Active Large Proposals

Active Large Proposals
Proj. IDP.I.Title
VLA/13B-266 van Gorkom CHILES, the COSMOS HI Large Extragalactic Survey
VLA/15A-235 Berger New Insights on Gamma-Ray Bursts with the Jansky VLA: A Legacy Approach
VLA/15B-175 Menten A comprehensive Galactic plane radio wavelength star formation survey
VLA/16A-174 Menten A comprehensive Galactic plane radio wavelength star formation survey
VLA/16A-197 Tobin The VLA Orion Protostellar Multiplicity and Disk Survey
VLA/16A-249 Braatz Completing the Megamaser Cosmology Project
VLA/16A-303 Sjouwerman BAaDE: Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamic Evolution (IV)
VLA/16A-341 Meyer Widefield HI Observations of the GAMA/SAMI/DINGO Regions
VLA/16B-320 Murphy Unveiling the High-Reshift Universe Through a Deep 10GHz Survey of GOODS-N
VLA/17A-090 Borthakur How are HI Disks Fed? Probing Condensation at the Disk-Halo Interface
VLA/17A-197 Menten A comprehensive Galactic plane radio wavelength star formation survey
VLA/17A-240 Cannon HI Imaging Of The Lyman Alpha Reference Sample
VLA/17A-284 Sjouwerman BAaDE: Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamic Evolution (V)
VLA/17A-374 Mooley JAGWAR: Jansky VLA mapping of Gravitational Wave bursts as Afterglows in Radio

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.