All Science Programs 2010

Science Program 2010C

The June 2010 Call for Proposals covered the third trimester of 2010. A total of 222 proposals were received. The GBT and the VLA/VLBA Proposal Selection Committees (PSC) met in the second week of August to review the referee rankings and technical reports for all proposals, with the goal of providing a recommended science program to the NRAO Director's Office.

A list of the approved EVLA, VLBA/High Sensitivity Array (HSA), and GBT observing programs for Trimester 2010-C is given below. For each approved program is listed: (a) the PI's last name; (b) the title of the approved proposal, and the total hours allocated for the program, and (d) the type of proposal (Regular or Large). In cases of Large proposals or monitoring projects the time allocated may be over more than one trimester.


Science Program 2010B

The approved EVLA, GBT, and VLBA/High Sensitivity Array (HSA) observing programs for NRAO Trimester 2010-B are given below. For each approved program, we list: (a) Principal Investigator (PI), (b) proposal title, (c) total hours allocated for the program, and (d) proposal type (Regular or Large). Time allocated to Large Proposals and monitoring projects may extend over more than one trimester.


Science Program 2010A

The October 2009 call for proposals, covering the first trimester of 2010, included a number of new capabilities. Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) Early Science is expected to begin in March 2010 following the shutdown of the old VLA correlator and the transfer of hardware to the new EVLA WIDAR correlator. Similarly, the new DiFX software correlator, with increased science capabilities, will go into routine operation for Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) programs. At the Green Bank Telescope (GBT), the pulsar Spigot and spectrometer system was being retired in favor of the new Green Bank Ultimate Pulsar Processing Instrument (GUPPI) pulsar back end. The first trimester of 2010 also marks an operational milestone with all three of NRAO's current telescopes using dynamic scheduling as the default scheduling mode.


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The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.