complete evolutionary study of the SDC13 region | 5.3 | Regular |
Yang, Aiyuan | VLA/18B-063 | A detailed study of PNe associated with OH and H2O masers | 13 | Regular |
Yang, Aiyuan | VLA/18B-064 | A search for OH and H2O maser emissions towards obscured young planetary nebulae | 4.5 | Regular |
Yang, Aiyuan | VLA/18B-065 | Searching for Hypercompact HII regions from positive radio spectra HII regions | 9 | Regular |
Yang, Chentao | VLA/18B-190 | Cold molecular gas reservoir in a lensed submillimeter galaxy at z=3.6 | 20 | Regular |
Young, Lisa | VLA/18B-167 | HI vs. stellar kinematics in a multi-spin stellar counterrotator galaxy | 7.5 | Regular |
Young, Lisa | VLA/18B-172 | The nature & origin of AGC 249460: dwarf galaxy or debris? | 6 | Regular |
Yuan, Zhen | VLA/18B-334 | Inefficient Star Formation in Galaxies with High Gas to Stellar Mass Ratio | 9.8 | Regular |
Zappacosta, Luca | VLA/18B-149 | Revealing the largest giant radio galaxy in the Universe. | 2 | Regular |
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